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anybody else watching Pillars of the Earth?

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Thanks. You made my day! Now I just need to find the time to watch it. Is it as good as the book? Or is that just asking too much?


I think it's really awful. Amazingly awful, considering that some of the actors are really very good (in other contexts). Disappointing. But I've watched the first episode and will likely watch the second...


I was really hoping for something the quality of HBO's Rome or even just Starz' other show, Crash, but it's not even remotely in the same league.

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I think it's really awful. Amazingly awful, considering that some of the actors are really very good (in other contexts). Disappointing.

:iagree: I was obsessed with the Tudors and expected that kind of quality. I watched the first 2 that they had on DirecTV as a sampler to get you to buy Starz. Yeah, no thanks. Now that I know it's on Netflix I may watch it if there's nothing else on. But tonight I get a Larkrise, so I'm all set!:tongue_smilie:

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I was so excited when I saw a preview for this, but we don't have the Starz channel so I figured I'd have to wait for the DVD. Then I saw that you could already watch it on Netflix and thought that was awesome. I'll probably still wait until they're all available, though, so I can watch them one after another. I don't have the patience to wait for the next episode. :D

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I started watching it on netflix by accident...I've not read the book....and was totally hooked. Only to be crushed because the rest of the series just started in Aug on Starz (we have a converter box). :glare: I don't know how it compares to the book....but I have really enjoyed the series.

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We were excited to see it too, but it really pales compared to the book. It's watchable, and probably much more so if you haven't read the book. I was hugely dissappointed in their pick for Tom Builder, he just doesn't match my mental image. Jack's personality doesn't come through nearly strong enough. And this may not even phase other people, but the sex scenes were a bit graphic for us.


If you haven't read the book, I HIGHLY recommend it!

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I didn't know anything about it. I'm house/dog sitting for a friend and was looking for something to watch on Netflix when this popped up as a suggestion. Netflix does know me well. The title didn't clue me in that this was a show about the book. DUH! It wasn't until I started watching it and saw "Ken Follett" that I finally realized. I was so excited and have watched all 6 episodes straight through. It was a total waste of a Saturday, but since the dogs don't need a lot of attention and it rained all day it was an enjoyable way to spend a Saturday.


The 2 boys that play Alfred and Jack sort of rub me the wrong way and the story is disjointed (but that's only to be expected when an epic of this sort is put into film), otherwise I really like it and I can't wait for the new season.


ETA: And could Tom Builder be any more hot? LOL

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Is it as good as the book? Or is that just asking too much?


Movies are very rarely as good as the book, IMO. It helps that I read it over 10 years ago and don't remember parts of it.


I really don't remember the creepy relationship between William and his mother. Did I just block that out, or did they add it?

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Movies are very rarely as good as the book, IMO. It helps that I read it over 10 years ago and don't remember parts of it.


I really don't remember the creepy relationship between William and his mother. Did I just block that out, or did they add it?



I was thinking the same thing. I've read teh book three times over the years and definitely don't remember this:001_huh:

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I'm watching it! You can watch it for FREE on tvshack.cc It's not nearly as good as the book, but if you take it on its own, it's pretty good. I am very disappointed that while the book was about Tom, Jack and Phillip, the movie is more about Waleran, Regan and King Stephen (who was barely in the book at all). I love Eddie Redmayne as Jack and would like for the movie to have featured him more.

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