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Gift ideas... when you'd rather pass

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short story


rough year

no $$


Last year had major holiday drama - therefore really not "feeling" gifting or being bothered, period.


Need some last minute thing.


when i felt like doing things - craft day - no one was up for it. Now, i could care less - but there's still the "expectation"


Smile/ exchange gifts/ act like last Christmas didn't happen.


i'm just tired of the B.S.


if I have to receive $$ to buy gifts why do it?


I have no extra $$


so if we could have done something MEANINGFUL to serve/ share as a family... and didn't!!?!


why would I take the extra $$ and buy anything other than food?


Not a scrooge - just practical


So I need some smile, eat, here's your gift... (watch the clock) can we go, now gift ideas.

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Bake something? It's pretty cheap to bake a cake from a box. Then take a circle of paper same size as cake....fold it many times, snip snip, and you have a snowflake template. Lay it on the cake and sprinkle powdered sugar through the snowflake template. Lift off carefully. Done! (I have one friend who does not bake ever, hates the artificial taste of store bought cakes, and can't afford the great bakery ones....so her gift each year is a coupon book for a cake a month...she tells me at the beginning of the month when she wants it, so it can fit for her needs, I have time to plan to get it done...and she's thrilled to death with my creations, whether they are powder sugar snowflakes, or the elaborate creation for her son's birthday!).


Fein illness so you can stay home and be happy?


Tell the truth..."we just aren't up to coming over today, happy holidays, see you in 2011".


And reconsider your plans for next year. Being as unhappy as your post sounds for a holiday is just so sad. See if you can bring yourself to eschew tradition and do what you and your family want for the holidays next year...and if that means no gifts, than great, no gifts necessary, if that means staying home and eating PB&J so be it. It's the best thing we ever decided to do for the holidays! Our way.

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Not going is NOT an option. "We" (Dh & I) are not in agreement about not going.


This really isn't just about the lack of money. It's the lack of desire to even "engage."


Tried having a discussion about our "plan" all year. Dh is not on board - loves Christmas depite the dysfunction.


I'm happy to not even deal with it. Sometimes families get into a way of being and it works for them. Dh does not ever "rock the boat" and is fine with the madness and if I'm not careful I'll be dragged along. I do it because my children are still young, truly enjoy the family gatherings, love the gifting, and are mostly oblivious to the "issues."


I've invested for years. The older I get, the less I'm inclined to extend myself.

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Dd is doing chocolate-covered pretzel sticks (just the tops) with sprinkles for her brothers.


There are a ton of $5 videos out there--maybe a video "basket" with some nice popcorn, a couple of mugs from the dollar store, and some hot chocolate, and a box or two of candy like you'd buy at the theater? It could be a $10 gift.

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Dd is doing chocolate-covered pretzel sticks (just the tops) with sprinkles for her brothers.


There are a ton of $5 videos out there--maybe a video "basket" with some nice popcorn, a couple of mugs from the dollar store, and some hot chocolate, and a box or two of candy like you'd buy at the theater? It could be a $10 gift.


Walmart has a large $5 DVD section right now including older TV series like I Love Lucy. So fun!


Sometimes you just have to go and fake like you are having a great time.


Good luck!

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We're broke too. This year all the men on my list are getting a coffee mug with a plastic bag filled with the ingredients for a "cake baked in a mug." I bought a package of nice plastic bags at Hobby Lobby, but you could just use a ziploc sandwich bag - cut the zipper off and tie it with a ribbon. Attach a label with the instructions. Presentation counts for a lot with homemade gifts. I bought my mugs at Target - 8 mugs for $16 - only $2/mug, but if I was only needing one gift, I would've pulled one of my nicer mugs from my cupboard and used that.


I am also regifting a few things. Dh is a letter carrier and always gets gifts from his patrons that he appreciates but doesn't necessarily want. I have two unopened bags of Starbuck's Christmas blend coffee beans that I will be giving away as well.


I made a whole bunch of these teacup birdfeeders for the ladies on my list. I got all the teacups, saucers and bud vases at Goodwill so each one cost about $3. Maybe you already have these items lying around? The only expensive item was the silicone adhesive I had to buy ($5) - all the glues I already owned didn't work. Even with mismatched cups and saucers they came out looking pretty. I already had some birdseed so I put about a cupful in a plastic bag, tied it with some ribbon and included that as well, but it's really not necessary if you don't have the seed already. There's a little poem on the website that explains how to use the feeder - I made a bunch of copies and attached those to the bags of seed.


I'm sorry about your year and I'm sorry you're feeling so down right now.:grouphug:


ETA: I understand about the dysfunction as well. Dh's family is ok, but mine was a nightmare. Long story, but all you really need to know is that there were several alcoholics, drug addicts, and a LOT of bitterness. All of these folks are dead now (I'm 52) so I don't have to deal with it any longer, but it was difficult at the time. My way of coping was to think of it as an opportunity to show my children how to be gracious with less than gracious relatives. It was like a game - a challenging game - for me to take every stinging remark, every whine and complaint and turn it on its head with a sweet reply. I'm just weird like that.:D

Edited by Kathleen in VA
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The teacup bird feeders are adorable.


