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Radio host complains about breastfeeding in public

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I'll bring the torches!


I feel a little bad for these people who obviously don't know they are opening a can of whoop-a** instead of a can of worms.


eta: It reminds me of the Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition skit.

Edited by Mrs Mungo
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Guest Alte Veste Academy
I'll bring the torches!


I feel a little bad for these people who obviously don't know they are opening a can of whoop-a** instead of a can of worms.


eta: It reminds me of the Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition skit.


:lol: So true!


I have to say, I thought her co-anchor was just fabulous. :D

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What is wrong with our society? :banghead: On that note, I'm glad we're beyond the nursing stage, so I don't have to run away and nurse in the backseat of our van when we go somewhere (like some kind of weird criminal). :crying:

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I'll bring the torches!


I feel a little bad for these people who obviously don't know they are opening a can of whoop-a** instead of a can of worms.


eta: It reminds me of the Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition skit.


:lol: love that skit!!

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What is wrong with our society? :banghead: On that note, I'm glad we're beyond the nursing stage, so I don't have to run away and nurse in the backseat of our van when we go somewhere (like some kind of weird criminal). :crying:


I'm the rebelious type myself and I would relish being able to nurse (if I was still nursing ) in public and say "HA look what I can you do and YOU can't do anything about it!!"

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Not gonna bother listening since I know it will just tick me off! :)


With that said, as far as I am concerned, anyone who has a problem with nursing in public should stay home.


If they feel they must go out in public and they, by chance, encounter a nursing baby, they can always shove a blanket over their heads so they don't have to see such an offensive sight :P

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Guest Alte Veste Academy
Not gonna bother listening since I know it will just tick me off! :)


You were smarter than I was. I'm still listening. If she says to go into the restroom or that mom should have packed a bottle one more time, I'm going to flip out. I would like to see her take her chicken sandwich and eat it in the restroom. As to the bottles, none of my kids ever had a bottle. Helloooo. You don't need them when you bf.


Oh, and if she mentions good manners one more time... Grrrrrrrr

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You were smarter than I was. I'm still listening. If she says to go into the restroom or that mom should have packed a bottle one more time, I'm going to flip out. I would like to see her take her chicken sandwich and eat it in the restroom. As to the bottles, none of my kids ever had a bottle. Helloooo. You don't need them when you bf.


:iagree: I keep thinking I need to turn it off before I get madder. My poor dh is gonna get an earful when he gets home.:lol:

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Yeah, don't listen to it - it was really upsetting. That woman was an absolute :thumbdown:. She asked why the lady didn't nurse her baby in the car while they were driving to the restaurant. What the (*&^? She also asked why people don't just pump and bring a bottle when they go out. She obviously doesn't know anything about nursing. There isn't an "endless pumping supply" and a lot of babies can't figure out how to latch onto a bottle after they've been nursing and even refuse a bottle. She also asked why the lady didn't sit in the bathroom and nurse. Uh, yeah. Does anyone even need to clear that up for her?


Bummer that people need to pick on nursing babies. :rant: But everything else in our society is A-OK...:001_huh:

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Shouldn't have listened. Shouldn't have listened. Shouldn't have listened. :angry:



I sent her an email. I am sure she is receiving a lot of those right now. Grrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Oh, I am so angry. really really angry.


Pam [who actually prefers to nurse privately, but will fight for the right of woman to take off their shirt and nurse if necessary.]

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Women have enough "quality of life issues" to be harrassed and made to feel like criminals because they're feeding a baby. We have enough problems. Men wouldn't last 12 hours as women. And to insinuate that this was Indecent Exposure is ridiculous. It takes women about a year before they even feel semi-normal after having a baby. I'm sure that lady wasn't nursing because she was trying to draw attention to herself. I feel like a fat, homeless zombie for about 10 months after I have a baby.


And that lady on the radio thought you could "nurse in 5 or 10 minutes". :confused: Yeah, if you want your baby to starve.

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I got to the "why can't she just go into the bathroom" part and said a few very unladylike words, scared the kids half to death with my shout, the dog left the room and I'm counting to 10 backwards.

10, 9, 8, 7, feeling better, 6, 5, 4 ahhhh 3, 2, 1 OK life can go on.


That DJ is glad I'm not in North Carolina, that's all I've got to say :glare:!!

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I know this will rub my fur the wrong way, so I'm not gonna listen.

I don't need the stress.


I live in an area where no one seems to nurse publicly. I'm the only brazen hussy who lives around here apparently.:)


I nurse in public, but sometimes feel self-conscious and even worry someone might start a fight with me and my family. I've retreated to the minivan more than I'd like to admit.


