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Who is doing Amer. History this year and grades/ages

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We're doing US History and Calvert Civics. My son (8th-9th grade) will do the Civics, and watch the Teaching Company DVDs with me. We'll use primary source documents as well. We're also using Hewitt's Lightning Literature Early- and Mid-American lit syllabus. The TC DVDs are mostly for me, since I never had a US History in college, and there are huge holes in my education. Everything after oh, say, the Enlightenment is a little vague and not that interesting to me. :D

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We are studying American History. I am using Guesthollow by modifying it with lots of field trips. We live less than an hour from the trinity...Jamestown, Williamsburg, and Yorktown. I also plan to visit Washington DC, and if life works out Philadelphia.


If you are studying Native Americans I also found PowWow.com which has a calendar of upcoming powwow's that you can search using dates and areas and I found a powwow we are going to attend in September while we are studying NorthEast Native Americans so that we can get authentic music, food, and dance.


Can you tell we are history nuts and hope the kids are too? :D

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We are doing BF Early American along with the activities found on Guest Hollow website. I am looking forward to this and hope the kids enjoy it! I am not the best w/ hands-on (other than drawing, lapbooks and notebooks) and need to commit to at least trying b/c there are so many things we can make or cook!


Happy travels!

yes, us, too :) very thankful for the guest hollow site! LOVE the BF Early American!!

we actually started in June ... having a great time!

DS7; DD 5.5

oh, we decided to use Light and Glory and Story of the Thirteen Colonies, along with a lot of other great titles i just simply prefer. we're using this as the structure for a lot of our literature studies, as well.....

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We live less than an hour from the trinity...Jamestown, Williamsburg, and Yorktown.

we had the privilege of visiting our friends in Yorktown and doing all the history we could stand while there this past month!!! it was the *perfect* time, too, b/c we had JUST arrived at Jamestown in our studies. i was elated about how God worked it all out.

we hope to "celebrate" our trip through early american history next summer with a whirlwind New-England-sites tour while visiting our friends in Boston. ery excited about all htat!

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I have a 9yr old/4th grader and a 14 yr old/9th.


Not set in stone but it is looking like we will be doing SL 3 for 4th and the first half of SL100 for 9th.


For the 9th grader I'll also add in the Hewitt History of US test (the essay questions on the test will help me with WHAT to have him write about), and projects.


Plan on reading a portion of Paul Johnson's History of the American People for 9th as well.


I'm hoping for a good year.

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We are using Sonlight for the first time, Core 3 just for U.S. history and science. Dang SL has a lot of reading for history. Are you really supposed to have up to four books going a day, what with spine, readers, and read-aloud? I'm starting to think there's such a thing as too much history.

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We are using Sonlight for the first time, Core 3 just for U.S. history and science. Dang SL has a lot of reading for history. Are you really supposed to have up to four books going a day, what with spine, readers, and read-aloud? I'm starting to think there's such a thing as too much history.


We did SL Core 3 last year. My son did his reader independently, with some discussion afterwards with me. I read the history spine aloud to my two boys. I had dh read the literature readalouds before bedtime, though he couldn't keep up with all of them so we are both reading some of them this summer, me during the day and him in the evening before bed. We will be skipping one book, as well. I didn't find it overwhelming, and, in fact, added "Little House on the Prairie" to our read aloud list. My boys love it, though, and so do I. :001_smile:

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We're doing American History for 2nd and probably part of 3rd. I'm using GuestHollow modified to utilize what's available at our public library and to tweak the timeline a bit. In fact right now I should be copying lesson plans and library lists...

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We'll be doing the first half of American History this year. I have 7th and 4th ds's. All American History Vol 1 will be our spine, and I plan to add in other books from the library, do some outlining with my older son using other resources, and do some Time Travelers activities to flesh it out. Basically, I'm trying a WTM style history study, but with a focus on US history! (or at least that's the goal :tongue_smilie:)

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We are finishing up our American History focus this year. We used Guest Hollow's American History 1 last year w/ tweaking. We stopped early at someone's suggestion here, so we could spend some time this fall on the Pioneers, Gold Rush and Oregon Trail. I do have younger listeners, so I try to be a little sensitive w/ what we are covering historically. Nobody has been very bothered w/ anything yet, but I didn't want to spend a lot of time on the Holocaust and WW 2 this year w/ the ages of my kids. It made sense to really focus on westward expansion and some of the things that I think kids really enjoy and get into. I again used GH's American History (2) w/ tweaking. I am very excited and have been printing stuff off this week for our files. We have some great looking books and just general fun stuff!


I love American history! :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have ordered All American History for my 5th grader, and hope to get history done to my satisfaction this year in a more concise manner. Someone posted about it on this thread and I was intrigued. It looks great! (I am posting again on this thread. I will not be doing Sonlight Core 3 after all. I'm keeping many of the books though.)


I plan to just read through the Maestro books with my 2nd grader and add in some "If You Lived..." type books as appropriate.

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