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Anyone here believe in "being saved by grace"??

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I admit, I did not grow up in a Christian household. I know nothing about all the different Christian beliefs.


I met a nice Christian lady about 10 years ago, I felt a need to be saved, and accepted Jesus Christ as my Savior. I prayed the sinners prayer and feel Jesus lives in my heart. I go to a non-denom Church. I try not to Sin.


I believe the Bible is the Holy Word of God. I have been baptised as an infant and not as a new Believer...yet.


I try to teach my children about Jesus and accepting him into your heart.


Our Church teaches that if you accept Jesus into your heart, truly mean it, feel it etc..you are saved and will go to Heaven. Saved by grace and that Jesus took the punishment for our sins on the cross.


John 3:16 I was taught pretty much sums it all up.


What am I missing and why does anything more have to be so confusing.


Why after reading all the other religious posts here, do I begin to question my own Salvation???


UGH...I need to go back to Church tomorrow!

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I believe in being saved by grace.

My brain is kinda fuzzy right now...so I won't try to explain it...but I looked it up and this page sums up some of what I believe about losing or retaining salvation:



There are some other great verses about that (which tend to reinforce what I think about NOT losing salvation), but I can't think of them right now!

Hopefully someone else will chime in.


But :grouphug:, I really believe you CAN'T lose something like that and you can't "earn" it either.

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Yes, I believe we are saved by grace. I believe that Jesus came to this earth, lived a perfect sinless life, and was crucified on the cross as payment for my sins. I believe if we accept Him and His sacrifice, we are saved and will live with Him forever in heaven. As you said, John 3:16 pretty much says it all.


It is so simple, but so complicated. All I know is that we don't deserve it, but God believes we're worth it.

:grouphug: Don't let Satan steal your joy in Christ!!! Be secure in your faith in Jesus. He is all you need!

Edited by Nakia
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Yes, I believe we are saved by grace. I believe that Jesus came to this earth, lived a perfect sinless life, and was crucified on the cross a payment for my sins. As you said, John 3:16 pretty much says it all.


It is so simple, but so complicated. All I know is that we don't deserve it, but God believes we're worth it.

:grouphug: Don't let Satan steal your joy in Christ!!! Be secure in your faith in Jesus. He is all you need!

Thank you very much!

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I believe in being saved by grace.

My brain is kinda fuzzy right now...so I won't try to explain it...but I looked it up and this page sums up some of what I believe about losing or retaining salvation:



There are some other great verses about that (which tend to reinforce what I think about NOT losing salvation), but I can't think of them right now!

Hopefully someone else will chime in.


But :grouphug:, I really believe you CAN'T lose something like that and you can't "earn" it either.

Thank you!

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You don't have to question your salvation. Most mainstream Christian denominations embrace what you are expressing. I believe it. Not everyone on this board does though and so you get discussions.


This forum and other sites like to discuss doctrine & theology. That is basically the nitty gritty details of what various religions and denominations believe.


There are benefits to knowing doctrine. The better you know what you believe and/or should believe the less likely you to are to swayed by false truths. This is clearly a Biblical concept. However, it doesn't have to undermine your faith and ability to rest in what Christ has accomplished on our behalf. Hugs.


Maybe think of it as the difference between a cook home cook and a chef. Some folks just enjoy digging deeper. If you are a home cook don't let that chef get you down. And the chef shouldn't assume that the home cook doesn't know how to feed her children properly.

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I believe in being saved by grace.

My brain is kinda fuzzy right now...so I won't try to explain it...but I looked it up and this page sums up some of what I believe about losing or retaining salvation:



There are some other great verses about that (which tend to reinforce what I think about NOT losing salvation), but I can't think of them right now!

Hopefully someone else will chime in.


But :grouphug:, I really believe you CAN'T lose something like that and you can't "earn" it either.



Thanks for this link.


