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lunar eclipse?

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I found it on somebody's blog through the 52 books blog. There, it said, for EST (which is relevant to you and I)...


1:33 AM - Eclipse begins. Earth's shadow will appear as a dark-red bite at the edge of the lunar disk.


Takes about an hour for "bite" to expand and swallow the moon.


Totality commences at 2:41 AM and lasts 72 min.


If you're only going to sneak out for a minute, go at 3:17 AM. Moon will be in deepest shadow, displaying the most fantastic shades of coppery red.




I wish I remembered WHOSE blog I read that on so I could link you but I looked at bunch and just jotted those notes down on a notepad.

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I found it on somebody's blog through the 52 books blog. There, it said, for EST (which is relevant to you and I)...


1:33 AM - Eclipse begins. Earth's shadow will appear as a dark-red bite at the edge of the lunar disk.


Takes about an hour for "bite" to expand and swallow the moon.


Totality commences at 2:41 AM and lasts 72 min.


If you're only going to sneak out for a minute, go at 3:17 AM. Moon will be in deepest shadow, displaying the most fantastic shades of coppery red.




I wish I remembered WHOSE blog I read that on so I could link you but I looked at bunch and just jotted those notes down on a notepad.


Thanks for this - I think we'll just do the sneaking out at 3:17am thing. It's too cold here to stay outside. If my house wasn't surrounded by 50-foot oak trees I'd just step outside every other minute or so - but I have to walk a ways to get a view of the moon.

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I found it on somebody's blog through the 52 books blog. There, it said, for EST (which is relevant to you and I)...


1:33 AM - Eclipse begins. Earth's shadow will appear as a dark-red bite at the edge of the lunar disk.


Takes about an hour for "bite" to expand and swallow the moon.


Totality commences at 2:41 AM and lasts 72 min.


If you're only going to sneak out for a minute, go at 3:17 AM. Moon will be in deepest shadow, displaying the most fantastic shades of coppery red.




I wish I remembered WHOSE blog I read that on so I could link you but I looked at bunch and just jotted those notes down on a notepad.


Excellent info. Except I'm already exhusted and would love to just crash on the couch till tomorrow!


Oh and that 'where do I get soap to make detergent' post? Yeah, the soaps grated. And now I'm finally home. And it's 5pm. And I haven't started the laundry yet!:crying: And since I haven't done laundry since LAST weekend, I've got about 5 loads ahead of me. Maybe I WILL still be up to see the eclipse.:glare:

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We went out a few times before and right up until totality occurred and had a clear view. But then it got pretty cloudy. Went out again between 3:20-3:40 to check on it a few times and kept getting glimpses that would last just a few seconds of it looking all orange-red but the clouds kept drifting and covering it again.


Now I need to try to get a few hours sleep before I have to get up at 7.

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We have been anticipating this since September when we went to a planetarium program on the eclipse. We are so bummed. It will be clouded over and snowy here overnight. Rats!!! Those of you who see it, let us know how it is!


Went outside at 2:30...completely clouded over...not a star, not a sky...just cold gray....sigh...now I can't sleep....

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