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I REALLY need to start exercising again....

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But I truly don't know when/how to get it done. :(



My therapist urged me again to get regular, strenuous aerobic exercise to help me manage my ADD and depression issues. She wasn't thrilled with my decision to start HSing, but hasn't commented on it since I first mentioned considering it.


The thing is, I am NOT a morning person. One of the things that drew me to HSing was that I wouldn't have to be up and ready to go by 8:15 to get DS1 onto the bus by 8:30. I'm lucky if I drag my lazy arse out of bed by 7:00-7:30 when my DH is ready to leave for work.

I also have an almost 18mo toddler. I can't exercise with him around, either because I will step on him or his toys, or because I don't want his fingers around the elliptical. He would not stay contentedly in a play-yard while I exercised, and I will not force him to.

And otherwise, HSing and chasing the toddler seem to take all day and all of my energy. By the time, DH is home, dinner is in our tummies, and the dishes are cleaned up, it's bedtime. And by the time the boys are in bed, I'm BEAT.


And one of the KEY things is that I need strenuous exercise, not just a quick walk around the block. Yes, the quick walk would be better than nothing, but I really need to find some way of getting in at least SOME strenuous aerobic exercise 3-4 times a week.


Can someone help me fight my way out of this box? I KNOW there has to be a way to do this.



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Maybe get a jogging stroller?

Or a bike trailer?

These would involve your toddler and get you some fresh air and sunshine, which can be very important to mental health. These wouldn't work in bad weather, though, so you would need a backup plan.

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I just bought P90 (not P90X) to do together with my dh. We are both terribly old :D, terribly out of shape :tongue_smilie:, and need to get moving before it's too late! I am not a morning person AT ALL, but we will set our alarm for 5:45, have a half cup of coffee, and get off our patooties and start exercising. It lasts 35 minutes and we can get it done before the kids get up to laugh LOL. I am excited. You can do it!

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I just bought P90 (not P90X) to do together with my dh. We are both terribly old :D, terribly out of shape :tongue_smilie:, and need to get moving before it's too late! I am not a morning person AT ALL, but we will set our alarm for 5:45, have a half cup of coffee, and get off our patooties and start exercising. It lasts 35 minutes and we can get it done before the kids get up to laugh LOL. I am excited. You can do it!


Seriously, I wish you all the luck in the world, but no, I can't get up at 5:45 to exercise. :( I wish I could. I've tried in the past. I can't keep it up. :(

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:grouphug:I just wanted to say I sympathize. I am having a similar problem. There is no way I can get any less sleep than I currently do so getting up earlier is not possible. My house is very small so there is no way to do any kind of workout without taking a serious chance of hitting someone. It also limits the opportunities to work out while anyone is sleeping since any noise in any room can be heard from every other room (not that my kids nap anymore). I tried doing Tai Chi and Stretching videos recently and I was interupted so many times that it took me 45 minutes to do a 15 minute warm-up. My kids are too big for a stroller and too small to keep up with even a slow jog/fast walk. We used to belong to the local YMCA but had to let our membership go since it was so expensive ($880/year plus $4.00 per hour/per kid for babysitting). They also didn't allow older children unless it was a school holiday, which was also the policy at the other gym I found with babysitting (I think to avoid people bringing kids that were home sick from school). Classes for the kids were also extra (and for younger kids mostly) so the opportunities to work out while they took a class were limited. By the time DH is home and dinner is over I'm way too tired to think about going out to a gym.


I hope someone has some good suggestions since I will also be watching closely. :bigear:

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Oh bless your heart...When I had younger children, I would put them down for a nap soon after lunch. Could you do some exercise during your toddler's nap time?


I keep thinking that's the only answer, but there always seems to be other things to do then: feed DS1 lunch, eat lunch myself, take a few minutes to relax, finish school while DS2 is not underfoot [he's REALLY distracting to DS1], chores, etc. :/ But I may have to buckle down and RECLAIM this time for myself.


Would a Y or gym membership that has childcare work?

