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Anyone else doing Weight Watchers?

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Have you in the U.S. changed over to the new ProPoints system? I came back from holidays to find they had a new system of points counting here in Australia, and I now have 29 points instead of 18 (but they are measured differently). All fruit is no points and there are weekly points as well for treats. Of course change is a bit of an adjustment and a learning curve...and I havent weighed myself yet....but I feel I am eating more, and hungry less, especially when I can grab some fruit between meals for no points.

Has it changed over over there?

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The new program starts this Monday (the 29th) here in the US. I'm wondering how the whole "free fruit" thing is going to work. Fruit does have a lot of sugar in it, but it's definitely healthier than something like a 100 calorie pack. I think their goal is for people to choose healthier options, rather than just low-calorie ones. Does that sounds right?

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Yes, that seems to be the aim and it is working for people- they are reaching for fruit rather than other things. And reading the WWboards here, it seems that most people- even those who ate all their extra weekly points and extra fruit- lost weight, even though they felt they ate more than before.

It really does make a difference to be able to eat fruit for "free". I think the new system will be much better for the motivation factor and the ability to adopt a healthy diet for life- long term- rather than yo yo diet. But I have yet to see if I will lose weight on it, as I was on holidays the first week it was introduced.

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Yeah, it doesn't start here til next week but I've read about it and I'm excited to give it a try! I'm going to have to wait a little while longer, though. I'm currently doing WW at home using materials I got when I was a member who did attend meetings (which I've done many times on and off throughout the years).


These days, I'm attending TOPS meetings instead of WW meetings for my accountability/support/weigh ins, because it's SO much cheaper.


But I'll go rejoin WW meetings for a week or so just to get the new materials and learn about the new plan once it comes out :D


...but I won't do that until they have a "no registration fee" special, which might not be until around the New Year. We'll see!

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I have a friend (has never done WW, but she is very fit) who was a bit skeptical about the free fruit when I mentioned it to her. However, I know WW has tested this for quite awhile, so I'm definitely willing to give it a try. And, since I've never successfully kept the weight off, it will hopefully be a change for the better.


I won't get the new information until next Saturday at my meeting. I also have access to their online program, so I could get the info on Monday, but I don't want to switch methods mid-week, so I'll probably ignore it until my meeting. (well, I doubt I'll ignore it, but I won't follow it :) )

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I go on Tuesday AM, so I'll start it in just a few days. I have always combined whole foods/ DASH diet (high fiber, tons of fruits & veggies, low sodium) with WW, so I wonder how much change it will really be for me.


Yes, I still eat healthy with WW rather than eat low point processed foods....but the free fruit really makes a difference. So do the 49 extra splurge points- it kind of takes the pressure off, somehow. The new program feels much easier to follow- and maintain- as a lifestyle, rather than a "diet".

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I want to give the new WW program a try. I am not a member and can't attend meetings right now, but don't want to pay more for the items either.


I have a friend who is a member and has offered to buy the member kit, new calculator, and scale for me.....I am hoping that works out as I can't attend meetings due to DH's schedule and $$ is a bit tighter right now because our cars have needed work.


If I could find more info online it would be helpful, but for now, while I wait, I am doing the old program, but with healthy choices and free fruit.


Last night I had frozen fruit in a blender with 1 cup of FF milk......counting only the milk rocks! It was so good and took the place of dessert for me.



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I have been wanting to get back to ww. I would love to try the new plan. Unfortunately there is no way we can afford it. I called to see what discounts were in my area? Basically none! They don't offer the monthly pass, which is a big savings. I was told the first day would be $84 that is supposedly a discount on sing up and then a 6 wk pass (which is the only savings plan they have). This works out to $14 dollars a week. Not something I can afford, and in these difficult times I bet I'm not the only one! When I called my health insurance company to see what benefits were available for weight loss services (I am a good 50 pounds or more overweight) I was told none unless I was diabetic (not even nutritional counseling). Well I'm not yet!, but I guess they would rather wait to provide services when people are seriously ill, do they think that will be cheaper!

Sorry for the rant, I just really want to do something about my weight and weight watchers is the only program I have ever made work.