The most frequent objections to the belief that a Christian cannot lose salvation are 1) What about those who are Christians and continually live an immoral lifestyle? 2) What about those who are Christians but later reject the faith and deny Christ? The problem with these two objections is the phrase “who are Christians.†The Bible declares that a true Christian will not live a continually immoral lifestyle (1 John 3:6). The Bible declares that anyone who departs the faith is demonstrating that he never truly was a Christian (1 John 2:19). Therefore, neither objection is valid. Christians do not continually live immoral lifestyles, nor do they reject the faith and deny Christ. Such actions are proof that they were never redeemed.



Herein lies a problem- who/what determines what an "immoral lifestyle" is? Is watching trash tv and saying the occasional curse word indicative of an immoral lifestyle? If so then I am worried! Truly, this is something I have struggled with - the legalistic rules of what constitutes a Christian and what doesn't. It is all very confusing.

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Thanks for this link.




Herein lies a problem- who/what determines what an "immoral lifestyle" is? Is watching trash tv and saying the occasional curse word indicative of an immoral lifestyle? If so then I am worried! Truly, this is something I have struggled with - the legalistic rules of what constitutes a Christian and what doesn't. It is all very confusing.


Good Question! Is watching Reality TV for example a sin! Most of it is trash! Just using that as an example

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Herein lies a problem- who/what determines what an "immoral lifestyle" is? Is watching trash tv and saying the occasional curse word indicative of an immoral lifestyle? If so then I am worried! Truly, this is something I have struggled with - the legalistic rules of what constitutes a Christian and what doesn't. It is all very confusing.

Turn to God. He determines what an immoral lifestyle is.


Here's the deal (and one of my favorite things to remember), we are works in progress. Christ is making a new work in us until the day we go to join Him. So, we have a lot of changes to be made, we have a lot of perfecting to go through, and when it's done, we're done ;)


Really, though, these questions go back to the original answer. If you are saved and have God's Spirit dwellling inside you, then you'll move away from immoral things. Not because a legalistic church says to, not because your mother told you it was wrong, you will move away, because as you move closer to God the things of the world become dim.

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I admit, I did not grow up in a Christian household. I know nothing about all the different Christian beliefs.


I met a nice Christian lady about 10 years ago, I felt a need to be saved, and accepted Jesus Christ as my Savior. I prayed the sinners prayer and feel Jesus lives in my heart. I go to a non-denom Church. I try not to Sin.


I believe the Bible is the Holy Word of God. I have been baptised as an infant and not as a new Believer...yet.


I try to teach my children about Jesus and accepting him into your heart.


Our Church teaches that if you accept Jesus into your heart, truly mean it, feel it etc..you are saved and will go to Heaven. Saved by grace and that Jesus took the punishment for our sins on the cross.


John 3:16 I was taught pretty much sums it all up.


What am I missing and why does anything more have to be so confusing.


Why after reading all the other religious posts here, do I begin to question my own Salvation???


UGH...I need to go back to Church tomorrow!


Don't worry. You're good.

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Why after reading all the other religious posts here, do I begin to question my own Salvation???



:grouphug: Don't do that. You've been around here enough to know that topics cycle. I suppose right now it is the RCs and EOs turn. And hey, they are nice respectful threads. You know not too long ago those and the LDS thread would have been locked the the very least, but more than likely deleted and numerous members banned. :D


And if you are questioning, maybe you should start a thread about your actual questions so 1) others that have your belief can help you through this hump and 2) the rest of us can learn something. ;)

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Good Question! Is watching Reality TV for example a sin! Most of it is trash! Just using that as an example



Well, sin is one thing- I believe we all sin everyday in one way or another, with our thoughts or our mouth or our actions. Sin happens, but at what point is a sinner living an immoral lifestyle?


If I watch soap operas everyday, swear when I stub my toe or sometimes when I am angry about something, if I don't swear off all R rated movies or let my children watch Sponge Bob or Beavis and Butthead am I not a Christian?