I have come THIS close to joining the Y at least twice. I just don't know when I'd go. I can easily see that being a good 2 hours out of our day between prepping to get ready, getting there, getting the kids signed into the childcare place, getting to the class or machine, spending the time exercising [classes are usually 45-60 minutes, I SHOULD spend at least 45 on a machine], getting showered and changed, signing the kids OUT of the childcare, and getting them home. I'm just not sure I can find 2 hours 3-4 times a week to "spare", especially when I have a perfectly fine elliptical downstairs gathering dust, and several exercise DVDs in the cabinet [plus Netflix and the library to pull from].

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I also have an almost 18mo toddler. I can't exercise with him around, either because I will step on him or his toys, or because I don't want his fingers around the elliptical. He would not stay contentedly in a play-yard while I exercised, and I will not force him to.



Put yourself in a play-yard. Seriously, cobble together a bunch of baby gates and make room to do a video or something.


Something like this: http://www.amazon.com/North-States-Superyard-Gate-Play/dp/B00020L78M


Maybe two of them. I realize it's an investment, but so is exercise equipment that is difficult or unsafe to use around little ones.

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I need to get back to exercising again also. I was doing really well, then missed a couple of weeks & got comepletely derailed. Anyway, what worked for me was to exercise in the evening. I thought I'd end up being unable to sleep, but actually I was able to go to sleep more quickly. I originally planned to get up early, but I'm a night person so it was really hard. Plus, in the morning, I didn't have nearly as much endurance as I did in the evening since I hadn't fueled at all.

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I know it seems impossible, but you can do it. You just have to stop filling all of your time with other things -- and believe me, I speak from experience! If I don't want to do something, I can find a million other things that I "need" to do instead, and I think you might be doing the same thing. If you don't enjoy exercising, it's a real chore, and if you do strenuous exercise, you get all sweaty, and then you feel like you need to shower and change your clothes, and who has time for that in the middle of a busy day with kids, right?


I will not suggest that you get up at 5am to work out. That would be wrong. And evil. I won't get up at 5am for pastries and a latte, so I could never ask another human being to get up to exercise. ;)


Have you considered something along the lines of Leslie Sansone's in-home walking DVDs? Some of them are quite fast-paced, yet they're easy to do and you won't be so busy trying to follow complicated dance moves that you'll trip over your 18 month-old. They're not super-strenuous workouts, but you can intensify them to make them more difficult and to get your heart rate up higher.


I'm sure you can do this -- the most important thing is to start doing *anything* just to get yourself moving!



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We joined the 'Y.' They have "free" childcare and scholarships (if necessary.) When I get up (about 7:30) I put on my exercise clothes and then "do" school . . . We don't actually go until later in the afternoon. My kids LOVE going and since we go later in the afternoon my older kids get to hang out with the PS kids they would not normally see. They even have an exercise class for my kids while I'm in one of my classes -- they love that, too. (When they don't go to class they have arts/crafts, ping pong, playground . . .) It's very family friendly. You should know that I HATE exercise but at the Y there are all levels of fitness -- so I don't feel awkward. Oh, I usually put dinner in a crockpot on days that we go or plan something easy so that our evenings aren't so rushed. It's worked out great for us!

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I know it seems impossible, but you can do it. You just have to stop filling all of your time with other things -- and believe me, I speak from experience! If I don't want to do something, I can find a million other things that I "need" to do instead, and I think you might be doing the same thing. If you don't enjoy exercising, it's a real chore, and if you do strenuous exercise, you get all sweaty, and then you feel like you need to shower and change your clothes, and who has time for that in the middle of a busy day with kids, right?


I will not suggest that you get up at 5am to work out. That would be wrong. And evil. I won't get up at 5am for pastries and a latte, so I could never ask another human being to get up to exercise. ;) [me: THANK YOU!!!!]


