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2011 Goals

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I am thinking ahead for what I want to focus on/improve/shoot for for 2011. I am a crazy listmaker, so this is fun for me and I love to refer back to it as the months go by!


1. I am going to hit my goal weight. period. I have been doing well on my diet and exercise program and 2011 should be the year I hit my goal weight!


2. I am going to refocus on cutting the grocery budget by planning meals and getting back into couponing. I dropped all this for my first few months of homeschooling, but now that I have that down I am going to add it back in.


3. I am working on focusing more on myself and not being a doormat :) This includes spending more time reading my Bible and praying, working on my health, running MY schedule MY way not how others want me to. I am going to have a totally selfish year :tongue_smilie:


4. Me and DH are recommiting to getting gazelle with Dave Ramsey. Satellite is going as of Jan.1 GULP


5. For my homeschool...although I am happy with the first half of the year, I want to raise a few of my expectations and challege my DD a little more. I also am going to join a co-op so that she can have more social opportunities.



I also have this list broken down into mini monthly goals to shoot for, and I as soon as I get my new 2011 weekly planner it will be broken down into weeks. Hows that for psychotic? :D I LOVe having goals to shoot for and me being sick these last 2 weeks really makes me want to kick it into overdrive and to not waste a minute of my health when it returns!!

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I also have this list broken down into mini monthly goals to shoot for, and I as soon as I get my new 2011 weekly planner it will be broken down into weeks.


What a great idea! I am very good at 'big picture' goals, but I usually don't go any farther than monthly goals. I like the idea of weekly goals, too!

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I LOVe having goals to shoot for and me being sick these last 2 weeks really makes me want to kick it into overdrive and to not waste a minute of my health when it returns!!




I've been sick for the last 6 weeks and can't wait to finally get on my feet. I feel like I've been doing the bare minimum in everything and I really needed to think about my goals for this next year. Thanks for bringing it to my attention! :)


So, I need to brainstorm first, then I can organize. But here goes the storm:

1. Take advantage of the weight I lost during my illness and keep going in the right direction, in a healthy way!

2. Exercise faithfully

3. Spend extra time with my husband--we like to have a weekly devo time together, but I'd really like to concentrate on having a date night weekly.

4. Get my family and friend's birthday's under control. I can't seem to do it, but I'm going to try.

5. With school--I want to concentrate more on spending time individually on the kid's work instead of wanting them to do more independently. I also want to start including hands-on projects--bring joy back into their learning and enjoy learning with them.

6. Most importantly, become more consistent with my personal Bible reading and prayer time.


I know there's probably a lot more, but I'm having a hard time coming up with any thing else--I'm having lots of interruptions. The blessing of children :)

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3. I am working on focusing more on myself and not being a doormat :) This includes spending more time reading my Bible and praying, working on my health, running MY schedule MY way not how others want me to. I am going to have a totally selfish year :tongue_smilie:



I have another suggestion. Learn when to substitute "reasonable" for "selfish" in a sentence. ;)


My new years resolutions are continuations of previous years. Improve our diets, work on strengthening my back and keep at the self ed. I go through cycles with these, but as the kids get older and sleep more through the night, I guess I'll be able to implement more of what I've learned. The other problem I'm tackling is introversion. While the weather is good, the lad will play outside more, and I get more of other things done. Lately he's been all over me like a rash and it's really wiping me out! I don't think parenting is for introverts... :) Lucky he's so cute.



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4. Get my family and friend's birthday's under control. I can't seem to do it, but I'm going to try.


My best years were those when I went after Christmas and bought all the cards and gifts I needed for the coming year. No, they weren't the wittiest cards on the rack, but they were actually sent out on time!


I just made a list of needs, such as 6 anniversary cards (1 silver), 1 Mom birthday, 1 Dad birthday, 1 brother birthday, 5 birthday female friend, 3 birthday male friend, etc. And then I bought a small box of generic cards that I could use for miscellaneous purposes.


