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Supplies you don't realize you need until you need them.


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My 5th grader LOVES using a highlighter for math. I've allowed her to highlight her answer to each question and it has greatly increased her focus on working each question carefully. She LOVES highlighting the answer (it makes her feel grown up). It actually is easier for me to correct her work with the answers highlighted so it's a win-win!


I LOVE this idea! Thanks for posting it.

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I need brads and our Walmart doesn't sell them anymore. (no craft stores nearby) WHY would walmart stop selling brads? that makes no sense. We are doing two homeschoolinthewoods lapbooks and need supplies for them (such as colored file folders, double sticky tape, and velcro)


I would like to have a laminator.

And at the top of my wishlist......a Cricket.

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My dd does not like marks in workbooks for wrong answers to correct, so I love those colored sticky arrows to mark any wrong answers. I just put one by the answer that is wrong and she knows what to correct. I can easily just recheck the arrowed answers and neatly put it back on the stack to reuse. I even color code some-yellow is spelling errors, red is punctuation,etc.




I've started using these as well. Only mine are color coded by kid :001_smile:.

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agreein' on all said! I discovered today, since I now have a chalkboard instead of a whiteboard, that I need a dustbuster. I'm gonna flip out about all the chalkdust in about 2 days.


clean contact paper...cheaper than laminate and works great!


file folders like crazy


colored pens...I get tired of correcting in just one color


good, quality writing pens for my pleasure


dental floss...great to have the dc floss during read aloud times :)


not paper clips, but those big, black paper clip, holds stacks of paper, then fold down thingys....what are they called?


red wine and chocolate chip cookies


I believe the black paper clips are called binder clips. I just picked up a tub of them at Office Depot. They are super colorful and they say "Crap" on them. :lol: It's not a word I generally throw around, but it was so appropriate for what I was using them for.

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My 5th grader LOVES using a highlighter for math. I've allowed her to highlight her answer to each question and it has greatly increased her focus on working each question carefully. She LOVES highlighting the answer (it makes her feel grown up). It actually is easier for me to correct her work with the answers highlighted so it's a win-win!


Oh my, this is brilliant. You probably just saved me a bunch of time! Thanks for sharing.



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Does it really exist? Where can I get some? I have torn so many maps, posters, etc. by using permanent double-sided tape!


:iagree: that stuff is wonderful! it does not mess up the wall or the paper. it's made by 3M and is called by none other than "poster tape."

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I always wanted, and thought I needed, a laminator until I discovered clear packing tape! It works GREAT for laminating flash cards, and other small things! ;)



So, do you have some special technique for doing this? Me, roll of tape, pieces of paper --- might be a big problem!!!! :lol::lol::lol::lol:


Please dish!

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I always wanted, and thought I needed, a laminator until I discovered clear packing tape! It works GREAT for laminating flash cards, and other small things! ;)

I used to do that until I bought my laminating machine. Now I laminate EVERYTHING. LOL


Hmm...I think it's time to make a run to Walmart. I am CLEARLY not ready to begin school on Monday! :tongue_smilie:

I'm feeling inadequate as well! :D
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This is always somewhat frustrating for me because we don't drink soda. I usually go to the store and buy the cheapest generic brand soda and then dump it out to use the bottle :blushing:.


They have lemonade and fruit punch in 2-liters.

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White board with several different color markers.


I use it for writing phonics words and doing cursive at first. Writing on the board is more fun and interactive than working from a book. Plus, it emphasizes the left to right direction of words.


For cursive, it is much easier at first to write the letters big. And, if your child has any perfectionist tendencies, they are less problematic on a white board.

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I totally didn't even think of needing bookmarks, (DD's too young for independent reading, and it didn't cross my mind to mark my place in our text books) but I think I'll be cutting up some cardstock tonight after the kids are in bed for my DD to decorate in the morning.


This is only our first day of Full-Load Homeschooling (we did HS-Lite during June and took July off, but now we're in full swing). I'm wondering what I'll realize I need tomorrow... :tongue_smilie:


Yes, but then the toddler gets hold of the book because it got left on the floor or dc accidentally drops the book down the stairs and the bookmarks fall out. I use post-it notes as bookmarks. And I bookmark everything so I don't have to be constantly finding my place in answer keys and whatnot.

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reinforcements for notebook paper. By the time I realized I needed them last year I cound not find ANY in all the stores I looked in. This year I am planning ahead, I bought 2 packs of 500 reinforcements last night. I may buy 1-2 more packs befroe septemeber while I can still find them in stores just in case.

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