Have you considered something along the lines of Leslie Sansone's in-home walking DVDs? Some of them are quite fast-paced, yet they're easy to do and you won't be so busy trying to follow complicated dance moves that you'll trip over your 18 month-old. They're not super-strenuous workouts, but you can intensify them to make them more difficult and to get your heart rate up higher.




bolding mine: THIS!!! Word. This is so me. But no, honestly, my house NEEDS me. I have at least 4 loads of laundry unfolded in my foyer. The floor hasn't been vacuumed in ages. 2 of the 3 bathrooms are gross [i managed to get one done earlier this week]. The sheets and towels didn't get changed this week. The basement resembles a landfill. And I can't tell you the last time we dusted. It's DS1's swim lessons, his speech therapy, field trips, next week co-op classes start, plus errands--grocery store, doctors' appointments, Target, craft store, etc. School takes the least amount of our time each day.


I've exercised "with" Leslie before. She really isn't strenuous for me at all. Even if I wear ankle weights and carry hand weights. I don't know about putting myself in a bubble either because I suspect then I'd just have a toddler standing OUTSIDE the gates crying for me. I will not let my baby cry if I can do anything to stop it.


kwickimom, I'm not a morning person--oh boy, am I not--but I majorly wilt after dinner. It's been a struggle to get the dishes done. How do you find the energy to exercise? I've been thinking about trying to take a class through rec&parks, but between my dh doubting he can handle both boys' bedtime routines, and my own worry about the energy issue, it hasn't happened yet.


Ok, seriously, ya'll, I REALLY appreciate you helping me think this through. I know it seems like I'm just shooting everything down, but I promise I am thinking about it all very seriously and letting it percolate through my system to see if anything brews up.

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I know it seems like I'm just shooting everything down, but I promise I am thinking about it all very seriously and letting it percolate through my system to see if anything brews up.


I don't think you're shooting things down; I think you know your own life and can identify what will and won't work for you. What works for one person is a nightmare for another, and if you have to work out when you're already tired, it's not a routine that's going to last very long.


I know what you mean about the Leslie DVDs -- if you're already in good shape, they won't be challenging enough for you. I just figured that something might be better than nothing, even if just to get your 18 month-old used to the idea that you're going to be busy for a little while. I know it's hard to manage with kids, and even if you can get outside for a half hour with your little one in a stroller, you can't very well go jogging with a 6 year-old, even a 6yo on a bike or a scooter, because he'll get sick of the whole thing after the first 5 or 10 minutes, or he'll just get too tired to keep up with you.


I'll try to think of some other ideas, but other than telling you to start running up and down the stairs with all that laundry, it's not easy! ;)



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I have come THIS close to joining the Y at least twice. I just don't know when I'd go. I can easily see that being a good 2 hours out of our day between prepping to get ready, getting there, getting the kids signed into the childcare place, getting to the class or machine, spending the time exercising [classes are usually 45-60 minutes, I SHOULD spend at least 45 on a machine], getting showered and changed, signing the kids OUT of the childcare, and getting them home. I'm just not sure I can find 2 hours 3-4 times a week to "spare", especially when I have a perfectly fine elliptical downstairs gathering dust, and several exercise DVDs in the cabinet [plus Netflix and the library to pull from].


Can you honestly think of a better way to spend 6-8 hours a week than ensuring your kids have a mom who is physically, mentally and emotionally healthy enough to care for them? :grouphug:


I might be projecting my life onto yours, but I finally realized this year that many of my obstacles to exercising just weren't as big as I had thought. Yes, I need to know myself and what why weaknesses are, what things are likely to break my resolve. But in other cases, I just needed to try in spite of the obstacle, and then I discovered that the obstacle wasn't really that big of a problem.


Could you get in the habit of going to the Y with the kids as soon as you are up, whenever that is? I really think your health trumps the housekeeping. The basement landfill can wait until the kids are grown. (Or at least, that's my plan.:D) And you might find, as I did after the first week or two, that you oddly have more energy when you exercise and are able to get more of the housework done than you expected.


Good luck!

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And you might find, as I did after the first week or two, that you oddly have more energy when you exercise and are able to get more of the housework done than you expected.



And then she can come over to my house and do my housework for me! (Hey, I hear it's good exercise... ;) )



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:grouphug: I so understand about the morning and dirty potties. I have three boys, one of which is a 3 y.o. who just got potty trained, so you can imagine the filth that can accumulate in my bathrooms. I do try to clean, but I so sympathize with that wilting after dinner thing.