When my older dc were nursing we lived in a different area where nursing was more common and I felt more relaxed about it.


Why do the rants against public nursing get all the media attention?

I wish the support for public nursing would get louder, more raucous, kwim?

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I got to the "why can't she just go into the bathroom" part and said a few very unladylike words, scared the kids half to death with my shout, the dog left the room and I'm counting to 10 backwards.

10, 9, 8, 7, feeling better, 6, 5, 4 ahhhh 3, 2, 1 OK life can go on.


That DJ is glad I'm not in North Carolina, that's all I've got to say :glare:!!


Tell me about it. I had earphones on while the kids are watching a movie and I kept yelling at her. They were a touch unnerved.


Still really, really angry.

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Remember in another thread on this subject that I chastised someone who was chastising a mother for nursing her baby at a restaurant? You don't?


Well I did it. I told that person that I thought his eating was awful. That him chewing with his mouth full was making me literally ill and he should put a blanket over his head because I was offended. And how dare he eat like a pig where everyone could see it?


That person? A male radio host who spent a solid week downing breastfeeding in public. I happened upon him in a restaurant the week after - said what I said and he was spluttering and finally just looked down at his plate. I then asked him how it felt to have someone giving you heck for the simple act of eating.


I think he got the point. :D


Oh my! Greenvile? I'm close. Hmmmm... Road trip.... No, I didn't listen to her blather. I went to the site to find out where she was since I saw upthread NC. Oddly not one person every said a bad word to me when I was nursing. Maybe it's the way I look or something. I dunno. We're not all freaked out by nursing down here.

Edited by pdalley
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Yeah, I've heard enough mental health horror stories to know that women should not be "locked up" in the house all day because they have a baby. Maybe that lady was going to see her husband on his lunch break at work and he only had a limited amount of time...or maybe he's been working a lot of hours and they wanted to spend a few minutes together... Why don't we pick on some other groups of people too? What about skinny people? People in wheelchairs? People with scars? People missing limbs? People with blue eyes? Nursing babies? Does it ever end? :confused: If that were my kids saying those things, they would've gotten an earful. But, this radio show host is an adult.


I thought our society was more mature than that...:glare: but that just reminded me that it's not...:001_huh:

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If that were my kids saying those things, they would've gotten an earful. But, this radio show host is an adult.


I think she was trying to stir up a little bit of controversy. I don't think she realizes the amount of nastygrams an anti-bfing rant can bring on.

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I think she was trying to stir up a little bit of controversy. I don't think she realizes the amount of nastygrams an anti-bfing rant can bring on.


You better believe it. I sent one. Ugh. I.am.still.angry!


I think because of her tone, like she was an authority. Golly, I cannot think of a time when I was this angry over something.

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You better believe it. I sent one. Ugh. I.am.still.angry!


I think because of her tone, like she was an authority. Golly, I cannot think of a time when I was this angry over something.


When my eldest was a baby there was a grandparents' advice column in my local paper. A question appeared asking about a daughter-in-law who was (shockingly!) STILL nursing her baby at 10 months old. The answer? The grandparents should help her transition to a bottle. She was obviously doing it for self-gratification and to show off her breasts! :confused: Oh my gosh, I wrote the most flaming letter to the editor. They actually wound up dropping the column from the paper.

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I nurse in public, but sometimes feel self-conscious and even worry someone might start a fight with me and my family.


I've been nursing for nearly ten years. In the last year or so, I've noticed myself becoming increasingly self-conscious. I practiced for years. I knew what I would say if someone said something to me. I would fight back.


And last spring, someone DID say something. I did know what to say. I just didn't expect the embarrassment. I wasn't doing anything wrong! This woman was! Why did *I* feel so embarrassed? I still don't know.


A few months later, someone said something to a friend of mine. All in our local area. I'm not used to this. I nursed three year olds in public. Why are people freaking out now?

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When my eldest was a baby there was a grandparents' advice column in my local paper. A question appeared asking about a daughter-in-law who was (shockingly!) STILL nursing her baby at 10 months old. The answer? The grandparents should help her transition to a bottle. She was obviously doing it for self-gratification and to show off her breasts! :confused: Oh my gosh, I wrote the most flaming letter to the editor. They actually wound up dropping the column from the paper.



Yeah, that's why I wasn't suprised when I saw the pic of the radio show host. She looked like she was maybe in her 50's. According to my parents, it was considered "trashy" to nurse back then. Like we're dysfunctional or something... It was definitely not the norm for those generations.

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Why are people freaking out now?


