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Spotting @ 32 wks--women only.


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I just discovered that I have a bit of spotting. Not a ton, just on the TP. But turned the TP red. I've been feeling a lot of pressure down there today, also. But I've been feeling a lot of pressure and pain for about 10 weeks, so this isn't unusual. Should I be worried? If I call the Dr, he'll say to go to the ER. (That's his answer for everything on the weekends). We're supposed to go to DD's family b'day party at 1:00, so I'd rather not spend the day in the ER if it's nothing. But I've never had any spotting before, in any pregnancy. Should I be worried? I'm 32 1/2 weeks, so she does need more time to bake.

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You really have to call. If something were wrong that could have been prevented or aleviated by getting in early, you would really regret that. I had a similar situation on Christmas Eve, had to leave my oldest with our house full of family, and go to the doctors office for an ultrasound that revealed a partial previa. I don't think I've ever heard of a case where there was spotting and it would have been ok to ignore. I'm sorry the timing is bad...but you need to call. At least get a dialogue going with your doctor before you go to the party. I will be praying that everything will turn out fine.

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Under no circumstances go to a party. Preterm labor contractions do not hurt like full term labor.


Symptoms of Preterm labor



Contractions or cramps, more than 5 in one hour (Thing is, they don't hurt. You may not even notice them.)

Bright red blood from your vagina

Pain during urination, possible urinary tract, bladder or kidney infection

Sudden gush of clear, watery fluid from your vagina

Low, dull backache

Intense pelvic pressure



Lolly, mom to 3 preemies.

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It may be too late for me to chime in, but I also think you should be seen. You might have a placenta previa, which is what cause my spotting and then heavier bleeding at about 32 weeks. You can develop this in a later pregnancy if you've never had any problems before. It could be other things, too, of course. Since you know you need more time, you should be seen early to prevent a possible membrane rupture if all this continues. If that occurs you will definitely have to deliver, so it's best to try to prevent it....

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I also think you should call, as it could be any number the bad things others have mentioned, and you should check just in case of worst-case scenario.


However, for a look at the best-case scenario, I had something similar happen at exactly 32 weeks with my youngest. There was enough blood that I was soaking pads. I did go to the ER, spent a couple of days in the hospital, had to get a steriod shot for the lungs just in case... and the spotting just stopped after a day or so. Still have no idea what it was. :confused: Baby was born on her due date at full 40 weeks.


But you still need to get it checked... :grouphug:

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Spotting as you described was my only symptom that I was in preterm labor at 32 weeks. Once I arrived and was checked I was dilated to 5 and having contractions every 2 minutes. I did not feel these contractions.


Go to your local L&D and get checked out. ERs will send a woman with questionable labor directly to L&D.

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You all scared me. Especially Lolly saying premature labor didn't hurt. Just got back and everything's fine. She's moving a lot, but staying put for now! Thanks!


Glad to know you are both okay. I hope you have some peace and can rest easy now knowing all is well.


Hope you all have a wonderful evening.



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You all scared me. Especially Lolly saying premature labor didn't hurt. Just got back and everything's fine. She's moving a lot, but staying put for now! Thanks!


Sorry to scare you. Glad you went in for a check though. Now you don't have to worry! I'm so glad everything is alright. Did you get to go to the party?

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It's ok. :) I just thought *someone* would say it was probably nothing! Turned out to be a polyp, she's just fine. Good to know if I spot again. We did make it to the last half of her party. Quickest Hospital visit ever!

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It's ok. :) I just thought *someone* would say it was probably nothing!


I was going to say that you should wait to see if there is more blood, but I would have felt very bad if you didn't go and the baby was born too early, so I kept my mouth shut! I have had bleeding on and off this whole pregnancy and it is always fine. I always wait until the next day to go in and get an US just to be sure.

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