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Have you ever had cavities?

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Funny you should ask, as I just now returned from my dental cleaning/exam where I was informed that I have a cavity in a deep groove in one of my molars -- I've been a patient of this dentist for nearly 20 years and next week he'll be doing his first work on my teeth other than routine exam/cleaning.


In my childhood/teens I had a number of fillings, due to very deep grooves in my molars. Nowadays many kids get dental sealants applied to their molars to prevent this type of decay.


Some people's teeth are also more prone to decay because of soft enamel or spacing/crowding issues. People who do not floss regularly can get cavities between their teeth.


You and your dc are lucky to have avoided cavities!

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Both parents had false teeth. Mom had full top dentures before age 20. Mom always said we had "chalky" teeth. One of my brothers only had one or two, but the other had several. I thought all the spots in my mouth were filled until I was pg and got 2 more. Ugh. I don't remember having much sugary stuff in the house as a child, either.


Of my 5 dc, only 2 have had any cavities. The dentist attributes the difference to fluoridated water and sealants. Of course, they could have better teeth genes from dh. He's only had a couple.

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I had a lot as a child but other than having a few loose fillings replaced and my wisdom teeth removed, I haven't had any significant dental work as an adult. My dentist firmly believes that whether we have good or bad teeth is largely genetic. Barring any really bad habits (e.g., sucking on sugary candies all day), it comes down to luck of the DNA draw.

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Neither my dad nor my brother have cavities, and so far my kids are cavity free (10, 13, 16). My mom on the other hand has tons. The dentist told her she has soft enamel, while my dad has hard enamel, and that is why his teeth are much more resistant to cavities.


We are pretty good about brushing, but I've eaten my share of candy. :D When I was younger I regularly got up in the middle of the night and ate something sweet, then went back to bed without brushing. I think I just got lucky and got good teeth.



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Despite my diligent brushing, I had lots of cavities when I was young. Haven't had much as an adult. None of my dc have had cavity troubles thus far. Only our oldest has had a sealant.


On a related note, has anyone used white oak bark powder to treat cavities? I have never tried it but ladies on another list I'm on say it really works.

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I had a lot as a child but other than having a few loose fillings replaced and my wisdom teeth removed, I haven't had any significant dental work as an adult. My dentist firmly believes that whether we have good or bad teeth is largely genetic. Barring any really bad habits (e.g., sucking on sugary candies all day), it comes down to luck of the DNA draw.


My dentist said much the same. My mom had never been to a dentist till her late 20's (raised Christian Scientist) and she had none. I don't think she does to this day (in her mid 60's). My dad has a mouth full of work. I'm in the middle, a good number in the back and two crowns to replace decayed fillings. One dd12 has none so far, while my type-1 dd has a mouth full due to poor/ lacking enamel and all those cake gels and midnight juice runs to get her sugars up as a baby. Ugh!

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4 in my lifetime. 3 in 3rd grade when I missed about 1/4 of the year with rubella that came back 3 times. 1 when I was a freshman in college and I got mono. They seemed to happen when I was severly compromised. My 2 boys have 1 cavity each. (DS14 had one on a tooth that they think was damaged aslightly by the orthodontic appliance. DS11 had one on a malformed tooth when he was a toddler - two teeth shared a root so not enough enamel formed between.) DD is another story - she had 8 or 9 when she was a toddler, but none since.

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I am embarrased to say I have horrible teeth. I just had a double root canal, and still have 7 cavites and 2 more root canals to go. I went to the dentist for the first time in my life when I was 18 and joined the AF, didn't go again till this past Jan., I am now 36. I am terrified of the dentist and have to really MAKE myself go. I also just started taking my kids to the dentist, same fear kept me away, thankfully they all have no cavities except for the one that I knew needs braces, she has 2 cavities and will get her braces shortly after that. I will take them each back in 6 mos for the next cleaning and so on. I will be pro active with dental care.

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