When I was a new Christian I became very legalistic and stopped listening to music that wasn't christian in nature, stopped watching most tv, didn't swear, didn't wear v-neck shirts etc. All this was completely different from how I had been living prior to accepting Christ. I truly felt different and close to God, but after several years I became so weary of following all the "rules" and my marriage was going through a very difficult time and things gradually just changed. Now, I believe wholeheartedly that God created me and the world, that Jesus died for my sins and I believe that He is the only way to the Father - and I am saved because of believing what Jesus did for me. That said, I don't live by all the "rules" anymore. DH and I watch the occasional R movie. I have let my kids watch dumb cartoons. We do not attend church anymore, but instead are part of a home group bible study.


Sometimes, I get overwhelmed by the opinions of others and wonder if really I am doomed for hell because I am not a picture perfect Christian.

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:grouphug: Don't do that. You've been around here enough to know that topics cycle. I suppose right now it is the RCs and EOs turn. And hey, they are nice respectful threads. You know not too long ago those and the LDS thread would have been locked the the very least, but more than likely deleted and numerous members banned. :D


And if you are questioning, maybe you should start a thread about your actual questions so 1) others that have your belief can help you through this hump and 2) the rest of us can learn something. ;)

Yes, I have but rarely post or read the General forum! LOL


I'm good, I appreciate everyone always being so honest and such. I literally don't question my own salvation...just curious about all the belief systems. Thank you!

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Yes, I have but rarely post or read the General forum! LOL


I'm good, I appreciate everyone always being so honest and such. I literally don't question my own salvation...just curious about all the belief systems. Thank you!


Being curious is good! I find different sects of Christianity and other religions to be fascinating. I am reading through the LDS thread, but I can't keep up with it, lol. I wish someone would start a similar thread on Jehovah's Witnesses. I am so curious about the JW faith.


Knowledge is a wonderful thing! :grouphug:

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What am I missing and why does anything more have to be so confusing.



I believe that when you repent, the next step is baptism...not months later, but straight away:


Confessing their sins, they were baptized by him in the Jordan River. Matthew 3:6


Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned. Mark 16:16


Between my repentance and baptism I've been sturggling, struggling, struggling. Pulled back and forth. After my baptism things changed, it's amazing! Not that I never had my doubts, but not in the same way as before


Yes I believe in saved by grace, but:


Anyone who loves me will obey my teaching. My Father will love them, and we will come to them and make our home with them.

Anyone who does not love me will not obey my teaching. These words you hear are not my own; they belong to the Father who sent me.

John 14:23-24


Circumcision is nothing and uncircumcision is nothing. Keeping God’s command is what counts.

1 Corinthians 7:18-20


I was actually surprized to read how many commands there are to keep (in the NT!!) So I believe that you are saved by grace. But I don't believe in once saved always saved.


Hop this helps.

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Yes, I have but rarely post or read the General forum! LOL


I'm good, I appreciate everyone always being so honest and such. I literally don't question my own salvation...just curious about all the belief systems. Thank you!

Gotcha! :thumbup1:

Being curious is good! I find different sects of Christianity and other religions to be fascinating. I am reading through the LDS thread, but I can't keep up with it, lol. I wish someone would start a similar thread on Jehovah's Witnesses. I am so curious about the JW faith.


Knowledge is a wonderful thing! :grouphug:

That would be cool! I wonder if we have a brave soul onboard.


And I'm waiting patiently for Faithe (I think it is Faithe) to start one about the Messianic Jews.

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Sometimes, I get overwhelmed by the opinions of others and wonder if really I am doomed for hell because I am not a picture perfect Christian.


I really used to be the same way, until we found the church we attend now. I have never felt more loved by Jesus, warts and all. There is so much teaching about grace and love and all that God is really about. I'm not saying it's just a rosy picture of "you are okay, do what you want, God loves you". Not at all. But the focus is on grace and the fact that God loves us how we are, but He is not going to let us stay that way! It is a beautiful thing.

