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Hey! Hi there! How's it going?

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Quick fly-by to say hello...I listen in here once a week or so, and am always happy to "see" familiar faces ~ Mrs. Mungo, Quiverof10, etc. I resist posting and being sucked into the vortex.;) But I'm around, kinda sorta. Still active in the local & sustainable biz/ag movement; still homeschooling (oldest takes two classes at a "homeschool academy" and will utilize Running Start, the high school~community college option, next year...both he and my second son play sports through the local schools); still running (ran my first marathon in late September); still dealing with the usual marriage stuff (ahem); still fist bumping (Obama 2012!); and accepting my membership in the sandwich generation, as I mother adolescent boys, deal with my parents' increasing health issues, and wonder why college guys ~ gasp! ~ think of me (ME!) as their mother.:tongue_smilie:


Any-hoo. Best to all of you.

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Good to hear from you!
Howdy! Waving from the snow-choked eastside!
Lovely hear from you Colleen!


Miss your voice and glad to see you.


You might be sorta around, but I miss hearing from you! :):grouphug:
Merry Christmas. It's good to see you.
Hi Colleen! I miss your voice around here! Good to see you and thanks for the update:001_smile:.
Glad to see you back.
Good to see you, and thanks for the update :001_smile:.
Thanks, all!:)
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Congratulations on your first marathon! I'm running my first (and only!) in January. I think of you often as I go on my long runs!

Woo hoo! Glad to hear you're still running, Jennifer. Which mary are you doing? As much I suffered (I was beset by calf cramps the last few miles), I decided the moment I finished that I'd run the 26.2 distance again. The whole experience is so fulfilling. I'm eyeing a May marathon. My usual running puts me at around 30 miles/week, so aside from getting in a few long runs, it shouldn't be too hard to prepare. But the next time around, maybe I'll not wait until the last minute to decide whether or not to run. This last time, I registered two days beforehand, but didn't actually didn't decide until two hours before the start.:tongue_smilie:


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Hi Colleen! It's great to hear from you.


Congratulations on your marathon!

I (along with my doctors) have finally worked out my back and hip problems, and I have started running. I'm just using the Couch to 5K program, but I've progressed to week 6. I have quite a way to go, but I am really enjoying it.



Sounds like some exciting changes in your homeschool. Is your oldest looking forward to the CC experience?

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Woo hoo! Glad to hear you're still running, Jennifer. Which mary are you doing? As much I suffered (I was beset by calf cramps the last few miles), I decided the moment I finished that I'd run the 26.2 distance again. The whole experience is so fulfilling. I'm eyeing a May marathon. My usual running puts me at around 30 miles/week, so aside from getting in a few long runs, it shouldn't be too hard to prepare. But the next time around, maybe I'll not wait until the last minute to decide whether or not to run. This last time, I registered two days beforehand, but didn't actually didn't decide until two hours before the start.:tongue_smilie:


Hi!! Sorry to hear about the calf cramps. I had those the last two miles of my half in September. They hurt for days afterward! Ouch! I'm glad to see you're going to run another! Your mileage always impressed me and I just know you'll do well.


My marathon is in January - at Disney. I picked it because it has the longest finish time I could find! If all goes well, I should be able to post a decent time - around 4 − 4 1/2 hours or so. But, lately, I've been dealing with IT band issues and other foot pain and I've had to do more walking than I'd like! But, even if I have to walk the whole thing, I can officially finish Disney!


My ds also takes CC classes. It's been SO good for him! I'll be interested to hear your take on them when your ds starts!

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Hi Colleen! It's great to hear from you. Congratulations on your marathon!

Thanks, Crissy.:)

I (along with my doctors) have finally worked out my back and hip problems, and I have started running. I'm just using the Couch to 5K program, but I've progressed to week 6. I have quite a way to go, but I am really enjoying it.

Go, girl! So glad to hear you're making forward progress. My chronic back pain hasn't abated and my knees & hips suffer, but if I waited to feel good I'd never get out there.:D

Sounds like some exciting changes in your homeschool. Is your oldest looking forward to the CC experience?

There haven't really been any changes. This is the second year Jan has taken science and math at the homeschool academy, and I've always thought Running Start would be the next logical step. As for whether or not he's looking forward to it, I dunno. He's been resentful about homeschooling since forever and quite frankly, it's difficult to fathom him looking forward to anything I suggest. C'est la vie.


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:seeya: -- not trying to suck you in, but what did you decide about Latin?


and congrats on the marathon.:party:

Thanks! Re Latin, my older two are done with the subject. I purchased First Form Latin for my third son and was all gung-ho about sinking our teeth into it ~ until the school year started and overwhelmed me. I never found a way to work it into our day and after a few weeks of beating myself up over it, decided to just let it go. The next two years, we're cycling back to ancients and middle ages. I'll incorporate First Form for my middle son then, and let my youngest two dabble in Minimus, which I've done in the past. Thanks for asking!:)
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Hi!! Sorry to hear about the calf cramps. I had those the last two miles of my half in September. They hurt for days afterward!

I have never in my LIFE experienced that kind of cramping ANYWHERE in my body. Egads! But I stopped running (or walking/hobbling, as the case may be;)), the pain eased. One thing I have to figure out is how to better fuel myself during long runs. I really hate eating or drinking anything when I run and wait too long before I take anything in.

My marathon is in January - at Disney. I picked it because it has the longest finish time I could find! If all goes well, I should be able to post a decent time - around 4 − 4 1/2 hours or so. But, lately, I've been dealing with IT band issues and other foot pain and I've had to do more walking than I'd like! But, even if I have to walk the whole thing, I can officially finish Disney!

Of course you can finish ~ and finish well, I'm sure. Based on my half marathon times, I expected to come in just under 4 hours, but I was actually closer to 4 1/2. That kinda bummed me out (still bums me out, in fact), but I did it, and enjoyed it (more or less:D), and am still running...Gotta focus on the positives!

My ds also takes CC classes. It's been SO good for him! I'll be interested to hear your take on them when your ds starts!

I'm surprised your son can take CC classes already. They have to be juniors in high school here, which I think is reasonable. Even at that, I have a friend who teaches at the CC and isn't thrilled about having high schoolers in there. I can understand her perspective and am kinda ambivalent about the matter myself. Not ambivalent enough to avoid it, apparently.;)


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!I'm surprised your son can take CC classes already. They have to be juniors in high school here, which I think is reasonable. Even at that, I have a friend who teaches at the CC and isn't thrilled about having high schoolers in there. I can understand her perspective and am kinda ambivalent about the matter myself. Not ambivalent enough to avoid it, apparently.;)


I was pleasantly surprised too! We went in and met with the counselor for young students. There isn't an age restriction here. Sam was tested and did VERY well. His first class was Algebra 2 and he averaged 100. This semester he's taking Chemistry 1 and is averaging 102. We're going to use the college for the math and science and possibly a foreign language.


What does your friend teach at the CC? I can see why I wouldn't want my ds to take certain classes (english, for example, where they may be discussing mature themes and I wouldn't want others to be uncomfortable with a young student). But, if the student can keep up with the work, why not? Quite honestly, my 14 yo looks like an 18 yo. I'm not sure his teachers even know he's a young student!


Anyway, just curious!

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