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Pencil tip in the foot

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DD has caused DS to have 12 stitches, 2 broken fingers, and now a pencil tip in the bottom of his foot.


I put drawing salve on it since he won't let me near it with anything else. I plan to use peroxide on it later after he soaks it to help get it out. He's terrified of the tweezers because he knows they'll hurt.


Any other suggestions?


PS It's a graphite pencil.

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My dd once had a toenail that was partially torn off and the part that was loose was hurting her when it bumped or brushed anything. She understood that the piece of nail needed to be trimmed off but would not let me do it. I waited until she was sound asleep that night and trimmed the toenail very carefully. It was much easier since she was very still. This would probably only work if your ds is a very sound sleeper like my dd.

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After his bath tonight, I doused it with peroxide and covered it with colloidal silver first aid ointment, then with a bandaid. I guess we'll see if it's just the graphite or if there's any wood in there in a day or two. It still hurts him, and it's on the bottom of his heel, so I hope it does come out.

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This is cracking me up seeing how many people have pencil lead stuck in them somewhere. I have some permanently stuck in my palm, and I thought I was unique. I guess not! :lol: I can't blame anyone but myself though. I tried and tried to get it out but it is there forever now!


I am sorry that your son is still hurting though. Mine healed over and was fine. I can see how it could be a lot more painful in the heel of the foot. I hope that you can get it worked out.

Edited by MamaJeanne
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I'm amazed at how many people have pencil tips somewhere in their body! DH had wanted me to take DS to Quickcare, but they were already closed. A friend's son told me the ER refused to take out a pencil tip. They said there was nothing they could do.


I'm keeping an eye on it, and keeping him off of it since it's still sore. Thanks for all comments.

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I've never heard of pencil tip injuries, ever...never mine them being left in for years...even decades!!! LOL


So, my question is.....why not remove the pencil tip? Can it not be removed like a sliver? Why not go to the doctor if it can't be done at home?


I hope your little ones foot is feeling better soon. I did pretty much all work that needed to be done on my kids while they were sleeping.



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I've never heard of pencil tip injuries, ever...never mine them being left in for years...even decades!!! LOL


So, my question is.....why not remove the pencil tip? Can it not be removed like a sliver? Why not go to the doctor if it can't be done at home?




I'm wondering as well.

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I've never heard of pencil tip injuries, ever...never mine them being left in for years...even decades!!! LOL


So, my question is.....why not remove the pencil tip? Can it not be removed like a sliver? Why not go to the doctor if it can't be done at home?


It's not hard or skinny like a piece of wood. It is soft, it buries itself in the skin, it's slippery, pieces break off the more you mess with it. Plus, you don't really notice it when it's swollen and sore, you notice after it's healed. It's not necessarily a *tip*, it's bits of pencil lead that color the skin. It's more like a tattoo. :P

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My daughter had about a 1/4 inch piece of pencil lead removed from the bottom of her foot last night. The ER numbed her up and removed it.


My son also had a piece stuck in the top of his foot and the ER removed it also.


Both ER's told me that I had done the right thing bringing them in and having it removed as it could have gotten infected.

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Since it's on the bottom of his foot where he walks, I'd definitely get it out. Graphite doesn't seem to get absorbed by the body over time, so I'd worry that leaving it in would cause discomfort when walking - kind of like permanently walking on a little stone. Good luck with your soaking and removal efforts!

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A friend's son was over playing recently, and he climbed on the couch and then jumped off...landing right on our art caddy, freshly filled with crayons, markers, and sharpened pencils and colored pencils. Pointy ends up. He ended up with three points in his foot! His mom took him to a PA friend who numbed him, removed the points and wood, and gave him some antibiotic. He's fine now.


I'm still dealing with the guilt that he got hurt on my watch.

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Since DS has been to Quickcare and the ER twice in the last year, he's skittish about them now. He is very dramatic and abhors pain. He won't even let me poke at it with my finger.


I am keeping a very close eye on it. At the first sign of anything weird (swelling, redness, pain that doesn't go away in a few days) he will have to go to Quickcare. I am just trying to give it a chance to resolve itself (with help at home) before putting him through all that again.

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