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I don't believe in assurance of salvation, no. I believe we're saved by grace to the extent that only the gift of God's grace can pull us of out of sin, but I don't think that "accepting Christ as your personal Savior" guarantees you a way into Heaven. Reading Scripture, I think it's clear that Jesus Christ expects something more out of us than warm feelings (I'm not trying to be rude here). I think He left us a pretty clear path to Him, and I don't think that striving to live by that is "legalistic" (or, if it is, I don't think it's a negative thing).


I don't think that Truth will always make us comfortable, but it will set us free. I might think that assurance of salvation sounds nicer, but I don't think it's supported in Scripture and I don't think it's logical.


So there's my two cents :)

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i am a christian and i believe in saved by grace. i struggle with doubts sometimes and i find that i am looking to my own power when i do this. i look at the strength of my faith or try and measure my devotion or something like that. Though self examination is a good thing, our hope and assurance is in Christ and His work for us. When I meditate on Christ, my faith is strengthened.

I would encourage you when you start to worry or feel like you aren't the perfect example realise that Christ is the only perfect one and you are perfect in him. Like a pp said it is a work in progress, but one God promises to complete.

God keeps His promises, even when we don't.

Look to Christ, not to yourself.

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Yes, I believe we are saved by grace. I believe that Jesus came to this earth, lived a perfect sinless life, and was crucified on the cross as payment for my sins. I believe if we accept Him and His sacrifice, we are saved and will live with Him forever in heaven. As you said, John 3:16 pretty much says it all.


It is so simple, but so complicated. All I know is that we don't deserve it, but God believes we're worth it.

:grouphug: Don't let Satan steal your joy in Christ!!! Be secure in your faith in Jesus. He is all you need!

:iagree: Many times we miss the forest for the trees, kwim?


I come from a formal religious background, went to college at a formal religious institution and was indoctrinated in their thinking, married hubby who earned his M.Div. when we were newlyweds, and then got into the Pastoral scene and missionary work for 20+ years. As a result, we've run into many fellow believers who have struggled with this viewpoint and seen MANY denominations (and non-denom folks) give opinions all over the spectrum. LOL ;)


I personally think the Bible (and God) really have it lined up simply. Your name is written in His Book of Life, He knew you in the womb, He uses all for His will (vessels of light vs vessels of destruction) and Glory, He sits in the heavens and does as He pleases, and so on. Man has to control. God does not. Man has tried to control God and as a result we have doctrines. However, doctrines do not save your soul. Only Jesus (God's son) can do that. You cannot lose your salvation. God doesn't care what denomination you attend on Sunday or if you worship Him by yourself on a mountain top. It is a personal relationship.


I know for myself and hubby, there was a time in our lives we were caught up in our "brains" trying to rationalize God via hubby's M.Div training and Pastoral duties. We would talk about the difference between supralapsarianism and infralapsarianism. Gnosticism. About Calvinism versus Armenism. Spurgeon's thoughts on Romans 9:21. Aaaauuugh. :lol:


Then we veered direction and embraced all things non-denominationally and the Holy Spirit. Ran into some people who believed differently. Saw a lot in both camps, to get to my original point. Became disillusioned with religion in America and did not attend church for many years as a result. Remember how I said it was a personal relationship with God? During that time, we still did our daily devotions and felt God was near. But the idea of fellow brothers and sisters being so dysfunctional (and having to be the one to mend or repair them as Pastors) really took a toll on us. It felt wonderful to be in the world (outside of church) and get healing from non-believers, to be honest. Now we are finally stepping back into the realm of formal church services once again -- but starting out via a homechurch group of 20 to 30 believers (former "burnt out" Pastors, missionaries, and young College converts) for the last 2 years. I'm still leery of attending a building for Sunday services. But I know in time I will be getting back in the fold, so to speak.


Well, I am rambling... but to agree with Nakia's post... keep it simple. God looks at the heart, not what brand or flavor doctrine you subscribe to. For those who need an intellectual or spiritual focus on doctrine, good for them. For those who do not and instead come to God much like the innocence of a child, good for them too.


