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Just me again, standing in the need of prayer again....

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Hey folks,


I'm needing some prayer again. I've been dealing with what we think/thought is a UTI for about three weeks now. I've been on two different rounds of antibiotics that are good for UTI's. I went to the doctor again today to see if it had cleared up. I STILL have blood, actually more blood than when I started the last antibiotic, in my urine. I have the same amount of white blood cells as I had from the beginning of starting the antibiotics. They have grown the culture from two weeks ago and it didn't show anything. She is sending it off for further testing so she can figure out what to do with me.


Can I be quite honest and tell you that I am really tired of having health issues? I was SO hoping when I went today that it would all be cleared up. The weird thing is I have no signs of a UTI, except for the blood and white blood cells. I had a CT scan done the end of January of all the organs and nothing showed up. It would be hard to believe that there would be anything "ODD" (the c word) there in just six months, is what my doctor said.


So, can you pray that they figure out what is going on with me and that it is NOT the "C" word? I know the Lord said he wouldn't give us more than we could handle, but I'm not sure I can handle dealing with more "c". I am still on my oral chemo and it doesn't have these side effects listed, so she is baffled. So, maybe it's not the "c" word and just a bladder inflammation?


I just came back on to ask for prayer for my arm as well. I have a pinched nerve in my neck and the pain runs down my arm. That nerve is about to drive me nuts, to say the least. Please pray it calms down so I can sleep tonight. I was up every two hours last night.


Thanks for your prayers!


Love to you all -




P.S. And you don't have to worry, I'm NOT getting on the internet to research this, in case you are wondering. :-)

Edited by MJN
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This is the other side of "c". Anytime something twinges or cramps, one is immediately alarmed.

However, with you are still being on chemo meds, it would be most unlikely since everything has responded so well.

Chemo does suppress the immune system to some degree. I bet you have a tenacious bladder infection that needs to be kicked with something stronger than what the doc gave you.

Praying that you find peace (and healing for this) leaning back into the arms of God.


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I have a relative who had this same issue. She was *also* tested for *C*...and there was NONE. At that point, the doctors told her that, for some women, this was normal to have a presence of blood in their urine. She will continue to go back for rechecks, but so far, no change.


I'm sorry for your ordeal and I will pray for you. May the Lord bless you with overwhelming peace.

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I have what is known as benign hematuria. I always test positive for blood my urine. I have had a complete work-up, more than once, and it always shows nothing wrong. Just wanted to throw that out there. It's also quite common to have white blood cells in a urine sample that wasn't obtained by a sterile procedure with a catheter. The culture is really what gives the answers about an infection.


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praying for you! and I just had blood in my urine and had a CT and they found kidney stones. I have NO CLUE what you are going through and wont pretend to after C, but just wanted to say it could be other things!

Edited by kwickimom
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