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Premonitions, discernment, psychic, instincts, weirdo, or what?

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I don't know what to think about this. For many years I have had premonitions in the form of dreams/thoughts/feelings. The first time I remember it happening was in high school. I had a dream that one of my good friends and I had a huge fight and never spoke again. I remember telling her about it, and we laughed and said that could never happen to us. Well, about a month later, I bought a car from her, and it was a lemon. I ended up losing thousands of dollars on that car. She and her family misled us, and our friendship ended badly.


Other examples:


About 5 years ago, I dreamed that my mother fell and was hurt, but no one would let me see her. Two weeks later, she fell and broke her leg, and I was working and couldn't leave.


I'm sure you all remember when my little girl's cat was killed by a car a couple of months ago. Two nights before we found him (he had been missing several days), I had this overwhelming feeling that something bad had happened. When we found him two days later, we determined he had probably been dead since the night I had that feeling.


Tuesday night I dreamed that my grandfather passed away. Wednesday morning, my mother called me and told me my grandfather had fallen at the nursing home and broken his hip. He will probably be bedridden for the rest of his shortened life.


The first time I met our former neighbor, I knew he was dangerous, and I was almost terrified of him. We found out a few weeks later that he was a pedophile.




I could go on and on. Any idea what this is? I wonder if it is spiritual discernment. I don't know what to think. It is very frustrating because I have these dreams/thoughts/feelings, but there really isn't anything I can do about them. I can't change things. I couldn't have stopped my mom from falling and requiring three surgeries on her leg, or the cat from being killed, or my grandfather from falling. It's like I "know" in my subconscious that something is going to happen. It's very eery.


I am a bit hesitant to post, lest I confirm that I am, indeed, nuts. But what the heck...

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I've had very exact dreams about totally useless things. Like, that a neighbor took out some huge hedges. And then a week later, I'm walking by their house and see that they took out the huge hedges. I mean, I didn't even know those people!


Or, my favorite, when I dreamed the halftime score of the Sixers-Celtics game we attended. My dad was so annoyed - he told me, "You should have dreamed the final score! then we could have made some money!!!!!" :lol:

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The one thing you can do is to pray (if you do that) and ask that the Lord intervene if He can or to keep things from getting worse. True, you probably can't stop things from happening, although you may be able to at certain times. I call this spiritual discernment or prophetic visions if the things haven't happened yet. The Lord is allowing you to see/sense these things to prepare you beforehand; it's not a bad thing.


I have this happen frequently through visions, dreams, or sensing. The one time that it was beneficial is when I had a feeling my family was coming to visit us unannounced. You see I don't have any contact with my family at all for safety reasons. Because of my feeling and then dream a night later, the kids and I left the house and stayed with my adopted mother for a day. My estranged family came to our home looking for me and wanting to see the kids, they left a nasty note on my door. Thank goodness for the Lord prompting me to leave or else there could have been a very nasty scene at my house that day.

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You're not alone. Two things like that that stand out for me are once, we were watching the 11:00 news and heard that someone had died in a single car accident. No other information was given, no sex, age, make of car, etc. I turned to my DH and said, we know that person. The next morning we got to church and found out it was a young lady from our church. I've *never* had anything like that happen before or since while watching the news.


Another was a new couple joined our church and came to a young couples picnic we hosted. Something about him just sat wrong with me. He was nice, good-looking, educated, great job, etc. Fast forward a few years and found out that he beat up his wife on a fairly regular basis. We were the ones who helped her leave him.


I have more, but I'm sick, sick, sick with a cold or flu. Yuck.


Oh, we did a spiritual gifts survey at church years ago and I came out with "spiritual discernment." I've learned to be more proactive with my "leadings" (for lack of a better term). I wish, now, that I had gotten to know the abused wife earlier so that maybe we could have helped her sooner, but instead I didn't pursue a friendship with her b/c her husband made me uncomfortable.

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I have the same thing. I consider it some sort of a prophetic gift. I don't let it control me, and I refuse to use it to control others.


One rule is I have with anything prophetic with others...if it doesn't build up and encourage, I don't say it!


To many times I have misinterpreted something.


So now, everyone can think I am crazy!!!! But when a few of your dreams literally happen...it makes you wonder :D

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I have them, not visions or dreams though. My dh calls them my voices. It's like I get these voices in my head that will advice/tell/urge me to do things or not to. It's not like intuition, when I get them usually my heart starts to race and I get light headed/faint. It is very strange but I have learned to trust them, it's like a freaky guiding voice. :001_huh:

Now I have probably made myself seem like a weirdo. It's really hard to explain though.

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I think we are all connected, so it's possible to "know" things, especially about people to whom we are very close. I knew the exact moment my mother died even though we were 1200 miles apart. I always listen to my inner voice and encourage my kids to as well. I don't try to interpret my dreams; as simka said, they're too easy to misinterpret. :001_smile:

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This has happened to me frequently also. The first time I remember it happening was when I was 10 and I was at Sea World. I "knew" that this woman who was feeding the dolphins was going to fall in the tank, and about 5 minutes later, she fell in, just as I had pictured it in my head. That completely freaked me out. Of course, no one in my family believed it when I told them that I had seen her fall in my head. It doesn't happen often, and now it's more like I'll know that a certain song will be on the radio and I turn it on and there is the song playing, and it doesn't really freak me out anymore. I just figure that there are ripples in the time/space continuum.

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I have experienced things like this. And I have had friends who have had experiences like this. Personally, I think it is a spiritual gift. While you may not be able to do anything to change events, I do think your premonitions can prepare you for things to come. Maybe make it easier for you to deal with with difficulties.

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I've had this happen several times, going back to when I was a child. I once dreamed my best friend's apartment caught on fire and they were forced to move. A Week later the place where her dh worked caught on fire, he lost his job and they were forced to move. I had already shared the dream with her.


I do consider it a sort of prophetic gifting. It doesn't happen all the time, but regularly enough that I'm not caught off guard by it anymore.

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I think we are all connected, so it's possible to "know" things, especially about people to whom we are very close. I knew the exact moment my mother died even though we were 1200 miles apart. I always listen to my inner voice and encourage my kids to as well.


I agree.


I've had dreams about situations and people I could not possibly have predicted.



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I'm glad I'm not the only one who has had this happen. It still freaks me out, but maybe it is God's way of preparing me for what's to come.



Look up INFJ and see if it fits you :)


I think people like me are just more perceptive of what is going on, and so what seems like a premonition is just our brain figuring out what is going on under the surface.....


I have always tested as an ENFJ. I will have to go look at the INFJ and see what I think. I have always been very perceptive. I notice the weirdest things. It's a blessing and a curse, lol.

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