Worship God in your heart daily however you please. Just attending Sunday services is not the point. Reminds me of the old Keith Green saying, "Going to church doesn't make you a Christian anymore than going to McDonald's makes you a hamburger." ;)

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I'm not saying it's just a rosy picture of "you are okay, do what you want, God loves you". Not at all. But the focus is on grace and the fact that God loves us how we are, but He is not going to let us stay that way! It is a beautiful thing.

Excellent point. Many times, new converts to Christianity get told how smooth or easy the walk with Christ is -- and then become shocked at how heavy the cost of commitment is to follow Him. Grace is the key. Our God is merciful but it is His Grace that carries us thru many a trial.

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Daisy said it so well!


We are instructed to examine ourselves with regard to what we believe (2 Peter, I think?). Also, I believe that if you are even struggling with the things of God - that He is in your heart and mind at all - that is a wonderful thing!


You may enjoy listening to John Piper's teaching on 1 John. This epistle was written to assure believers. You can find Piper's sermons online at desiringgod.org, I think. These were very helpful to me when I was wrestling in a similar way.


You don't have to question your salvation. Most mainstream Christian denominations embrace what you are expressing. I believe it. Not everyone on this board does though and so you get discussions.


This forum and other sites like to discuss doctrine & theology. That is basically the nitty gritty details of what various religions and denominations believe.


There are benefits to knowing doctrine. The better you know what you believe and/or should believe the less likely you to are to swayed by false truths. This is clearly a Biblical concept. However, it doesn't have to undermine your faith and ability to rest in what Christ has accomplished on our behalf. Hugs.


Maybe think of it as the difference between a cook home cook and a chef. Some folks just enjoy digging deeper. If you are a home cook don't let that chef get you down. And the chef shouldn't assume that the home cook doesn't know how to feed her children properly.

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Yes and no.

I believe that everyone has God living inside them because we are of the nature of God, not separate. Jesus Christ is one vehicle to recognise that, but not the only one.

Grace is everywhere, all the time. Anyone can know that to the depths of their being, and one doesnt need to pledge loyalty to anyone or anything, only recognise the truth.

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Don't worry. You're good.


Yeah, that is awesome! Remember the thief on the cross and John 3:16. Everything will fall into place after that. God will help you find your way. Try to start some daily prayers and try to hear the voice of God.

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I am one who wasn't born into faith but came by it only 12 years ago. I tried to intellictualize faith for the longest time but finally decided that wasn't working so I decided to simply believe. Many more things make sense since that time. To me salvation through grace is one of them because I don't get how one could work it out on their own. I really don't worry too much about where I stand with God. I know he called me and he knew me and how I thought. I do feel like a work in progress (WIP) and that God is all good with that. I know I will continue to sin, especially in the pride department, but Christ has helped me reduce its occurances in my life.

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I admit, I did not grow up in a Christian household. I know nothing about all the different Christian beliefs.


I met a nice Christian lady about 10 years ago, I felt a need to be saved, and accepted Jesus Christ as my Savior. I prayed the sinners prayer and feel Jesus lives in my heart. I go to a non-denom Church. I try not to Sin.


I believe the Bible is the Holy Word of God. I have been baptised as an infant and not as a new Believer...yet.


I try to teach my children about Jesus and accepting him into your heart.


Our Church teaches that if you accept Jesus into your heart, truly mean it, feel it etc..you are saved and will go to Heaven. Saved by grace and that Jesus took the punishment for our sins on the cross.


John 3:16 I was taught pretty much sums it all up.


What am I missing and why does anything more have to be so confusing.


Why after reading all the other religious posts here, do I begin to question my own Salvation???


UGH...I need to go back to Church tomorrow!

Many of us believe that we are saved by Grace. But, it's when you ask what that means that you will get differing views ;)

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Many of us believe that we are saved by Grace. But, it's when you ask what that means that you will get differing views ;)


Yes, are there Christians who believe we are not saved by grace? The only thing I can think of is Catholics believe faith + works. Or am I wrong? I could be wrong.

