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"...Polly take it off again; they've all gone away."

Nan in Mass

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What is your youngest doing in Japan, and how long will he be gone?


How wonderful for him. How jarring for you to go from a house full of energy and testosterone to an empty nest! Nobody warns us about this stage of motherhood! Pamper yourself for a few days. Eat what you want, watch tv in the middle of the day, read trashy guilty pleasure novels. Ignore all the socks they've left by the couch, under the tables and close the doors to their rooms.


I'm facing the opposite. I've had a fairly quiet house for the last year but ds#1 is moving back home til school starts in late August, and my dh is back to working from home full time. It's going to be noisy and busy once again.



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He is going to the memorial ceremony of the leader of the Nipponzan Myohoji Buddhist order, Nichidatsu Fujii, sight seeing, trying to learn some Japanese, and doing some peace walking. He will be gone a month. I am happy he is getting to do this, but I miss him.


The sock situation is definately out of control. : ) So far, I haven't come across anything that should be far away with one of the boys. That usually happens. There was a last minute panic about passport renewal for one of the college students, and the nurse wants me to call her about a concern about the youngest's blood work. Hmmm. Should I tell her he is probably living on coffee milk out of vending machines and white rice? And that I have no way of contacting him for a few weeks?


At least it is sunny.



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He is going to the memorial ceremony of the leader of the Nipponzan Myohoji Buddhist order, Nichidatsu Fujii, sight seeing, trying to learn some Japanese, and doing some peace walking. He will be gone a month. I am happy he is getting to do this, but I miss him.




Hey Nan,


Have I ever told you that I think you and your boys are just So Cool?


The adventures within your family always sound like Swallows and Amazons (the Ransome books) on a global scale.


From the Snowy South (!?!),


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Hi Nan! I am glad you have heard form your guys! My ds is in transit as we speak (type?!). His original flight yesterday was cancelled due to weather and tonight he is facing delays and gate changes while waiting for his connecting flight. An old friend who lives in the area of his final destination was to pick him up - I hope that still works out. This new destination is about 45 minutes away from his college campus. His original destination was 8 miles, but there are no flights there until tomorrow - when classes start. Welcome to adulthood! I miss him so bad it hurts.

Blessings and hugs to all of us who have sent our students back to college (and other adventures!),


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Can we get together on Thursday for a virtual cup of tea and copious quantities of chocolate? :grouphug:


1) Ds2 left for India for an international kite-flying event last Friday.

2) Dd1 left for her final semester at college on Sunday.

3) Ds1 leaves to finish his year abroad at Oxford on Wednesday.


Thursday I plan to sit down and rejoice that my kids have such amazing opportunities. And then I will cry because I miss them! And I will give lots of kisses and hugs to the remaining child at home!

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Definately. I even have nice chocolate to share - my Christmas Godivas and the box of Mozarts that our Ukrainian friend gave me. At least only one of mine is overseas. I am lavishing all my love on the dog and cat. It looks like my husband might work at home tomorrow (snow), which will be nice.

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He flew in and is flying out of Tokyo. The rest of the time, I think he is elsewhere. I wish I had known beforehand; I would have sent the information with him. I don't really have a good way of getting in touch with him now. We've heard from him twice now, once call and one email, which is astounding considering how these trips usually go, but it is one-way communication for the most part, him to us. Except for Japan, I have always sent contact information for someone in the country outside the group, just in case. If I thought for a minute mine would need that, I wouldn't send them, but it still makes me feel better. Thank you for the offer. I will pm you and perhaps you could give me the info anyway, in case there is a hitch with his flying arrangements home? I think there is a temple right under the airport, but I also think it might be under construction? My older one was left to get himself from southern Japan to the airport (someone bought his train ticket for him). Actually, someone was supposed to meet him to take him across Tokyo to the airport, but he didn't know that and took himself, causing more than a bit of an upset for the poor meeters. Things happen. I'm not too worried, though. This son is older. Thank you!


In his email, my youngest said that Japan was very far away, also, so far away that he has trouble remembering the things he did at home. He is amazed at how every single tiny thing is different.



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