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Just joined yesterday and while I'm a little overwhelmed, I like the system. I really like having free fruit as bananas are a regular in our house.


I got the monthly pass and e-Tools and love the recipe builder. I cook mostly ethnic dishes and have always had a hard time estimating points in them. Now I can calculate them! Hooray!

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I have been wanting to get back to ww. I would love to try the new plan. Unfortunately there is no way we can afford it. I called to see what discounts were in my area? Basically none! They don't offer the monthly pass, which is a big savings. I was told the first day would be $84 that is supposedly a discount on sing up and then a 6 wk pass (which is the only savings plan they have). This works out to $14 dollars a week. Not something I can afford, and in these difficult times I bet I'm not the only one! When I called my health insurance company to see what benefits were available for weight loss services (I am a good 50 pounds or more overweight) I was told none unless I was diabetic (not even nutritional counseling). Well I'm not yet!, but I guess they would rather wait to provide services when people are seriously ill, do they think that will be cheaper!

Sorry for the rant, I just really want to do something about my weight and weight watchers is the only program I have ever made work.


Can you get the doctor to do a two or three hour glucose test, to see if you are pre-diabetic. Maybe that would take care of it?


My mom pays for my membership (she says that the way she raised me is the reason for my weight struggles, so she feels responsible to help me out,) which is a huge blessing. I would be glad to help you out with info in any way.


Also, I really think that if you use the old plan (you should be able to get materials cheap on ebay now!) and make sure to eat five servings of fruits and veggies and only whole grains, it wouldn't be much different.

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Here's my take:


The Points Plus values are higher than on the old plan. They are based on Protein, Carbs, Fat, and Fiber only. You can google for the formula online, and a tech-savvy dh or kiddo might be able to write you a program to do it automatically. :)


They seem to take age into account in a greater way, too, in figuring your daily amount, because I get more than some of the older but similarly weighted women at my meeting. Many of the ladies around me were at minimum points (29.) I haven't seen the formula for figuring your allowance anywhere, but if anyone wants me to use my handy-dandy calculator to put in their height, age, and weight and tell them, I can.


The weekly allowance went up, too, to 49. Activity points went up, too.


Most foods also went up a bit. Everything I've checked so far that is a carb or has fat in it has gone up. Fruits and most (not starches like peas, corn, etc.) vegetables are "free." I think those who don't eat fruits and veggies could now be hungry.


For $20.90, I got a basic member kit (with two books and a journal) and a calculator. Everything is on sale until the first of the year. The calculator will give you your new points total (there is no simple chart to use anymore,) so it would be everything you would need to do it on your own if you knew the basics.


The new Filling Foods list is called Power Foods now, and it is your basic common sense: fruits, veggies, quality carbs, low fat proteins. The big changes are that they removed avacados and added light bread. You cangest skip counting points for everything and just eat from the list, like the old Core program.


It will be hard to dump out the old values in my head, and I liked being able to just estimate points in my head in a pinch, but overall I'm happy. I feel like I ate more yesterday, so hopefully I'm still happy at the scale next week.

Edited by angela in ohio
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Going to pick up a new member kit and calculator for the new program today.


Someone started it and doesn't like it and has decided to join a different diet plan so she is selling me hers at a discount! I am very excited as I can't really join right now but want to do the program.


How is everyone doing? Thoughts so far?



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One week on the new plan and I lost....... 6.4 lbs!!!!!!! I was never hungry. I ate healthy all week, eating all of my "good health guidlines". I never dipped into my extra 49 at all, but I never felt the need to do it either. I stayed satisfied and noticed my cravings for sweets greatly diminish. I love this new program so much. I know I can reach my goal weight of 160 lbs for sure now.

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Going to pick up a new member kit and calculator for the new program today.


Someone started it and doesn't like it and has decided to join a different diet plan so she is selling me hers at a discount! I am very excited as I can't really join right now but want to do the program.


How is everyone doing? Thoughts so far?




I'm following the new plan very carefully, and according to my scale I have gained a few pounds. Sometimes it's unrelaible, but I do feel like I have gained. I feel like I am eating all day, and I barely touched my weekly points. I already ate a lot of fruits and veggies and lean protein, so I really have a lot more to eat now.


