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POLL: What kind of milk do you buy?

What kind of milk do you drink?  

  1. 1. What kind of milk do you drink?

    • Organic whole milk
    • Organic 2%
    • Organic 1%
    • Organic skim
    • Raw milk
    • Conventional whole
    • Conventional 2%
    • Conventional 1%
    • Conventional skim

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When I can get out to the farm, we drink raw and use it to make our butter. Otherwise, we get get some non-organic certified, but still organic milk (we know the dairy) from a local dairy. 1% usually.


For myself though, I drink almond milk. Trying to cut back on my dairy for health reasons.

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We use conventional 1% (voted) and conventional whole (since we use less of this), but I almost always buy the non growth hormone variety from our local Rutters as opposed to anything goes from the grocery store. We also buy premade Chocolate milk from them during the summer in both 1% or whole versions (pending our whims at the time).

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Just interested in knowing how many raw milk vs organic vs conventional milk drinkers we have at what fat level. Trying to decide if I want a change. Currently we drink 2% mostly organic and then use whole organic milk for yogurt, but I'm wondering if we should make a switch to whole milk or even raw.

My guys go through 10 gallons of our own raw milk each week. The butterfat content is close to 5% ~ too rich for my tastes ~ so I drink Organic Valley 2%. I attribute my family's excellent health in part to raw milk, but I never recommend purchasing raw unless you have you have firsthand familiarity with the production facilities.


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The poll needed to be multiple entries possible for me, because I drink raw goats milk at the moment, and raw cows milk at other times...dd will dirnk raw cows milk if I buy it...ds and dh drink only conventional whole milk, normally, although I am now buying some local milk in recyclable packaging that they will drink.

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I would love to use raw milk if we could get it at an affordable price. Unfortunately it's tricky because you have to either get it unofficially or buy "bath milk" (for us it is illegal for raw milk to be sold for human consumption). Therefor we get unhomogenized full cream milk at the moment, but we're definite raw milk wannabes.

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I couldn't check more than one, so I chose organic whole, as that is what we buy the most of. That's what the kiddos drink. We buy a gallon or so each week. We get most of our dairy from yogurt and kefir instead. I buy a half gallon of conventional skim for myself, but I rarely finish it. I can tolerate milk and cheese less and less.

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