Maybe you don't have to start with crazy aerobic exercise, maybe just some pilates or relaxing yoga? That won't necessarily get your heart rate up, but it is conditioning of some type. You can lay on the floor and just make sure you don't kick the baby when you're doing some of the faster pilates moves. There are some super easy DVDs available too.


I wouldn't beat yourself up about the exercise, just try to do a little something at a time. Baby steps...Rome wasn't built in a day, but you CAN get some exercise to help with the depression even if it's just 15 minutes. My 3 y.o. still doesn't much like to go places without me or one of his siblings, it just gets out of his comfort zone. And since we're together all the time, I know I probably wouldn't let my baby cry if he needed me when I exercise.


Best wishes,


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I would grab that 18 month old, make sure he is fed and rested, put him in the stroller and start walking. I go to http://www.kathysmith.com for my mp3's to walk at a great pace. I LOVE the hour walks. They go by so fast.


On bad weather days, the little one comes in the bedroom to play while I do 20 minute Powerfit/Powerfit Harmony workout. Sometimes I combine two, one in the am and one in the pm.

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How late do you stay up and how late does your dh stay up? My idea (following) could work if DH does to bed early and you go to bed late.


If you wilt after dinner and you NEED exercise, DH takes over after dinner. Mom sneaks off to nap or at least rest for an hour or, drink coffee (?), or do SOMETHING dewilting.


Mom gets up, helps with kiddos' bed time routine and sends them to bed. Dad and mom grab a few minutes of adult time. Dad heads off to bed.


Mom attaches laptop to elliptical with surf shelf: http://www.amazon.com/SurfShelf-Treadmill-Desk-Laptop-Holder/dp/B001M04RBK/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1287221227&sr=8-1 and reads WTM board while exercising!


Then after exercising, when you're still pumped, you clean something or other as a cool down ('cause nothing brings you back down to earth like a good toilet scrubbing). Then it's off to bed with you.

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repeated a phrase twice
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I believe you and know it is really hard. :grouphug: The only reason I do it is that I've been an athlete since I was a kid, and I was losing myself when I went sedentary. So, I don't have any great motivational advice, unfortunately. :rolleyes: Mothers really do come in last place in the household scheme of things. But, here's an idea for you...


One of the things I use to cross train is a

. I've seen them used on ebay and the like or there's always new. :D You don't need a super-long one. I got mine from a friend and it fits under my couch. I pull it out and throw in a DVD, and before long, my workout is done!


You can do it whenever you have the time. There's all sorts of variations people do with the board, too, but I just skate on it. Oh, and it is quiet too, so you could sneak in a workout during nap time!:)




Oh, and P.S., once you get in the groove, maybe you'll use the ellipitical to vary your workout. I have found I really need the option of one other thing before equipment gets used in my home.

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I keep thinking that's the only answer, but there always seems to be other things to do then: feed DS1 lunch, eat lunch myself, take a few minutes to relax, finish school while DS2 is not underfoot [he's REALLY distracting to DS1], chores, etc. :/ But I may have to buckle down and RECLAIM this time for myself.




Something, somewhere, will have to give.


In 2006, my boys ranged in age from infant to 6 years old. I decided I was going to reclaim my health and made exercise my number one priority in a given day. I wouldn't begin school or shower or change out of my pjs until I exercised. I did Walk Away the Pounds DVDs for the longest time. When I began, I often exercised at 9 or 10 in the morning. It was hard to rearrange my priorities--I felt like it was poor stewardship of my time to not be checking things off my list. In reality, though, it was one of the best ways to spend my time. I became more joyful and healthier. Now, 5 years later, I still exercise daily, only now I do wake up early and get on the treadmill before anyone else is up.


Your children are all still young. Take this time to establish healthy habits so you can enjoy them as they grow up. Reclaim some time for yourself. School can wait. Feed your older son earlier and enforce a quiet time for him as well.


You can do this :grouphug:.

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Haven't read all of the replies BUT don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good(or however that saying goes). If you jump full bore into something you are more likely to injure yourself and not do something sustainable.