I also bought a couple of extra packs of photo paper for the printer, so I could print a fun photo of someone in our family with the birthday person or anniversary couple. I printed those out during the cold, dreary days of January and was good to go for the year.

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I also have this list broken down into mini monthly goals to shoot for, and I as soon as I get my new 2011 weekly planner it will be broken down into weeks. Hows that for psychotic? :D I LOVe having goals to shoot for and me being sick these last 2 weeks really makes me want to kick it into overdrive and to not waste a minute of my health when it returns!!


But, do you have lists of your lists? My mom is a crazy list maker and I like to joke with her that she should have a list of her lists. She will also add things to her list and cross them off, just for the pleasure of crossing them off!! To me, that is wasted energy, but it works for her.

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1. My health/weight. (typical, but needed) I could stand to lose a few pounds, but mainly I am pathetically out of shape.


2. Spend focused and scheduled time on my music. I'm out of shape in all areas it seems.


3. Spend less time planning my dc's education through grade 12 (don't laugh...you do it too:tongue_smilie:), and more time implementing their education TODAY.


4. Work my way through some Great Books, Wheelock's, and some Greek (I'm at the Song School level. LOL) I'd love to buy LOF this year and go through those myself before my oldest does them.


5. I want to pick some habits to focus on with my dc, and teach them more chores. (I should work on my own habits as well, but...)


Breaking these things down into weekly goals is a fantastic idea! I'm on it!:D

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My best years were those when I went after Christmas and bought all the cards and gifts I needed for the coming year. No, they weren't the wittiest cards on the rack, but they were actually sent out on time!


I just made a list of needs, such as 6 anniversary cards (1 silver), 1 Mom birthday, 1 Dad birthday, 1 brother birthday, 5 birthday female friend, 3 birthday male friend, etc. And then I bought a small box of generic cards that I could use for miscellaneous purposes.


This is a really good idea!

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But, do you have lists of your lists? My mom is a crazy list maker and I like to joke with her that she should have a list of her lists. She will also add things to her list and cross them off, just for the pleasure of crossing them off!! To me, that is wasted energy, but it works for her.



Sadly, I DO have a lists of lists :lol::lol::lol:

I have a MASTER notebook actually :blush:

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I'm crazy and a list maker, not necessarily a crazy list maker. :D I haven't done resolutions in the last few years but we just moved and we're in a new community so I have several new goals that just coincide with the end/beginning of the year.


1. Walk the dog more. we are now one block from a city park.

2. Develop an actual wardrobe. We've been in the south where winter only requires putting on your sweatshirt while in your capris and flip flops. It is now -6 wind chill. I also have just a bunch of clothes, I'm going to create real outfits.

3. Finish this school year if it kills me. We are so behind and I've tweaked the schedule to death, but I think we'll finish well, once we get back to our routine.

4. Go on regular dates with my hubby. :D

5. Finish the final edit of one of my stories and then step out of my comfort zone to deal with publishing (maybe self-publishing).

6. Write a series of short stories.

7. Decorate, design our new house. It may take all year to get things the way I want.

8. Find new friends for my family. Reconnect with some old friends too.


I'm sure I'll have more to add before 2011 rolls around.

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Oh, my, I have lists of lists as well. I have been thinking alot about goals for this year. I have personal goals, goals for mothering, goals for homemaking, goals for spiritual growth etc. I have goals for our family and goals of things I want to get done around the house. Financial goals, things to accomplish as far as self-sufficiency.


In the last year I have worked on finding balance between all of these things. Determining my personal and our family values and how to best live up to those values. Being the person I want and should be, having the family life we desire to have. Being realistic though and doing it slow and steady.

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1. Survive the holidays

2. Work with DD on some issues - potty accidents, night waking, resistance to transitions. She's "spirited".

3. Unpack the boxes I've been avoiding since we moved here last summer.

4. Improve our financial situation - set up savings, pay down debt. Not as easy as it sounds.

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