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"Beginner's" mythology?


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I just started reading the Percy Jackson series out loud to my 6 year old boy. I would like to get him more acquainted with mythology. I have a fairly good background myself, but because English is not my first language, I butcher (in English;)) the names of the creatures (DH corrected me on "cyclops" and "centaur" last night ;)


What are your favourite sources for introdusing your child to mythology? Many Thanks.

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I like the Dover books for various myths, folktales, and the like-the ones that are in the "Easy to read" type. They're usually the more innocent stories out of the culture, but a good introduction.


I also rented Hercules (the Disney one). Not exactly authentic, but at least gives an idea who the characters are.

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Am I the first first one to say D'Aulaires? D'Aulaires.



This is a great one. Don't know if anyone has kids interested in computer games, but I was really surprised at how much my boys have learned playing Age of Mythology, from Age of Empires. Judging by what they've gotten out of the Percy Jackson books, I think you'll learn a lot from those too.

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