If I go to WI, and I gained, I will go back to the old plan that same day. :glare:

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Ok, got the materials.....she sold me the member kit with a points calculator and a new pointsplus pedometer, all for $30.


The only problem with doing it on my own is that I can't figure out how many daily points I am supposed to get.


Are you all at 29 points per day? I hear most people are. Is there a formula or do you have to rely on the WW leaders to tell you?


Thank you!,



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I am worried this will be the same for me. I will see.


This is how the old plan was for me.




I'm following the new plan very carefully, and according to my scale I have gained a few pounds. Sometimes it's unrelaible, but I do feel like I have gained. I feel like I am eating all day, and I barely touched my weekly points. I already ate a lot of fruits and veggies and lean protein, so I really have a lot more to eat now.


If I go to WI, and I gained, I will go back to the old plan that same day. :glare:

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Ok, got the materials.....she sold me the member kit with a points calculator and a new pointsplus pedometer, all for $30.


The only problem with doing it on my own is that I can't figure out how many daily points I am supposed to get.


Are you all at 29 points per day? I hear most people are. Is there a formula or do you have to rely on the WW leaders to tell you?


Thank you!,




Use the calculator to figure your daily points target. It figures two things: the daily points target and the points for food. The lowest is 29 points that anyone can be on.

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I was set to join with a friend and go with her but then dh joined the YMCA so that is $70/month for the family (he really needs the Y though as he has Tpe 2 diabetes and his sugar is high. It is hard to exercise here in Michigan winters as it is dark before work and dark after work).


Can I buy just a kit? Is online cheaper? The meetings would be nice but I need to see if it is in the budget.


I had lost about 75 pounds over the past 4 years and then have gained back 15 of that but I don't want to gain back anymore.

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I was set to join with a friend and go with her but then dh joined the YMCA so that is $70/month for the family (he really needs the Y though as he has Tpe 2 diabetes and his sugar is high. It is hard to exercise here in Michigan winters as it is dark before work and dark after work).


Can I buy just a kit? Is online cheaper? The meetings would be nice but I need to see if it is in the budget.


I had lost about 75 pounds over the past 4 years and then have gained back 15 of that but I don't want to gain back anymore.


You can just buy a kit if you like. Go to one meeting, pay that fee and buy the kit. Do it on your own. Be sure to buy the caculator. I *think* you get a coupon for one free or $ off in the kit. Be sure and look or ask. OR you can just pay the fee for the first week, and buy one calculator at under $6 and that's it. They will give you the book you need to get started. OR you can join online (which, yes, is cheaper than meetings.) And you still get etools to use, which is great because I love the recipe builder to help figure points in recipes that I create from scratch, where a nutrition label is not readily available. OR you can do it at home with the at home kit. Lots of choices.

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The problem is that you also have to pay the joining fee ($25), plus the first weekly feed ($13), plus the materials.


Do you have a friend on the program who could buy it for you?


Ebay right now has these things for 3 to 4 times the price of one you can buy at WW.


I got a kit and calculator and pedometer (for points plus) for $30.....off of Craigslist.


I still want a food scale for the new program.


Anyone know how much a food scale is from the WW meetings store?




You can just buy a kit if you like. Go to one meeting, pay that fee and buy the kit. Do it on your own. Be sure to buy the caculator. I *think* you get a coupon for one free or $ off in the kit. Be sure and look or ask. OR you can just pay the fee for the first week, and buy one calculator at under $6 and that's it. They will give you the book you need to get started. OR you can join online (which, yes, is cheaper than meetings.) And you still get etools to use, which is great because I love the recipe builder to help figure points in recipes that I create from scratch, where a nutrition label is not readily available. OR you can do it at home with the at home kit. Lots of choices.
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My mom pays for my membership (she says that the way she raised me is the reason for my weight struggles, so she feels responsible to help me out,) which is a huge blessing.


That is one of the nicest things I've ever heard from a parent to an adult child. Please tell your mom that I will never forget such a kind gesture.


I lost 48 lbs. about five years ago and have kept them off. The longer you stay on WW the more OCD you become!!!


We moved a year ago and I haven't been to a mtg. here, but I still track points and use my tracking card etc.


