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looking for good read-aloud spine on american history (3rd grade)


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I've got Joy Hakim's and it is okay. Not thrilling. I use it more as a reference and a guide than a spine.


Have you looked at All American History? I think Timberdoodle carries it. I know Amazon does. It is listed for 5th-8th. But, I think you could use it earlier, especially if you read it aloud.

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Guest Alte Veste Academy
I am seeking a spine for american history (read aloud)-is joy hakim's series appropriate? Also looking for books my 8 yo can read to himself; he's a good reader, reading on a 4th or 5th grade level. Thank you!


Good luck with this. I have yet to find the perfect American history spine for the lower grades. I've given up and we're doing it as more of a progressive, chronological unit study. I'm happy enough if I can find a great spine for each era.


That said, I have all of Hakim's books on audio and I love them. DS and DD love to listen to them too. The narrator is very good and the issue of distracting sidebars (which is one reason some people don't like her books, the visual clutter) is eliminated.


ETA: As far as what he can read himself, try the Signature biography series, old Landmarks, the Sheinkin history books (there are three and you can see them all on this page). I have others I can recommend if you're interested, or do a search under American History and my user name and you'll come up with ridiculously long lists. :D

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Guest Alte Veste Academy
May I ask where you got Joy Hakim's books on audio? I would love to get them also but am having a hard time finding them! Thanks!


Audible has them. Just search under Joy Hakim. Enjoy! :001_smile:

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Thanks so much everyone! Any further opinions on all american history?



Are you interested in older writings?


This Country of Ours (search the board for previous threads discussing it's controversy)


Eggleston - there are several. A First Book in American History is one of them. A History of the United States and Its People might be intended for slightly older students.


Mary Pratt - has 4 volumes you can read at http://www.mainlesson.com.


Guerber - Story of the 13 Colonies and Story of the Republic


G. Foster's books - George Washington's World and Abraham LIncoln's World - probably for older students - these seem to be used in many programs marketed for "jr. high" age.


You've probably heard of most of these, but since no one else mentioned them I felt obligated :001_smile:.

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May I ask where you got Joy Hakim's books on audio? I would love to get them also but am having a hard time finding them! Thanks!



We get ours free through our library. It is program they have called Netlibrary. You can download the MP3 file onto your computer and when it expires it disappears. It allows you to check out quite a few different genres right from you computer at home. Maybe your library offers it?

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I'm hesitant to post, but.... after trying all sorts of different "spines" to go with Sonlight's Core 3 (Pratt's books, Marshall's This Country, Landmark History from SL Core 3, All American History, etc.), I decided on a whim to try BJU's 3rd - 5th Heritage Studies. My daughter loves them. Who knew a simple textbook like these would make all the difference for us in history? Just a thought for you....


Also my daughter loves reading any of the Childhood of Famous American books. Maybe some of those would work.


Good luck,

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The teacher manual for All American history has reading lists for grades 1-4 for every unit. You could read the text aloud to him as a spine & have him do the other reading, then he could do it himself in middle school along with the middle school reading list (if you do it in middle school, too). The TM also has ideas for projects, etc, etc. The book does read like a textbook, so that may or may not be something you'd like. Also, it takes two books to get through it all (you can do it over two years or you can speed it up).

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Thanks so much everyone! Any further opinions on all american history?


I'm not a fan of Joy Hakim's writing style. It drives me to distraction and the patronizing tone seals the dislike.


I am, however, a big fan ot the Colliers brothers series "the Drama of American History" first suggested by Matroyshka. It is well written and very even handed when dealing with the controversies in American History. Highest possible rating.


Moira (nmoira) has compiled a list of all the books in the series. It is worth a search as it can be tough to figure out the list otherwise.


Like the Hakim series, the DoA is probably (typically) aimed at 5-8 graders.



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Thank you everyone eggleston's books looke to be about what we're looking for, age-level-wise and content-wise.


What is the author's tone? The reviews seem to indicate a very "pro_american" tone-is this code for a book that glosses over the plight of the american indian (for example)? Or that doesn't fully discuss lincoln's position on slavery? Not trying to start a debate here, but want a history book that discusses, or at least makes reference to, the "other" side.

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I am doing my own history plans this year and using these books.


The Complete Book of United States History

DK's Children's Encyclopedia

Scholastic's 3D Interactive Maps of American History


I'm also using A Beka's 3rd grade history book, a series of biographies, to add in a Christian perspective. I am sending out emails to several ladies from this board. I just send a list of resources (books, crafts, websites, etc.) I find for each topic of study. I could send them to you as well, if you like. Just pm me with your email address.

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We're doing American History next year (3rd) with the following:


Mara Pratt's American History Stories Volumes 1-2 or 1-4

The American Story: 100 True Tales from American History by Jennifer Armstrong

DK's Children's Encyclopedia of American History

The Maestros' series (Discovery of Americas through The Amazing Impossible Erie Canal)

Paddle to the Sea and Tree in the Trail by Holling C. Holling

D'Aulaire's biographies, If You Lived Series, Keepers of the Earth, How the US Government Works, and lots of other living historical fiction, nonfiction and biographies to keep us busy :)


Some of the books have projects in them.


I haven't watched the History Channel's America: The Story of US DVD yet, but we're planning on using at least parts of it next year. We're definitely watching Liberty's Kids (available on Netflix right now).

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  • 5 weeks later...

I am, however, a big fan ot the Colliers brothers series "the Drama of American History" first suggested by Matroyshka. It is well written and very even handed when dealing with the controversies in American History. Highest possible rating.



Just found out my library has most of this series. Will check it out today. Thanks, Bill.

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Just found out my library has most of this series. Will check it out today. Thanks, Bill.


I hope you like them. They are aimed at children older than your son, so it may (or may not) be a series you'll want to use now. About the same level as Hakim, I imagine. And interesting for adults if you want to pre-read.



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