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Water vs. Crystal light

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I think the benefit of at least getting the water into your body is as good. You are just adding those long chemical names into your system when you add crystal light, koolaid, or any other kind of powder.

Have you tried making raspberry or lemon tea with sugar and then making it iced? Extremely healthy (if you can leave out the sugar - better) and cheap too!

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I used to drink a lot of Crystal Light but noticed I was getting horrible headaches and felt like I was dragging and foggy. One of the threads here at WTM made me wonder if it might be the Aspertame. I cut it all out and within days I felt a lot better and no more headaches. I think there was a connection. Now I'm just doing water and if I want a little sugar, I'll just add some honey.

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I remembeer my doc telling me to NEVER drink more than two servings of a diet drink per day. I didn't pay much attention, because I never eat or drink DIET anything;) ; but, no, don't do this to your body. The verdict is still out on the carcinogenic effects of fake sweeteners. Try adding peach nectar to iced tea instead:)

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Uh, no. :D


For me, Crystal Light falls in the Fake Food category.



Besides artificial sweetener and flavour, it contains BHA and sodium benzoate. I wouldn't drink it at all, not one glass. If you want a little flavouring in your water, a bit of lemon or lime juice is nice.

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Last year I started drinking Crystal Light a lot and I began having horrible hot flashes, so bad that I went to the Dr. to find out what was wrong. He ran a whole panel of tests and everything came back normal except he said I may be on the cusp of menopause.


Thing is, I suspected it might be the Crystal Light, so I stopped drinking it. Within about a week the hot flashes started to lessen in severity and after a few weeks stopped completely. I haven't had any since and have had no reoccurence of the hot flashes.

Edited by Paintedlady
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Say bye-bye to it. Really.


I'm recovering from a 7 year long addiction to Diet Coke and other drinks sweetened with aspartame. Hot flashes, fog, mood swings, anger issues, tunnel vision, exhaustion. . . . . it has all caught up with me.


I've been "clean" now for about 3 weeks.


I can't believe how much better I feel. I still drink my "sweet" tea made with stevia - I like it that way - and am having none of those effects. Although - I'm in the process of drinking less of that and more water. Baby steps.


At any rate - I'd be cautious.

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For me -- NO! I began drinking Crystal Light in Jan. and was ill by March. I am still paying the price (see my detox note in my siggy). That stuff is poison for me. Please be careful if you choose to drink it.


Ice water with a little lemon or lime juice is the way to go. I have also found that placing frozen raspberries in the water adds a little flavor.

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OK, so I love ice cold water and I drink it all day. However lately, I am on a crystal light peach tea kick. I have been drinking it all day long. Do you think that it is just as good for you if you are adding crystal light to your water???



If Crystal Light makes you drink more water than you would otherwise, I say stick with it. I can't drink plain water, it needs to be flavored, and lime/lemon slices just don't work for me-I need more flavor than that.


Yeah aspartame causes problems in some people (seems like a significant number on this board, wonder why?), but if you aren't one of those people, I see no harm in consuming it.

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My symptoms (migraine level headache, foggy etc.) didn't start right away. It happened after several days of drinking the Crystal Light. I also ate other artificially flavored foods at the same time because I thought they were 'free' (no calorie) for my diet. It was only after I eliminated the sweetners that I started feeling better. It was a big surprise to me because I didn't realize up until then that something as little as that could make me feel so awful. To the OP-if you don't have any side effects then no harm done but just keep an eye out for some of the problems that the posters brought up because it can take time for them to develop. :)

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Yeah aspartame causes problems in some people (seems like a significant number on this board, wonder why?), but if you aren't one of those people, I see no harm in consuming it.


For most people, the damage is done slowly over time, and they wouldn't realize the damage being done until it's too late to completely un-do it.

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If Crystal Light makes you drink more water than you would otherwise, I say stick with it. I can't drink plain water, it needs to be flavored, and lime/lemon slices just don't work for me-I need more flavor than that.


Yeah aspartame causes problems in some people (seems like a significant number on this board, wonder why?), but if you aren't one of those people, I see no harm in consuming it.




I will occasionally make some Crystal Light peach tea and mix it with regular tea. But I don't do it often because aspartame is a neurotoxin.


Wanna know what those are?


Well, botulism and tetanus are two that most people have heard of right off the bat. They work by blocking the release of neurotransmitters. eg: by not allowing your brain to send signals properly.


There is a pretty famous neurotoxin called MPTP that is known because it destroys certain neurons in the brain and leads to permanent Parkinson's disease symptoms.


The thing about neurotoxins is that all of them either degenerate or destroy neurons. The mechanisms of some of them are well known, and some of them are simply guessed at. The other difficulty is that, well, diet stuff is big business. BIG. No one wants to do research for peer reviewed journals that says "hey! this is all a sham and it's slowly killing people!"


If you know what you're looking for, you can periodically find something. There is this article (abstract): Amino acids as dietary excitotoxins: A contribution to understanding neurodegenerative disorders

that points out the process of how certain amino acids are excitotoxins -> which causes problems in the central nervous system (neural toxicity).


We, as a society, get snowed by advertisements saying "it's natural - it is made from things found in nature". Well, no sh!t, buddy! Did you think it was made from something found on Mars? Amino acids are the building blocks of life. It just so happens that there are safe ways to combine them in the kitchen or lab, and there are phenomenally stupid ways to combine them. No person in their right mind would drink formaldehyde (hello? preserved fetal pigs in anatomy and physiology?), yet they're willing to drink a diet Coke that has sat in a 115 degree warehouse (fyi - heat degrades nutrasweet into its primary components, one of which is formaldehyde).






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