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Friend's daughter has been missing since Oct 4th..help!

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This is regarding one of my former students when I used to teach English at a local Christian school. She was one of my students. Awesome family and an only child! She is 14 and it's her first year in highschool. Apparently she has run away (or possibly against her will not sure) but she was last seen on Monday at her high school. I will list the info below. People from all over the country are posting to the facebook that has been set up to help locate these two. There is a missing persons poster with all the info. If you have the time and inclination, please post on the facebook board just to let them know that people are praying for them. If you can post the information to your own facebook or wherever you think it would be helpful that would be great. Sam has been gone since Monday and as a mom, I know this must be the worst nightmare of all time. I cannot even believe this is happening. We don't know where in the US they might be so anyone that can pass info along can help. Her parents are desperate to find her. They appreciate all encouragement even from online friends whether they know you or not. If you dont' know them that is ok. They are reading every posting and it helps encourage them. Reposting the information to get the word out helps too. Please pray for them!! Every hour that goes by is torture. I personally appreciate any person out there that takes the time to do this. Thank you so much!!







Edited by iluvmy4blessings
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I know the weight does seem a bit more than what she looks to weigh. Thanks to whoever has reposted this! They are still missing.


I was thinking that if you know them, that you might want to let them know. It might throw someone off. "Well, that looks kind of like her, but no way that kid weighs 180 lbs." Or---if she does weigh 180, they need to post some photos that show that. There are no body shots of the girl and that can make a difference in recognition.

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I read both sites...they seem sure the kids ran away together? Is that right? Is there any news? One of the fb posts said something about a note the girl left--did she say she was leaving?


I'm praying for them. It's scary how young they look. I'm in TX, so if there's anything I can do, send me a pm or an email.


(If they've run away, does anybody have any idea how much $ they have? That might tell how much gas they could have bought. Unless they had CC's--which could be tracked--I can't imagine they'd have enough $ to go *really* far. I hope?)

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Despite being caught with five of Mikolajczky's father's loaded guns, the pair is not facing criminal charges in Canada nor the United States.


"They were going to live off the land and hunt and live happily ever after. There's no criminal intent," said Calgary police spokesman Kevin Brookwell.

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Despite being caught with five of Mikolajczky's father's loaded guns, the pair is not facing criminal charges in Canada nor the United States.


"They were going to live off the land and hunt and live happily ever after. There's no criminal intent," said Calgary police spokesman Kevin Brookwell.


Edited by lionfamily1999
eta, awing the idea, not the act.
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"They were going to live off the land and hunt and live happily ever after. There's no criminal intent," said Calgary police spokesman Kevin Brookwell.


V. The Passionate Shepherd to His Love

COME live with me and be my Love,

And we will all the pleasures prove

That hills and valleys, dale and field,

And all the craggy mountains yield.


There will we sit upon the rocks 5

And see the shepherds feed their flocks,

By shallow rivers, to whose falls

Melodious birds sing madrigals.


There will I make thee beds of roses

And a thousand fragrant posies, 10

A cap of flowers, and a kirtle

Embroider'd all with leaves of myrtle.


A gown made of the finest wool

Which from our pretty lambs we pull,

Fair linèd slippers for the cold, 15

With buckles of the purest gold.


A belt of straw and ivy buds

With coral clasps and amber studs:

And if these pleasures may thee move,

Come live with me and be my Love. 20


Thy silver dishes for thy meat

As precious as the gods do eat,

Shall on an ivory table be

Prepared each day for thee and me.


The shepherd swains shall dance and sing 25

For thy delight each May-morning:

If these delights thy mind may move,

Then live with me and be my Love.

Edited by kalanamak
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