How about starting w/ nature walks w/ the kids. We just start out the front door and see where it takes us. Put your 16 m.o. in a stroller or carrier and you can keep a good pace w/ the 6 y.o. We also like to run races. The 6y.o. thinks that is great fun and it makes me feel like a kid again. Doing some sprints are great for you and shouldn't take very much time. On average we spend 2-8 hrs walking outside a week of all kinds of varying speeds.

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Read the thread lots of good ideas, I think the idea is to find what works for you. For me I do like to get up early myself, but as far as exercise I like to do it mostly as family time, that is sustainable for me. We bought a bike trailer(found used on craigslist) and once a week we go to the bike park for an hour or so the 6 y.o. rides and dh and I ride as well- the youngest 2 in the trailer. My 6 y.o. can go way faster than me so it is plenty strenuous w/ me pulling 70 lbs behind me! As I said we also do nature walks and hikes as a family both dh and I strap on a kid and then my son walks himself. We do sprints around the yard. I do sets of strength training exercises while we are watching something together. Just using your bodyweight is plenty of resistance- pullups and pushups are hard. We like to go to the pool about once a week or so as well, I put the kids in the tubes and then I paddle them across the lanes, which totally kicks my butt. We have races doing that as well. Dh always wins, but it keeps you motivated racing someone else.


My thing w/ exercise is that it has to be something I love. If it isn't then I won't keep it up and life is too short. Thus why I make it a family affair, it is also a good thing to pass on to the kids. I also did p90x last year but found it wasn't sustainable as a lifestyle for me. I want that time as family time and to workout together. However, we are all different. I just want to say though even if you cannot get that time away there are ways to be active. I just think too often caught up in how it should look instead of looking what will work for us. Getting your heart rate up counts rather you are officially working out or not. Pushing a stroller at a good speed up a hill (we have lots around here) can certainly do that.


Anyway= good luck- as I said I hope you find something that works for you!

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I just wanted to say, I feel your pain. I have just figured out how to get to the Y twice per week. I am frustrated I can’t get more strenuous exercise in but I’ll take what I can get. When my kids were your kids age I would fix the kids breakfast and jump rope while they were eating. You have to buy a decent jump rope (your kid’s jump rope won’t work J). I would strap the baby in the high chair and jump rope in the garage with the kitchen door open so I could see that they were ok. They usually thought what I was doing was quite entertaining. Jump roping is strenuous exercise. You burn serious calories in short amount on time. I worked my way up to 15 minutes. When I had an elliptical I used it while the children were napping or when desperate, I’d bring the high chair/play pen in the room with me. I’d throw the baby some cheerios and turn on Barney. Now, I hated working out to Barney but desperate times call for desperate measures.

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How about Zumba? You can go to a class or you can do it at home. We use the Y- we pay 98 per month but it includes 20 hrs total of babysitting for my kids under 5 and the kids older than 5 have a play place they can go to after 3:30 and run around. Fitness Kickboxing? Karate? Zumba and karate are my workouts of choice... 4 times a week I am in the gym or dojo.

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I just wanted to say, I feel your pain. I have just figured out how to get to the Y twice per week. I am frustrated I can’t get more strenuous exercise in but I’ll take what I can get. When my kids were your kids age I would fix the kids breakfast and jump rope while they were eating. You have to buy a decent jump rope. I would strap the baby in the high chair and jump rope in the garage with the kitchen door open so I could see that they were ok. They usually thought what I was doing was quite entertaining. Jump roping is strenuous exercise. You burn serious calories in short amount on time. I worked my way up to 15 minutes. When I had an elliptical I used it while the children were napping or when desperate, I’d bring the high chair/play pen in the room with me. I’d throw the baby some cheerios and turn on Barney. Now, I hated working out to Barney but desperate times call for desperate measures.
Hmmm, I do actually have a decent jump-rope that I bought a few years ago. I should find it.

My toddler would not stay in a playpen with or without cheeriors and/or Barney. :/ And I can't/won't ignore him while he's crying. Most often recently, naptime has been the only time I can get any TEACHING done.


