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I confess that sometimes I check "kid videos" out of the library that are really for ME. ;) I've watched Puss in Boots with Christopher Walken 3 times. My dd wouldn't even sit through 10 minutes of it because she said it was "cheesy" and "boring". :tongue_smilie::lol: I've actually stayed up late when everyone else was gone to bed and watched it on Hulu. I can't help myself! hehehehe

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I hang dh's work shirts in a certain order-alphabetical by color (blue, brown, orange, etc), long sleeves first, then short sleeves. The front of the shirts must face to the left. Dh sometimes messes with them just to get at me. He'll hang them out.of.order and backwards. :glare:


I must pee just before going to bed. Even if I just went 5 minutes before that. I just can't fall asleep.


I, too, am worried about that mysterious being under the bed and I will vault into bed. Except our bed is on a wood floor and skids sideways whenever I do it which dh finds particularly funny. :tongue_smilie:

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This thread has me totally spooked. I went to the store tonight and I was so jumpy unloading my trunk! I'm sure the neighbors got a good laugh if they looked outside.:tongue_smilie:


I will confess I had a dream about pizza rolls when I was pregnant 11 years ago and I now must eat them at least once a month.:001_huh:

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I must confess my crushes. My dh knows about them so it's OK.;)


I have a huge crush on Jason Bourne! NOT Matt Damon but Jason Bourne. I love him and call him my boyfriend. My family loves to tease me about it and my dh is OK with it.:lol:


I also have a basketball crush on Lamar Odom from the Lakers. I am a long time Laker fan and a basketball fanatic and I love Lamar! Dh knows about this one too and accepts it.:lol:


I dvr NBA games no matter who's playing and turn them on for background noise while I fall asleep. Dh turns off the tv for me when he comes to bed.


There were 5 televised basketball games on Christmas day and I watched all of them.:001_huh:


I also share many of the same fears as others here. The movie Signs makes my skin crawl. I can't hear it talked about and cannot see the movie cover without getting the heebie jeebies.


I was laughing at the poster who organizes her husband's shirts and telling my dd how ridiculous that is until I began to realize that the only difference I have with her is that I don't alphabetize.:tongue_smilie: I iron all of his shirts, organized them by short and long sleeves, group them by color (but I'm not crazy enough to alphabetize them ;):lol:) and the must all be facing the same direction.


I've also been known to secretly refold dh's clothes if he's done it himself. He folds his underwear and t-shirts "backwards" and I can't live with that. I would never tell him because, well, they're his underwear and I don't want to discourage him from helping.:lol:

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What a hillarious thread! How funny to know you're not alone in your quirkiness :grouphug:


M. Night Shyamalama movies creep me out to no end .


The other day my 2yo was playing and out of the blue he says "I see people". The Sixth Sense immediately came to mind. I said "what?" so he repeated, then I looked at my dh and said "well, as long as he leaves out the "dead" part, I guess we're alright ;)


I'm sometimes afraid that someone is hiding under my bed if I wake up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom so I rush out of bed quickly so he can't grab me.


My husband cannot sleep with the closet door open in the room. He says that the closet monster will get us.


I saw a movie when I was very young, I think it was called "The Hand" with Michael Cain? This disconnected hand used to crawl around and get people! For a long time after that one, I used to leap into bed thinking that darn things was going to reach out and get me! Surely it was under the bed or waiting beneath the stairs :lol:


I give my Mother all kinds of grief over this now. . .but when we were young (there were four of us) she used to load us up in the car and take us to the drive-in to see movies like Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Nightmare on Elm Street, Firday the 13th, Cujo, etc. It used to freak me out and give me nightmares! I don't know what she was thinking! but figure it was the probably cheapest get away from my alcoholic father :glare: Now I don't do scary movies - too stressful!


No open closets here either. Looks like the abyss when it's dark!


I read a "true crime" story once where the criminal found his victims by finding homes where the doors where left unlocked. . .so I picked up the obsessive habit of locking and double checking the doors day and night! And have been known to wake dh up from sleep and have him recheck them!