I often feel like my habits are slipping so I'm going in very soon if not this week.


I had no idea that fruit is now going to be free. Truth be told: I've been known not to count fruit and I would bet that this new system will be awesome for people losing weight and changing their eating habits.





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The problem is that you also have to pay the joining fee ($25), plus the first weekly feed ($13), plus the materials.


Do you have a friend on the program who could buy it for you?


Ebay right now has these things for 3 to 4 times the price of one you can buy at WW.


I got a kit and calculator and pedometer (for points plus) for $30.....off of Craigslist.


I still want a food scale for the new program.


Anyone know how much a food scale is from the WW meetings store?





That's a big registration fee. I bet they will have free registration after the holidays. Might try going then.

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Oh, thanks. I finally figured it out! The previous owner got 34 points....but once I put in my info, it says I only get 29. I think anyone under 200 calories must get 29 points.


I need to play with the thing more to figure it out.




Use the calculator to figure your daily points target. It figures two things: the daily points target and the points for food. The lowest is 29 points that anyone can be on.
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They have a 50% the first month if you do the monthly pass - that means you pay only $19.95 for the first month - no registration fee with the monthly pass - so if you wanted to get the materials, and don't know anyone who is a member that could buy them for you, that might be the way to go. I've heard that they bill for the second month automatically within 2 weeks though, so if you plan to cancel the monthly pass, you'd have to do so relatively quickly to avoid being charged for that second month at full price ($39.95)


I'm joining and going to my first meeting this week - I was a member years ago until I got pregnant with my youngest (she was a result of what friends and I joked as being the "weight watcher's curse" - several of us got halfway to goal and surprise surprise, wound up pregnant :lol: - of course now that baby is 6.5yo and I'm heavier than ever, sigh) - I can't wait to learn about the new program! And to fit in my skinny jeans :tongue_smilie:

Edited by deannajo
failed to proofread :-P
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That's a big registration fee. I bet they will have free registration after the holidays. Might try going then.

I think I heard somewhere that the frozen Weight Watcher's Smart Ones have a coupon enclosed in the package for free registration (good through the end of the year), but I'm not positive.

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I pulled up this not-too old thread. I think I want to give the new plan a go. I need to not spend hardly any money thought. And yes, I know this is not ideal.


I found an app for my Android phone that supposedly uses the new PointsPlus system. Could I not just use that? It's like 99 cents!


I may still think about joining for the meetings, but I just don't see how we can swing it. I would guess I'd get somewhere around 32 points a day. And fruit is free. So I could use the app for tracking all other foods. Do you think I can get away with that?

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I pulled up this not-too old thread. I think I want to give the new plan a go. I need to not spend hardly any money thought. And yes, I know this is not ideal.


I found an app for my Android phone that supposedly uses the new PointsPlus system. Could I not just use that? It's like 99 cents!


I may still think about joining for the meetings, but I just don't see how we can swing it. I would guess I'd get somewhere around 32 points a day. And fruit is free. So I could use the app for tracking all other foods. Do you think I can get away with that?


I am not really sure- and you could ask someone with a calcualtor to tell you how many points you would get. Its also important to understand a few things about the new system. Its taking me a bit to get my head around it- I lost the 1st week, stayed the same the 2nd week and lost the 3rd week.

You get your daily points which go back to zero each day- you cant carry them over.

You get- everyone gets- 49 points for the week. These zero each week. You can use them as extra points each day, but they are very useful for saving for special occasions.

Exercise points are a little different, and the points for foods are different from the old system, but I guess the app would account for that.

And fruit is not a free for all...I learned that on my 2nd week. I got into fresh dates. Ugh, talk about a sugar addiction being rekindled. I had to eat them all to get them out of the house though :) I was eating fresh dates and many pieces of fruit a day (summer fruit season here) and it triggered sugar bingeing for me (I dont normally eat sugar). I have learned...fruit, past 2 pieces, is for when I am hungry and it's too long to the next meal. You can't just eat it endlessly.

Other than that...I would give it a go. Its a very liveable and healthy weight loss or maintenance program and if I coudlnt afford it, now that i know how it works, I would try and do it for free myself.

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