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Yes, are there Christians who believe we are not saved by grace? The only thing I can think of is Catholics believe faith + works. Or am I wrong? I could be wrong.

I think it's more of a misunderstanding of their view of works. Even Calvinists understand that works are part of faith and Grace. One stems from the other. I've come to believe that others have unfairly labeled certain groups as "works based" when in truth they are not, but rather people have allowed semantics get in the way.


Now there are groups that are in the extreme edges of "works" and even of "faith" (aka I don't have to do anything and could even commit murder, I have my fire insurance from when I said this prayer I was told to say...type of thing, yes, I've met that type also).


I think this is where we come to the fork in the road of "is salvation a one time event or is it part of a journey". When did that journey begin and when does it end? "I have been saved, I am being saved, I will be saved".

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Yes, I believe we are saved by grace. I believe that Jesus came to this earth, lived a perfect sinless life, and was crucified on the cross as payment for my sins. I believe if we accept Him and His sacrifice, we are saved and will live with Him forever in heaven. As you said, John 3:16 pretty much says it all.


It is so simple, but so complicated. All I know is that we don't deserve it, but God believes we're worth it.

:grouphug: Don't let Satan steal your joy in Christ!!! Be secure in your faith in Jesus. He is all you need!

:iagree:Well said!

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I think it's more of a misunderstanding of their view of works. Even Calvinists understand that works are part of faith and Grace. One stems from the other. I've come to believe that others have unfairly labeled certain groups as "works based" when in truth they are not, but rather people have allowed semantics get in the way.


Now there are groups that are in the extreme edges of "works" and even of "faith" (aka I don't have to do anything and could even commit murder, I have my fire insurance from when I said this prayer I was told to say...type of thing, yes, I've met that type also).


I think this is where we come to the fork in the road of "is salvation a one time event or is it part of a journey". When did that journey begin and when does it end? "I have been saved, I am being saved, I will be saved".

I think that's where 'they were never saved to begin with' comes into play. I know people that prayed the prayer for 'fire insurance.' I know people whose faith is dead.

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I believe in salvation by grace. (Haven't read any other replies.) Although I was reared in the Protestant church my entire life, I have many questions. I think that is normal. In my experience, it is also normal to "question one's salvation" at times. I have a lot of questions but not a lot of answers. I also believe that spirituality and religion can get about as "deep" and philosophical and doctrinal as you choose to delve. If delving makes you anxious, go back to the basics, pray for guidance and don't worry about the rest. (I find myself there often.)

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I believe that when you repent, the next step is baptism...not months later, but straight away:


Confessing their sins, they were baptized by him in the Jordan River. Matthew 3:6


Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned. Mark 16:16


Between my repentance and baptism I've been sturggling, struggling, struggling. Pulled back and forth. After my baptism things changed, it's amazing! Not that I never had my doubts, but not in the same way as before


Yes I believe in saved by grace, but:


Anyone who loves me will obey my teaching. My Father will love them, and we will come to them and make our home with them.

Anyone who does not love me will not obey my teaching. These words you hear are not my own; they belong to the Father who sent me.

John 14:23-24


Circumcision is nothing and uncircumcision is nothing. Keeping God’s command is what counts.

1 Corinthians 7:18-20


I was actually surprized to read how many commands there are to keep (in the NT!!) So I believe that you are saved by grace. But I don't believe in once saved always saved.


Hop this helps.

:iagree: Acts 2:38 is another verse where baptism is commanded. It comes at the end of the very first gospel sermon preached by the Apostles after Jesus died. When those that believed asked what thye needed to do they were told to "Repent and Be Baptized for the remission of your sins." It is because of God's grace that Jesus came to die for us. His grace saves us but only when we have faith in Him and do as he has asked us to do. God also expects us to lead a life that is pleasing to Him. How do we know what that is? By studying the Bible. Does it always make sense? Is it easy? No, I struggle every day. Romans 3:23 says that all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.