How about Zumba? You can go to a class or you can do it at home. We use the Y- we pay 98 per month but it includes 20 hrs total of babysitting for my kids under 5 and the kids older than 5 have a play place they can go to after 3:30 and run around. Fitness Kickboxing? Karate? Zumba and karate are my workouts of choice... 4 times a week I am in the gym or dojo.


I would love to join the Y and take Zumba. My sister LOVES her Zumba class. Zumba at my local Y is an extra fee, even for members. And even as a member, my children are not guaranteed a spot in the childcare room; I have to reserve a spot for them NO MORE than a week in advance. So if the class is on Tuesday, the earliest I could reserve them a spot is the Wednesday before. Even if I've paid an extra fee for the class. For me, it's too much of a risk that I'd pay the membership fee, pay the extra fee for the class, and then not be able to take the class because the childcare room was full. :/ So I haven't joined. I also had wanted to put my elder son in swim lessons there, but apparently they are so popular that people literally start lining up to sign up at 4:00 or earlier. Even members are not guaranteed a spot [and in fact, I got the impression that sign-ups opened to the public a the same time they opened for members, so theoretically non-members could get a spot over a member? To me, that's bad business :( ]



I really do appreciate all your thoughts. I still don't know what I'm going to do. At the moment I'm sick and can barely make it through a non-exercise day, so hopefully I'll be better soon, and maybe then my brain will start working again and I can put some of this into action.



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T-Tapp is wonderful. There are sample exercises on her site. Tons of great testimonials! I finally started working out in May.


I can't believe how much better I feel, doing T-Tapp. If you buy her book on Amazon, you get a 30% off coupon for the videos. You still save, even buying the book. Very motivating.


I agree with the other poster about using gates for you. Too funny. Mom's health is sooo important. If you don't feel good, your whole family suffers.






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I've had many of the same problems getting in a good exercise. Couple days ago I started with Leslie's walk club and have been having fun incorporating it with my kiddo. I'm terribly out of shape (ok never really active), and the 2-3 miles have been a great start for me. I've also done the stroller thing (had to get a heavy duty stroller/bike trailer as my son is bigger), but sometimes it is difficult to do the outside thing. I've also had to "schedule" workout time with hubby, but it doesn't always work either because I can't focus if I hear the lil guy having tantrums (of course mama knows how to fix it faster than dad :D), and sometimes time that is good for him is not time I feel like working out. :confused:




Thanks for this Katie! I had never heard of this and after trying several of her exercises on the site I'm gonna give it a try. :001_smile:


T-Tapp is wonderful. There are sample exercises on her site. Tons of great testimonials! I finally started working out in May.


I can't believe how much better I feel, doing T-Tapp. If you buy her book on Amazon, you get a 30% off coupon for the videos. You still save, even buying the book. Very motivating.


I agree with the other poster about using gates for you. Too funny. Mom's health is sooo important. If you don't feel good, your whole family suffers.








Good luck hope you find what works for you! :grouphug:

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I would exercise in the evening. I know it's not ideal, but I never had problems falling asleep. I was always so tired that I would pass out as soon as I hit the bed.


We bought a treadmill so I could walk or run, and one birthday my dh bought me a tv so I could watch while on the treadmill.


Evenings are a great time to work out when the kids are small. Since you don't have a lot of time I would stick to some kind of interval workout like 30 day shred or some other cardio sculpt/burn.


I just bought kettlebells and they are fun! They are intervals with weights.


Find something that motivates you so you'll stick with it.


But I will add, that while I had young kids it was hard to consistently exercise, very hard. I was too tired all of the time, and little ones need a lot of physical care. But the exercise is worth it. Even if you are not consistent it is worth it. Every day that you do exercise is one more day that you have exercised. If you miss a week or two because the kids are sick or whatever, don't worry about it and just start again. Even a little bit can help with depression.

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Best idea I've heard all day!!:lol:


Thank you for reminding me of this post. I wanted to ask CeeCee if she actually has one of these, and how it works for her. I showed this to my DH a couple months ago, but he was very skeptical that I wouldn't end up with a broken laptop. :/

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