We're broke too. This year all the men on my list are getting a coffee mug with a plastic bag filled with the ingredients for a "cake baked in a mug." I bought a package of nice plastic bags at Hobby Lobby, but you could just use a ziploc sandwich bag - cut the zipper off and tie it with a ribbon. Attach a label with the instructions. Presentation counts for a lot with homemade gifts. I bought my mugs at Target - 8 mugs for $16 - only $2/mug, but if I was only needing one gift, I would've pulled one of my nicer mugs from my cupboard and used that.


I am also regifting a few things. Dh is a letter carrier and always gets gifts from his patrons that he appreciates but doesn't necessarily want. I have two unopened bags of Starbuck's Christmas blend coffee beans that I will be giving away as well.


I made a whole bunch of these teacup birdfeeders for the ladies on my list. I got all the teacups, saucers and bud vases at Goodwill so each one cost about $3. Maybe you already have these items lying around? The only expensive item was the silicone adhesive I had to buy ($5) - all the glues I already owned didn't work. Even with mismatched cups and saucers they came out looking pretty. I already had some birdseed so I put about a cupful in a plastic bag, tied it with some ribbon and included that as well, but it's really not necessary if you don't have the seed already. There's a little poem on the website that explains how to use the feeder - I made a bunch of copies and attached those to the bags of seed.


I'm sorry about your year and I'm sorry you're feeling so down right now.:grouphug:

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Origami Christmas Ornaments:


Buy gold and Silver wrapping paper, cut into larger squares, fold into cool creatures and run a ribbon through them. Hot glue to keep the openings together :)


Origami is pretty easy to pick up - cranes are REALLY easy and there are many diagrams and tutorials on the internet.


It is also a very meditative thing to do and helps with stress :)

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While I agree sulking is not going to help - I have had family holidays that I just had to "get through" as well.... they can be very tough, and often we do them for our kids (who usually can't tell we're faking).


Try to do something nice for yourself.... a long bath, a good book, chocolate, something - anything. Remind yourself that it will not always be this way.... things do get better.:grouphug:

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Origami Christmas Ornaments:


Buy gold and Silver wrapping paper, cut into larger squares, fold into cool creatures and run a ribbon through them. Hot glue to keep the openings together :)


Origami is pretty easy to pick up - cranes are REALLY easy and there are many diagrams and tutorials on the internet.


It is also a very meditative thing to do and helps with stress :)


I LOVE this idea. Brilliant!

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All of us have situations in life that we just have to suck up and get through and it sounds like this is one of yours.


Here's a quick, easy recipe that makes a nice gift. Pecans aren't super cheap right now but would be cheaper than a lot of things that you'd go out and buy.


Crystallized Orange Nuts

1/4 cup orange juice

1 cup sugar

2 cups pecan halves

Combine orange juice and sugar in a 2 quart (12x7") glass baking dish; mix well. Stir in pecans.


Microwave for 6 minutes on 70 or 80% power. Stir and continue cooking for 8 to 10 minutes on same power or until syrup crystallizes.

Spread, separate and cool glazed nuts on buttered cookie sheet.

Makes about 3 cups of nuts.

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I'm so sorry it is like this for you. I have had holidays like this, where I just have to get through it for others. Perhaps you can plan something special for afterwards either for just yourself or your immediate family that you can look forward to to help you get through it? Maybe have a special movie planned with hot chocolate and peppermint sticks? Sounds silly, I know, but whatever makes YOU happy, might help you get through it.



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I'm sorry you have to go. I'm sure you'll make the best of it when you get there, but it's stressful to think about going, and sort of kills your holiday spirit when you are dreading spending time with people you don't like.


I hope you'll be able to concentrate on your own immediate family and have a great time with them, and try to remember that you're not moving in with your in-laws, you're just spending a day with them.


But I wish you could stay home instead.



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No, I will not go and sulk. I don't do that. I'll put on a smile, be engaged, and laugh it up... for the sake of my beautiful children. I'll focus on the positives and be an example to my children.




I will plan something wonderful just for me to compensate for the MANY sacrifices I make.


It's a couple of days out of my life. I can do this.


I'll put something together. Presentation is everything. These are folks who'd love to see me looking broke down and acting pitiful and I refuse to give them the satisfaction.



Let the festivities begin!!!


Thanks for listening. I needed to get it together.

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No, I will not go and sulk. I don't do that. I'll put on a smile, be engaged, and laugh it up... for the sake of my beautiful children. I'll focus on the positives and be an example to my children.




I will plan something wonderful just for me to compensate for the MANY sacrifices I make.


It's a couple of days out of my life. I can do this.


I'll put something together. Presentation is everything. These are folks who'd love to see me looking broke down and acting pitiful and I refuse to give them the satisfaction.



Let the festivities begin!!!


Thanks for listening. I needed to get it together.


Good for you!

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