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Repeat to self: "I don't/do ________________"

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Things that I keep having to remind myself as we embark on homeschooling:


I don't have to start at 8am like the PS kids do.


I don't have to limit "recess" to just 10 minutes.


I don't have to do things in the exact same order every day.


I don't have to be done by x-o'clock, so quit rushing!


I do have time to follow rabbit trails, even if we're still barely halfway through our day's work, and it's lunch time.


I don't have to put on make-up before we start school!


I don't have to make DD answer every question or work out every problem on the page.


What are your "always having to remind myself" things?? :D

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I don't need to "test" or "grade" my children to know that they are learning.


It is okay to drop everything and get out there in the great outdoors, to go on a fun field trip, to spend some time just being together as a family, to continue reading a good book, to basically just live life on life's terms. Schoolwork isn't going anywhere. And my kids learn from everything, anyway.


Questions and conversation are a good thing. Telling a child to just "be quiet and get your work done already" is not such a good thing.


Things that a child has an interest in will probably be retained. Things that I'm just forcing a child to memorize probably won't be. Not for long, anyway.


Make everything as fun, creative and/or hands on as possible!

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I don't have to stick to a school schedule (or my schedule for that matter). We're planning a move and I'm not even sure what date we are STARTING school this year. We we're supposed to start Aug 2nd, so I'm a little unnerved.


I don't have to wear shoes to teach.


I do have the right to allow a growing boy to eat in the classroom.


I do have the right to stop school for the nature that comes to visit.


I don't have to kick the cat off the table, as long as he's not sitting on ds's work.


I do have to hug the student every morning.


I do have the right to call a spontaneous field trip without ordering a bus or having a liability form signed.

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I don't have to get up at 5:30am to get my kids ready for school (yup someone I know does!)


I don't have to get up at any specific time.


I can yell at students if needed!:D


I can take a teacher in-service day without approval of the school board.


I can let the students work in their PJ's.


We don't have to get homework done every night.


I don't (and won't..I won't I won't I won't...) compare my kids to others.




As well as all the others that everyone else posted on here! :)

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I don't have to have my special needs boy do every activity that my nero-typical (older) boy does just because it's in the TM. If he was in Special Ed at school, they would modify for him and so.do.I. Probably even more so than they would!


I also do not have to compare my boys to other kids. Especially PS'ed children. It's like apples/oranges folks, lol.

Edited by mama2cntrykids
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I don't have to check lunches and snacks for traces of peanut products!

(No offense to those with allergies, but it was definitely a freeing change for my family!)


I don't have to wear a bra to parent-teacher conferences.


I don't have to get doctor notes.


I don't have to coax my kids into bed by 8 or 9 in order to be up before the sun.


I can show PG-13 (and even R!) movies and call them school.

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I don't have to read every section in their science book.


I don't have to get everything done today, knowing we usually get most of it done by the end of the week.


I do get to serve three wholesome meals.


I do get to know my kids and watch them enjoy their siblings as friends.


I do get to homeschool ... a blessing (dare I say, a luxury in this economy!) of a job. I get to take my personal income potential and multiply it by 4 (four kids) ... that is my investment.

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a HUGE one for me is I don't have to over schedule my kids in a million activities to keep them socialized and/or well balanced.


I DON'T have to follow everyone else in doing the above (although I do need to learn not to compare and feel like I'm not measuring up.)


I don't have to go against the grain, I *can* lead a simple and peaceful life, if only I can tune out all the overschedulers (or look at what happened to our family last year.) :glare:

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I don't have to set an alarm..ever ever ever!


I don't have to console a child who has been relentlessly bullied.


I don't have to conform to a school supply list.


I do get the knowledge that each of my kids is reading a book because I taught them to read.


I don't have to sign permission slips.


I do get to be there to witness when one of my child 'gets it' after struggling with a concept.


I can take vacation at off times.


I don't have to train a nurse to manage my DD's diabetes.


I don't have to see my dyslexic son lost in the shuffle.

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I don't have to cover everything schools cover, because a lot of it is stupid (I have decided!).


I don't have to completely lose my kids to their peers- we can be friends, we can actually get on, even when they're teens!


I don't have to make school lunches in the mornings (probably the biggest relief I felt once my kids were home). They can make their own lunch or we can have something together, but I dont have to make a presentable lunch that wont shame them in front of their friends but which they will STILL probably throw in the bin or bring home.

Edited by Peela
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I don't have to cover everything schools cover, because a lot of it is stupid (I have decided!).


I don't have to completely lose my kids to their peers- we can be friends, we can actually get on, even when their teens!


I don't have to make school lunches in the mornings (probably the biggest relief I felt once my kids were home). They can make their own lunch or we can have something together, but I dont have to make a presentable lunch that wont shame them in front of their friends but which they will STILL probably throw in the bin or bring home.


All of what Peela said plus "We do NOT have to do fundraisers!"

I hated that part with a passion. Run door to door and get some poor soul to take pity on you and subscribe to some magazine.

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I do not have to follow any one's schedule but mine.


My kids can grade their own work if I want them to.


I don't have to grade anything or mark any problems with a red pen.


I don't have to go in 'order'.


If I know my kid isn't getting a concept or interested in a topic, we can move on and decide if we want to revisit it later... or not.


I can turn just about anything into school if we want to. WE have a 'broad scope' and no 'sequence'.


School can be anytime, anyday and anywhere.

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