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I really think that most people who would say this really don't know any other way to express why or why not something should be acceptable for a Christian. They probably grew up in a church that disdained all things non-Christian. Their parents probably differentiated between Christian music and secular music. Rather than evaluating something through a Biblical lense, the dogmatic "those people are bad because they aren't Christians" is the only way they know how to determine what is acceptable. Biblically thinking Christians are not a dime a dozen these days.


Slam dunk.

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Yes that would annoy me. I would hate to see my husbands reaction :eek: since KISS is his all time favorite band and we have A LOT of KISS stuff around our home to prove it. KISS was the band that got my dh into music and propelled him into where he is and is going musically today. Dh even had kiss onesies and bibs made for dd when she was a baby. So yes I would be annoyed and yes I would say something. Even if it was just to get clarification of what was said and what she meant.

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I guess I'm in the minority in that I would go ahead and talk to the teacher, but I would do it gently and just looking for clarification. If the teacher confirms she actually thinks they're bad people because they're not christian and she said that to your son, I'd start looking for a new teacher. But as many others have pointed out, that might not be what she thinks/said/meant at all.




I will add that I'm a little surprised at the number of responses that think your boy may have misunderstood. Regardless of what she said exactly, she communicated to him an opinion of the band Kiss as it pertains to her views of Christianity. So he's 7yo, but children pick up a lot more than most people give them credit for. I'd also be concerned that if she's willing to "go there" over the band KISS, what else would she be willing to insert her opinion on? I would have a conversation with her.

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You know what song this reminds me of?


"Once I read a book, and this is what it said

If your music has a beat, you're gonna wind up dead.

It doesn't really matter if it's Christian or not,

if it's syncopated rhythm than your soul is gonna rot.


And this book was called, 'Ha! You're Gonna Burn!'"


- The Houseplant Song, Audio Adrenaline

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Gene Simmons and Paul Stanley are Jewish. This is one of my dh's favorite bands from the 80's and he does know quite a bit about them. At any rate, Jesus loved everyone...not just "Christians" - so I think that the teacher really overstepped her bounds by saying that to your ds. Not to mention, she really is not setting a good example of Christian love!

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It really bothers me that the teacher took it upon herself to tell my 7 year old that someone is "bad" because they have different beliefs than we do.


This is no different than what public school teachers do. And they tend to push the issue too trying to convert children into their way of thinking rather than just stop at one little comment.

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I would go to the teacher and tell her my son told me she had made X comment, and ask her if that was the way the conversation happened. If she admitted to it, I would tell her that I do not believe in teaching children that it is okay to judge a book by its cover, nor to pass judgment on people for their religious beliefs or lack thereof, that you are Christian but trying to teach your son to have a nonjudgmental attitude, and that you would appreciate her not making comments like that to him in the future.



Silence equals acceptance in my book.

Edited by OregonNative
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I will add that I'm a little surprised at the number of responses that think your boy may have misunderstood. Regardless of what she said exactly, she communicated to him an opinion of the band Kiss as it pertains to her views of Christianity. So he's 7yo, but children pick up a lot more than most people give them credit for. I'd also be concerned that if she's willing to "go there" over the band KISS, what else would she be willing to insert her opinion on? I would have a conversation with her.


:iagree: I couldn't agree more! This is exactly what I was thinking, but couldn't put into words.

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I will add that I'm a little surprised at the number of responses that think your boy may have misunderstood. Regardless of what she said exactly, she communicated to him an opinion of the band Kiss as it pertains to her views of Christianity. So he's 7yo, but children pick up a lot more than most people give them credit for. I'd also be concerned that if she's willing to "go there" over the band KISS, what else would she be willing to insert her opinion on? I would have a conversation with her.