I think there's been so much negative stuff said about it that parents are afraid to nurse in public. I was. I always sat in the car. It was horrible and uncomfortable. And people can still see you there, too. And then you're idling your car so the baby doesn't get too cold or too hot, which is burning more fuel, which is bad for the environment, which is far worse than someone discretely feeding their baby in a booth in a restaurant. :banghead:

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I think there's been so much negative stuff said about it that parents are afraid to nurse in public.


Yeah... I just don't understand why it's gotten *worse.* I was 19 when my oldest was born and looked about 16 or 17. I nursed everywhere with her and people SMILED at me. Now people avert their eyes at best.

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Guest Alte Veste Academy
Yeah... I just don't understand why it's gotten *worse.* I was 19 when my oldest was born and looked about 16 or 17. I nursed everywhere with her and people SMILED at me. Now people avert their eyes at best.


I smile at nursing moms on purpose. If the situation allows, I comment about how I miss my nursing days. I feel it's my duty to counter all the cr@p they take about nursing in public.


I nursed anywhere and everywhere and the idea of being bullied out of it is so sad to me.

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Wow that woman is very ignorant of nursing. Its pretty obvious that she sees nursing as an obscene act which is ridiculous. The rant sounded like it would come out of the mouth of a man. She really needs to :chillpill:. I'm pretty sure she lost some of her listeners.

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Indecency laws against breastfeeding??? Breastfeeding in the restroom??? Does she eat her Chik-Fil-a sandwich in the crapper? She is a freakin idiot and so ignorant. She needs to shut up. I am furious! I'm sure my blood pressure is high right now.

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Indecency laws against breastfeeding??? Breastfeeding in the restroom??? Does she eat her Chik-Fil-a sandwich in the crapper? She is a freakin idiot and so ignorant. She needs to shut up. I am furious! I'm sure my blood pressure is high right now.


Send an email ! It's very satisfying :D and the more, the better.

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Guest Alte Veste Academy
Indecency laws against breastfeeding??? Breastfeeding in the restroom??? Does she eat her Chik-Fil-a sandwich in the crapper? She is a freakin idiot and so ignorant. She needs to shut up. I am furious! I'm sure my blood pressure is high right now.


Tell us how you really feel! :lol:


You know what I've been thinking? When she uses the word "indecent" and then says she knows it's best and great for babies and moms and yadda yadda yadda but could they please do it in private, I'm thinking nope. She is completely disgusted by bf period. The recommendation to nurse in the car or the bathroom so she don't have to see it doesn't stem from her thinking it's private; it's because she thinks it is disgusting. Anyone who has that visceral a reaction to seeing a baby nursing isn't fooling anyone. There will be no talking to her. She just doesn't get it. :glare:

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Tell us how you really feel! :lol:


You know what I've been thinking? When she uses the word "indecent" and then says she knows it's best and great for babies and moms and yadda yadda yadda but could they please do it in private, I'm thinking nope. She is completely disgusted by bf period. The recommendation to nurse in the car or the bathroom so she don't have to see it doesn't stem from her thinking it's private; it's because she thinks it is disgusting. Anyone who has that visceral a reaction to seeing a baby nursing isn't fooling anyone. There will be no talking to her. She just doesn't get it. :glare:


I guess I came off a little strong, huh? I just wish that this could be a country where women could feed their babies the way God intended without being called indecent. I want my girls to be able to breastfeed their children anywhere they want to breastfeed without idiots like this having something to say. And yeah, that chick hates breastfeeding. She is grossed out by it. Well, I'm grossed out by her.

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Where can I get the email address?


I don't know if I am allowed to post the email address here......


but if you go to the show's webpage:




scroll down, and the female host's email link is at the bottom of her bio...if you don't use outlook, you can right-click to copy the email address out of the link.

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Guest Alte Veste Academy
I guess I came off a little strong, huh? I just wish that this could be a country where women could feed their babies the way God intended without being called indecent. I want my girls to be able to breastfeed their children anywhere they want to breastfeed without idiots like this having something to say. And yeah, that chick hates breastfeeding. She is grossed out by it. Well, I'm grossed out by her.


:iagree: Oh, heavens! I agree! I hope it didn't come off as me defending her! I'm disgusted by her comments too. I nursed my three exclusively and proudly. :001_smile:

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:iagree: Oh, heavens! I agree! I hope it didn't come off as me defending her! I'm disgusted by her comments too. I nursed my three exclusively and proudly. :001_smile:


No, you didn't come off at all like you were defending her. I just sent an email.

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This is wildly offensive. She knows bf'ing is better for baby and mom than bottle feeding but she chose otherwise. She seems to be feeling guilty about it if you want my opinion. She says it's in "bad taste" to do it in public because she doesn't want to see it. Yet this classless woman is not only attacking women for feeding their babies, she's showing more cleavage here in her publicity shot than the mother she described feeding her child!



