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S/O... Baby Bellies

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After seeing the hidden (yet quite uncomfortable) baby belly that Mom in High Heels is sporting, I thought a belly thread might be fun.


Please excuse me if this has already been done.


Here's me on my due date at the end of last April. Our little nugget was born a week and 2 days later.





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No photo, but 2 weeks before my twins were delivered I measured 64" around at the widest point!


You poor thing! I was 52" around at the widest point with my twins and I thought that was bad :-). My boys were 13 lbs 8 oz combined. How much did yours weigh?


I'll try and post a pic soon.

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You poor thing! I was 52" around at the widest point with my twins and I thought that was bad :-). My boys were 13 lbs 8 oz combined. How much did yours weigh?


I'll try and post a pic soon.


My boy was 7#8oz and my girl was 6#10z. Yes, they were big, born full term in the 39th week. I am under 5'2" and gained about 35 pounds with them. I was ALL belly!!!


How much did yours weigh?

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I don't have a camera handy, but people keep commenting on how much my belly sticks out. Even people that see me every week at work have gone, "wow! You're really pregnant, huh." etc. I'm carrying high, so I think that makes him seem to stick out more.


I stepped on a scale today (to weight a chicken), and really wish I hadn't. I weight just 5 lbs. less than I did at full term with DD, and I've still got a couple of months to go! This had better be a BIG baby. Thing is, I do look more belly (and bOOks) than like I've put on a lot of weight in other places.


Or so I tell myself.:tongue_smilie:

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My boy was 7#8oz and my girl was 6#10z. Yes, they were big, born full term in the 39th week. I am under 5'2" and gained about 35 pounds with them. I was ALL belly!!!


How much did yours weigh?


Wow! That's amazing! I'm just about your height, and the thought of carrying twins scares the heck out of me.

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Auntie M--my twins weighed the same as yours! They were five weeks early.


I don't know what I measured around but my hospital gown was about 2 feet higher in the front than the back. I was buying groceries in May (due in Sept) and the checker wouldn't believe that I still had several months until my due date.


I do NOT miss being pregant at all! I do love babies, though--just not the process of having them!:001_smile:

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My boy was 7#8oz and my girl was 6#10z. Yes, they were big, born full term in the 39th week. I am under 5'2" and gained about 35 pounds with them. I was ALL belly!!!


How much did yours weigh?


I gave an incorrect weight before -- LONG DAY :-)! They were 13#14oz combined -- J was 7#8oz and E was 6#6oz. I'm 5'7", gained 31 pounds and went 37 weeks 5 days to scheduled c-section with no sign of going into labor naturally. I was all out front (not on the sides or the back) and I'll never be the same again -- LOL.


How blessed we were and are :-)

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I gave an incorrect weight before -- LONG DAY :-)! They were 13#14oz combined -- J was 7#8oz and E was 6#6oz. I'm 5'7", gained 31 pounds and went 37 weeks 5 days to scheduled c-section with no sign of going into labor naturally. I was all out front (not on the sides or the back) and I'll never be the same again -- LOL.


How blessed we were and are :-)



That is too funny because I just realized my weights had a typo, too! My little twin was 6#1 oz, I think I added an extra zero. At that size, a half pound is a big difference! Still lots of stuff inside, with fraternals and separate placentas and all that... they took up a lot of space! One of my babies, who was breech in utero, would scootch up with his head against the crib rails as soon as he was able to push himself a bit. I am convinced that he was comforted by the feeling of "ribs" against the back of his head!


I will never be the same again, either! At my 6 week check up I was down below my prepregnancy weight. The doc just shook his head, held the "twin skin" in his hand and said, "Well, every now and then one of my twin moms just has to get a tummy tuck." So I am really thinking about a tummy tuck some day, after I've lost the 25 pounds left over from baby number 4 and when I don't have to buy curriculum any more, and when nobody needs braces, and... well, it might be a while!


But we are blessed, indeed! To bring home two healthy, full term babies when so many other little multiples come into the world with challenges from the get-go.... It is a wonder. That and the fact that they didn't just flat fall out since I was about 5cm dilated for the last 10 days... LOTS of answered prayer all around.

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After seeing the hidden (yet quite uncomfortable) baby belly that Mom in High Heels is sporting, I thought a belly thread might be fun.



Oh, yay! I've never inspired a thread before! I went to book club tonight with my neighbor who is 10 weeks further along in her pregnancy than I am and is really showing. Everyone kept asking if I was sure about my due date because I don't look "all that pregnant." Believe me, I am "all that pregnant."

When I was pg with Indy, I was at the bank the day before he was born (he was born early)and a lady in line started talking to me and asking when I was due. I told her 4 more weeks and she said I needed to change OB's because mine was clearly wrong on my due date. Sigh.

Our book for book club this month was My Life in France, by Julia Child and the host went all out making several of Julia's recipes: Baked Camembert, Bruschetta, Beouf Bourgignon, Ratatouille and Chocolate Crepes. It was all so good (well, I don't eat beef, so I didn't try that, but everyone else raved about it), but I could only take a bite or two of everything because I was stuffed. All I could do was look at it and WISH I could eat. Boo!

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