When I have to open one to let the dog out, I peek out first to make sure no one is there :w00t:


Too much more to disclose as I am OCD for sure, but it's fun reading all the confessions!

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Confession: I hate when the kids want to play in the snow. I know, I know. I should be out there dragging them around on a sled and building snowmen with them. But I hate winter, hate ice, hate snow, hate cold, hate all of it.


So I send them out into the backyard alone all the while thinking "Ugh. I'm spending more time helping to layer clothes and put on boots and mittens and hats and jackets, and then helping to take off layers of clothes and boots and mittens and hats and jackets and finding a place to let them all dry (which looks like a mess in the meanwhile) and getting aggravated over snow melting all over the floor (though I do try to keep that aggravation to myself) than they are spending actually playing outside."


It's SUCH a hassle. :P


Confession: Sometimes dirty laundry piles up all over the bathroom floor to the point where I'm literally stepping over a pile of it before I bring myself to do the laundry. And I really don't think this four against one thing is fair to begin with...it's RIDICULOUS the amount of dirty clothes my family comes up with, and how quickly they accumulate it!


Confession: Last night my husband was out on the late side and I knew I was going to be tired before he got home. So I asked 10 y/o dd, "Do you want to lay in my bed with me and read? You can just fall asleep there if you want and Daddy will wake you up when he gets home." She said, "Why, are you scared?" (haha!) I said "NO, I just thought you might like to. It's up to you!" She said, "Okay." (I wasn't being TOTALLY honest but can't creep the kids out by making them think Mommy is nervous to be in her own house at night, right?!) hehe.

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I am rolling here! Ok, here's my confession: I'm obsessing about what to name the baby. I have even dreamt about it for the last two nights. I can't remember specifics, just that I dreamt about the anxiety of baby naming lol.


The funny thing is, with my other three children, I *never* had such a hard time with naming baby.

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to do the laundry. And I really don't think this four against one thing is fair to begin with...it's RIDICULOUS the amount of dirty clothes my family comes up with, and how quickly they accumulate it!QUOTE]


I agree! When one of mine was around 5yo he had to take dirty clothes from my closet to the basement laundry area. He said (in his best whiney, forlorn voice), "If people wouldn't wear so much clothes, I wouldn't have such a hard job to do!" To which I replied, "Yeah, you and me both, Honey!"



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I agree! When one of mine was around 5yo he had to take dirty clothes from my closet to the basement laundry area. He said (in his best whiney, forlorn voice), "If people wouldn't wear so much clothes, I wouldn't have such a hard job to do!" To which I replied, "Yeah, you and me both, Honey!"




:lol: That is so cute!

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Haven't read all of the replies yet. Surely someone has beat me to this one, but here goes: I confess that when I have to use the restroom in the middle of the night I always flip on the light and check the toilet for snakes! LOL


Eh...I also confess that I spent the entire day today huddled under an electric blanket on the sofa. It's so cold outside!!!

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I confess that I *MUST* cover my ears with my hair or else I can't get to sleep. I fear that an earwig will crawl in. I've had this fear ever since I saw an episode on Night Gallery where an earwig crawled into a man's ear and ate at his brain. He went crazy.



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I am also afraid of opening canned biscuits. I won't do it. That little *POP* the can makes when the pressure is released...ack!


:lol::lol: I always put a huge distance between me and the can and I still always flinch!


I squealed with delight when I read this. ME TOO! hehehehe It's like waiting for a jack-in-the-box. I don't like it. It always surprises me and scares me a bit. :tongue_smilie:

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I squealed with delight when I read this. ME TOO! hehehehe It's like waiting for a jack-in-the-box. I don't like it. It always surprises me and scares me a bit. :tongue_smilie:


:lol: I WILL open the cans, but I DO hold the can pretty far away from me and sort of turn my head to the side and flinch a little, too. haha!

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