She doesn't seem to have thought this through at all -- she keeps changing her mind. First she says the mother in chick-fil-a should have fed her baby in the car on the way over. Later she denies saying that, and states that it would be asinine (well you're half right, Einstein).


Then she says there should be indecency laws to stop women from breastfeeding in public. Later she says she is all for freedom and doesn't want any government laws to stop women from breastfeeding (they should want to feed their babies in the crapper to be "tasteful" and to have "pride about themselves").


That's just in the first half hour, I couldn't listen to her anymore. I am embarrassed that this woman calls herself a conservative! Are there really no actual issues happening in the world for her to discuss, she has to make something up and discuss it ad nauseum?

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I have a question, because I am not allowing myself to listen to this. Is she talking about a mother she saw, or about a nurse in that happened in a florida chick-fil-a? Just wondering, as I know the woman asked to not to nurse in a Florida Chik Fil A.

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I have a question, because I am not allowing myself to listen to this. Is she talking about a mother she saw, or about a nurse in that happened in a florida chick-fil-a? Just wondering, as I know the woman asked to not to nurse in a Florida Chik Fil A.


She saw a woman nursing her baby in a Chik-fil-a.

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Yeah, that's why I wasn't suprised when I saw the pic of the radio show host. She looked like she was maybe in her 50's. According to my parents, it was considered "trashy" to nurse back then. Like we're dysfunctional or something... It was definitely not the norm for those generations.


My mother-in-law is that way. She tolerated my bf-ing my son when he was 3 weeks old (first time she saw him) but when she was here this last week she kept dropping hints that I was making him needy and that he needed to grow up. While not afraid of confrontation I was raised to be non-confrontational, thankfully the "mama bear" instincts overrule that and I told her straight up to keep her nose out of my parenting style, that I was doing what was best for *my* son and that if she didn't like it she was more than welcome to stay home and not come and visit.


Oh, and I didn't listen to the broadcast. I don't know if my DH could handle me loudly saying unladylike things at my computer...


And attitudes towards bfing, even among *women* has gotten worse. I don't attend the last hour of my church services because it coincides with my son's sleepy time (aka - when he wants to nurse) and *many* of the all-female sunday school class get very upset/confrontational if I DARE nurse him during class!

Edited by theAmbitiousHousewife
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Actually in my experience, most men have been very pro breast-feeding (and not in a creepy voyeuristic kind of way) and have seen it as being a natural way to feed a baby. It is women who have been the most caustic and rabid about the subject.


Same here. My husband was always puzzled that anyone could have a problem with a woman feeding her baby. I've had women actually tell me that 'that's not what those are for.'


Uh, we're mammals. Yes, that is actually what they are for - not selling beer, wings and bras. As I told the rabid radio show host here - when you're out protesting Hooters, Victoria's Secret and the vast number of people on a beach that don't bother to look in the mirror before leaving the house - then you can comment on too much skin showing. I mean, really....


My MIL nearly died because I nursed the youngest for over three years. She was aghast that I nursed the middle 18 months. I didn't know enough to nurse the oldest past six months.


I had looks at church but my favorite response was to grab the Bible and ask them to find me the passage that says, 'And Mary spoketh to Joseph, Go forth and acquire bottles and formula....' :D


I have no problems with formula feeding either - my oldest was primarily formula fed. It's the whole NIP is horrible thing that gets my goat.

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Actually in my experience, most men have been very pro breast-feeding (and not in a creepy voyeuristic kind of way) and have seen it as being a natural way to feed a baby. It is women who have been the most caustic and rabid about the subject.


Exactly! Women are so threatened by other women.

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What a stupid cow. You CAN'T breastfeed on the drive to the restaurant. You cannot breastfeed while driving. There are car seat laws!


And I recently fed the baby in the car, it's hot. And the sun was in his eyes. It was a miserable place to feed the baby.


How is breastfeeding indecent? I don't take my whole shirt off. Poor taste? We are mammals, we are meant to nurse our young!


Bad taste? What about the people walking around in WalMart with short little shorts and their butts hanging out, too short, too tight shirts with their bellies and cleavage hanging out.


I'm still listening. Maybe I shouldn't have. Ohhh....what a b%*^&!

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I have a question, because I am not allowing myself to listen to this. Is she talking about a mother she saw, or about a nurse in that happened in a florida chick-fil-a? Just wondering, as I know the woman asked to not to nurse in a Florida Chik Fil A.


The radio station is in Greenville SC - I don't know what state or town she visited the Chick-Fil-A in.


From listening to the show, it sounds like the mother was even covering with a blanket....and she still complains because she could tell what the mother was doing.... !

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