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best "fake" american girl doll?

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It took me a long time to come around to the price of American Girl dolls, but my youngest now has 2 and is getting a 3rd for Christmas. She loves, loves, loves them and plays with them far more than any other doll (she's 10 now, so at this point they are really the only doll she plays with anymore).


We tried a few substitutes, and really, that money was somewhat wasted, as she simply doesn't play with or enjoy them the way she does AG. Most don't approach the quality of AG dolls, and the ones that do apparently don't have the same allure or fun factor. AG dolls tend to have great hair, which most girls love to fiddle with.


Also, I think they have a certain 'look' that the kids like; many of the Gotz dolls, while equal in quality, have that old-fashioned porcelain doll look, while AG dolls tend to look more realistic. I don't know how to explain it, but if you can compare side by side you may be able to see what I'm talking about. An AG doll looks fine whether dressed in modern or historical clothes, and Gotz/others tend to look odd in modern clothes.


So, if the price is a stretch but workable, I'd consider going AG in the first place. Do you spend that much all together, or usually not? What I did was explain to dd that getting an AG doll means getting very few other gifts. When she was fine with that, I knew she really wanted the doll!

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I did just go and look at the Emily Rose doll, and she's very pretty! One thing about cheaper dolls is that you always have the clothes, even if they don't wind up playing with the doll much, lol. Doll clothes and accessories are stupidly expensive, and Emily Rose has a rocking outfit!


I just asked dd why she likes AG better than other dolls: "Their hair is much better, and their clothes are, too. They have more stuff that all goes together. I love that they have stories. Each one is from a different time; it's just so interesting."

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The Emily Rose dolls are Madame Alexander dolls. You can get them at Target (look online) and Toys R Us as well. I don't know much about them. From the little I have heard, their hair isn't as easy to style as the AG dolls, but it's much nicer than the Our Generation dolls that Target sells.


You may still be able to get her a slightly-used AG doll from Craigslist or a consignment shop for a decent price if she wants one, but you don't want to spend all that money for a brand-new one.

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  • 2 months later...

We bought our dd a Springfield doll from Michael's for about $20. She came nekkid, but they sell clothes there and AG clothes will fit her. The hair is pretty cheap, but we leave it in a braid and untangle it every few weeks. She's had "Amelia" for a few years now and is quite rough on her and she's stood up great.


So the price is a big pro but the wackadoo hair is a big con.

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We bought our dd a Springfield doll from Michael's for about $20. She came nekkid, but they sell clothes there and AG clothes will fit her. The hair is pretty cheap, but we leave it in a braid and untangle it every few weeks. She's had "Amelia" for a few years now and is quite rough on her and she's stood up great.


So the price is a big pro but the wackadoo hair is a big con.


Each of my daughters has one of these too. They got them two Christmases ago. Older DD was 4 at the time and drooled over the American Girl catalog. Santa brought her a Springfield doll and she's never known the difference. She's held up well. I got a lot of cute clothing and shoes on Etsy.

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We bought our dd a Springfield doll from Michael's for about $20. She came nekkid, but they sell clothes there and AG clothes will fit her. The hair is pretty cheap, but we leave it in a braid and untangle it every few weeks. She's had "Amelia" for a few years now and is quite rough on her and she's stood up great.


So the price is a big pro but the wackadoo hair is a big con.


I'd say the same thing about the non-AG dolls. We have one of the Madame Alexander ones, I think from Toys R Us, and she has a lovely face with a sweet expression, and her body is fine, plus the AG clothes fit her. But the hair is really not the type you can fiddle with; it frizzed very easily. DD plays with her plenty but does prefer her AG dolls, because the hair can be styled more easily.

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DS was begging for a doll that looked like him. We got the Bitty Twins from AG (one boy, 1 girl) and gave 1 to him & 1 to DD for Christmas. Cheaper than the full-size dolls, same AG quality, and the only way I could find a boy doll that looked "like him" (not a plush toy or a soft CPK) that didn't totally creep me out.

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I did just go and look at the Emily Rose doll, and she's very pretty! One thing about cheaper dolls is that you always have the clothes, even if they don't wind up playing with the doll much, lol. Doll clothes and accessories are stupidly expensive, and Emily Rose has a rocking outfit!


I just asked dd why she likes AG better than other dolls: "Their hair is much better, and their clothes are, too. They have more stuff that all goes together. I love that they have stories. Each one is from a different time; it's just so interesting."


I found doll and me matching outfits at kmart for $15 right before Chrsitmas and $7.50 after christmas. DDs happy with matching outfits. Kohls had quite a few outfits also but they went so fast in store and on line. I just purchased doll and me nightgowns at Kohls.comfor under $20.

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We got our girls Madame Alexander dolls for Christmas. They love them and I was willing to get them because they are actually pretty and well made (I do NOT like the Our Generation dolls at Target or the ones from Michaels). We got ours at Costco, so I'm not sure where else they sell them. I have cousins who got the Journey Girls dolls (from Walmart) and they are nice, but I wasn't really impressed with them

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