If those were the words used, then I'm with you, but we're talking about a seven year old who could have misunderstood. After following the rabbit trails of my sons' conversations at this age, it sometimes turned out to be a complete turn-around from what I thought he was saying or what originally occurred. Imagine with me - one student says something about Kiss being a Christian band and the teacher says that, no, actually, Kiss isn't a Christian band. Ds, under the impression from the other student that it's bad to listen to secular music, decides it's bad to listen to music that isn't Christian and files Kiss under the "bad" category.


It IS a long-shot; But it's still a possibility, unless my kids are just freaks. I'm just saying there could be more to the conversation and if this is a solitary occurrence, I see no need for confrontation at this time since it could come across as accusatory for an offense that might not have happened. Use it as a starter for a great conversation about family beliefs (which the OP already has) and keep the lines of communication going, ready to step in if this happens again.

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I am a Christian. It would not bother me at all.


If I were paying for my kid to go to a Christian school - I would expect that the faculty and teachers would possess and share a Biblical world view. I am not saying that means "Christian good - other bad" (particularly with music - some "Christian" music is awful). I am saying that if they are asked if they "like" something or approve of something - that their opinion would be made in light of Scripture. "I don't care for Kiss because they do not .... which God's Word tells us we should". Or conversely, "I do like X band because they encourage ... which Scripture says we should embrace." If it's a gray area - I would expect they know both sides of the argument and be able to speak intelligently about their position. I would not pay for my child to attend a "Christian" school or program without their being a strong stand for Biblical principles.


So - in light of what your child said - it may be just that. "I don't care for Kiss because..." and a child would here "I don't like Kiss."


I'm glad that most of the other Christians here are unwilling to say that it's particularly Christian to say, "If something is not Christian, it's bad," or to claim that perspective is Biblical. According to her boy, that's what the teacher said--whether she did or not.


I shudder.



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I have resolved to avoid most extracurriculiars and classes prefaced with the word "Christian"


It is usually code for:


But not really


Crappy lessons, but it's okay bc they are in a Christian atmosphere


Bible thumping ignorance, often not even related to the subject at hand


An us vs them mentality


An opportunity for a group of self rightous hens to gather and cluck over all those they view at any given moment as less Christian than themselves


I'm catholic. I'm fairly conservative by most standards, tho I'm certain to burn in hell by someone's if you ask enough people.


But the "atmosphere" of many Christian whatever has soured me on those labeled businesses and associations.



Martha, you rock! :001_smile:



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That would bother the bejeezus out of me. I wouldn't go to the teacher because I'd probably be do dadblame angry I'd say things I probably shouldn't say. I'd write a letter, keeping a copy, asking for clarification. Then depending on what the teacher's reply is, I'd either drop it or take it to the headmaster.


In the meantime I'd be discussing with dh about the need to request a different teacher, put dc in a different school or homeschooling because I would not want my child in an environment that condones such statements. I'd also be speaking to my child about how so very wrong the teacher's comment was.


I totally agree with your entire post, PH, but mostly I wanted to say how much I love that word! :-)



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Hee! I was told by Christians that AC/DC meant "Against Christ/Children of the Devil."




Well, I don't know or give a flip what AC/DC stands for. I just think it's hilarious to have that as my ringtone for my husband. And, believe me, it's gone off during church meetings and get-togethers with our Christian friends, and nobody has ever batted an eye. They know me and my sense of humor. It is funny!

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I just realized that I forgot to address the OP. Sorry, I got sidetracked. If my child came home and told me a teacher/leader had said such a thing, I would ask some further questions, and I would most likely end up speaking to the teacher. I, personally, do not believe that is something you can let go. As someone else said: "silence equals acceptance".


If we don't speak out, who will? I'm tired of people being judgmental, intolerant, and hateful in the name of Christianity.

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Well, I don't know or give a flip what AC/DC stands for. I just think it's hilarious to have that as my ringtone for my husband. And, believe me, it's gone off during church meetings and get-togethers with our Christian friends, and nobody has ever batted an eye. They know me and my sense of humor. It is funny!


I think so too!

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