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Filing almost done, school room clean and organized - Yeah baby! - Pics attached


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AWesome! Would love to have a big chalk or whiteboard like that...no more wall space in my school room :) I just finished up most of our school room too...we've been slowly adding a subject or two each week. Pics of my schoolroom are on the blog....I LOVE seeing other's learning spaces:001_smile:

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Jenn, what are all the children's faces on your wall with the verse? Really neat!

Now I have to read your filing thread...:D


The theme/verse in our school room is "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these." Matthew 19:14 The kids and I painted a bunch of children's faces on the wall to represent the children of the world. I'll attach a close up pic. - just because I like to show it off. :lol:


OK, I attached pics (plural) - he he.

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Ikea! It's 2 table tops, one large and one short, with 3 drawer units holding it up. Each child gets his/her own drawer unit.


I'll attach pics of that too, just because I like pics. :D


Nice room!


I love IKEA. I have a bunch of those table tops (in various places for various purposes). I have two of the 23 x 78" ones, one of the smaller ones (23 x 40 ish), one 29 x 29 and one 29 x 60.


I have the version of the drawer unit that is wider and on casters. They didn't have the ones you have when we were there or I would have bought them. I think I will be doing some quick bookcases to hold my tables up this year.

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Ok now I am just confused. I cannot decide if I should make the baby's nursery into our school room or just keep going at the kitchen table, or maybe convert the garage, or maybe we need a room addition. Oh what to do? What to do? I have to stay away from the school room threads.

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Ikea! It's 2 table tops, one large and one short, with 3 drawer units holding it up. Each child gets his/her own drawer unit.


I'll attach pics of that too, just because I like pics. :D



Ok...so they are just table tops. I have an IKEA about 3 minutes from my house. Do you know the exact name of these or could you find a link to them? Also, what about your drawers holding up the tops? Where did you get those?


Thank you! I just love the look of the workspace:).

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Ok...so they are just table tops. I have an IKEA about 3 minutes from my house. Do you know the exact name of these or could you find a link to them? Also, what about your drawers holding up the tops? Where did you get those?


Thank you! I just love the look of the workspace:).


They look like the Vika Amon tables I have. The drawer unit is also on the page I linked.


3 minutes? I'm soooo jealous!

Edited by darlasowders
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:iagree: So many rooms I see here are so busy with posters plastered over every available space. The simplicity here projects peacefulness and focus. I love it.


Wow! Thanks. That's what I'm going for. I have cut down and cut down and cut down to get here. I still want to cut more - peace, focus, simplicity - yes, that's the ticket!

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Nice! Thanks for sharing. I love how clean it is. I wish ours was big and spacious so everything wasn't so crammed together :p


I give myself ONE more week to get it all together. I've been having too much fun creating workbox extra's and toddler workbox activites to finish up with geography and history :p I do need to finish up on my craft/art for the holiday's list as well.

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Looks great, Jennifer! We are blessed to have a schoolroom/playroom as well. I'm planning on getting in there to clean out, organize, paint and add a few new things (like a trashcan, I kept having to go across the hall to dh's office to throw stuff away). Thanks for the inspiration!

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