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If anyone wants a blip oh JW's-here is some general info:


Jehovah's Witnesses believe in a supreme God — a spirit which has a body, but not a human body.


Jesus is the Lord and Savior but He is not a part of God.


They do not believe in the Trinity — the father, son and holy spirit — as, for example, Catholics do. Rather, Jesus is separate from God and was God's servant on Earth. Jesus is also said to have been given an exalted status in heaven to a higher level than angels.


Because they believe Jesus is not God, and because they believe that prayer is a form of worship and that one must not worship false gods, they pray to God, not Jesus.


At the end of the world- 144,000 people will get a chance to go to heaven. The rest will have a chance to be resurrected and live on a permanent paradise on Earth, as long as they are virtuous in life. Those judged unrighteous will cease to exist. They do not believe in a remaining soul after death.


All other religions are false.


From what I understand, voting is not common (Politics are not very important) and they do not take part in anything that has to do with national politics, including the singing of the national anthem or saluting the flag. They also do not celebrate birthdays or Christmas and most avoid Thanksgiving, which they consider to be a Pagan holiday. Weddings and funerals are observed, and celebrating anniversaries is not forbidden.


Pretty conservative-Homosexuality, premarital sex, and abortion are considered sins. For many, gambling and drinking are prohibited, though some choose to do so in moderation. Jehovah's Witnesses do not accept blood transfusion even if it means death.

Edited by OregonNative
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Yes, are there Christians who believe we are not saved by grace? The only thing I can think of is Catholics believe faith + works. Or am I wrong? I could be wrong.


Nope, Catholics believe we are saved by grace and grace alone. That grace results in both faith and the capability of doing good works and it demands our acceptance and cooperation, but it all originates in grace merited by Christ. From the Catechism:


1996 Our justification comes from the grace of God. Grace is favor, the free and undeserved help that God gives us to respond to his call to become children of God, adoptive sons, partakers of the divine nature and of eternal life.46


1997 Grace is a participation in the life of God. It introduces us into the intimacy of Trinitarian life: by Baptism the Christian participates in the grace of Christ, the Head of his Body. As an "adopted son" he can henceforth call God "Father," in union with the only Son. He receives the life of the Spirit who breathes charity into him and who forms the Church.


1998 This vocation to eternal life is supernatural. It depends entirely on God's gratuitous initiative, for he alone can reveal and give himself. It surpasses the power of human intellect and will, as that of every other creature.47


There's much more here: http://www.scborromeo.org/ccc/p3s1c3a2.htm

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I admit, I did not grow up in a Christian household. I know nothing about all the different Christian beliefs.


I met a nice Christian lady about 10 years ago, I felt a need to be saved, and accepted Jesus Christ as my Savior. I prayed the sinners prayer and feel Jesus lives in my heart. I go to a non-denom Church. I try not to Sin.


I believe the Bible is the Holy Word of God. I have been baptised as an infant and not as a new Believer...yet.


I try to teach my children about Jesus and accepting him into your heart.


Our Church teaches that if you accept Jesus into your heart, truly mean it, feel it etc..you are saved and will go to Heaven. Saved by grace and that Jesus took the punishment for our sins on the cross.


John 3:16 I was taught pretty much sums it all up.


What am I missing and why does anything more have to be so confusing.


Why after reading all the other religious posts here, do I begin to question my own Salvation???


UGH...I need to go back to Church tomorrow!


God's gift is so wonderful (and simple) and His grace so amazing. As Nakia said, don't let the enemy steal your joy in it. From the beginning in the garden he was always trying to make people question, "Did God really say....?". But God DID say so stay in the word, spend daily time with Him and keep your armor on (Ephesians 6:10-18). They more you learn in the word, the less you will question your salvation. You'll begin to KNOW Him so intimately that those lies will bounce right off! :)

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