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Time for the "I miss my dc who is away at ....thread

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My oldest has been going to overnight camps since he was 7.


It's never been traumatic for either one of us (and it still isn't for him :cool:)

but maybe because he's 16 and gone for 10 days, and he's going on two more trips this summer, and the Toy Story 3 threads have me reminiscing of his toddler days while reminding me of how FAST time goes by...whaaa! I'm a mess :svengo:.


....And...he just texted me and told me he has an ingrown toenail and it hurts :sad:


I'm supposed to go through this 5 more times? (see siggy)


Sigh...remind me we're raising them so we can let them go...

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I know mine is silly but....I missed my oldest TERRIBLY while she was at VBS this morning!! Yeah, it was only 3.5 hours and yeah, I can see the church from the end of our street BUT she is my baby!! She is only 4 and I have never left her anywhere in her life (with the exception of my mother's house).


Silly, I know. :D



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It is hardest when they are sick and you have to help them over the phone.


I miss my 18yo who is away at.....DisneyWorld, working in the college program for a year. He is having a blast, they are taking good care of him, his bosses and most guests who come in contact with him love him. But the recent early morning phone call of "mom I'm throwing up blood" almost did me in. I had a hard time figuring out just how sick he was when he lived here, so assessing symptoms over the phone was extra tough! Thankfully my s-i-l lives 2 hours away and was able to drive down to check on him and assess the situation. He was fine -- just a 24hour flu. Oddly enough he has hardly been sick while working there -- think of all the germs he comes in contact with!

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OK - I have been wandering around the outside of serveral threads, including the Toy Story one - wrote some stuff to post and deleted it - but might as well just jump into this, make myself cry, and get it over with. I can't keep wallowing.


I miss my dd who is away at MARRIAGE! with a wonderful new husband. She has come and gone before and it was hard but it is so hard to go into her room and realize that she will never be back. The first couple of times we went someplace after she was married I just started sorting out rides home afterwards and came up short when I realized she would be getting in the car with her husband and not riding home with us. He is responsible for her now...I am very happy for them and she found a wonderful man and this is what we raised her for, but I miss her very much. I hug her for a very long time each time she leaves now. In August they are leaving for medical school in another country...arrgh. But I am so excited for their big adventure. I have to let my excitement for them feel stronger than my loneliness.


I miss my ds who is away for two years on church business in Iowa...I get to email him on Mondays and he calls on Mother's Day and Christmas. I still go into his room and sit on his bed and breathe. His room still smells like him.


I miss my dd who is. never. home. She works many hours and has church and friends and dance and piano duties.


It is so hard going from your whole life revolving around family stuff to being back to figuring out what to do with myself. I have done a lot of praying about what next, what do I do with my time that is a meaningful as what I have been doing the last 23 years.


Gratefully we have a caboose who still needs some raising, but the other night he held back just a little when I hugged him good-night and I realized he is growing up and the days of toys and trips to the park and all of us going places together are over. It is a new phase and a hard adjustment. I am looking forward to grandchildren :001_smile:

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Missing my dh and ds. They left for Boy Scout camp at Emerald Bay on Catalina Island yesterday, so I doubt they're missing me LOL! Hoping they have a great time...it's a beautiful, beautiful place - I've been there once, so I know :o). This is his very first camp, he's 13, and my sort of immature quirky one, so I'm really glad dh went as a leader.

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OK - I have been wandering around the outside of serveral threads, including the Toy Story one - wrote some stuff to post and deleted it - but might as well just jump into this, make myself cry, and get it over with. I can't keep wallowing.


I miss my dd who is away at MARRIAGE! with a wonderful new husband. She has come and gone before and it was hard but it is so hard to go into her room and realize that she will never be back. The first couple of times we went someplace after she was married I just started sorting out rides home afterwards and came up short when I realized she would be getting in the car with her husband and not riding home with us. He is responsible for her now...I am very happy for them and she found a wonderful man and this is what we raised her for, but I miss her very much. I hug her for a very long time each time she leaves now. In August they are leaving for medical school in another country...arrgh. But I am so excited for their big adventure. I have to let my excitement for them feel stronger than my loneliness.


I miss my ds who is away for two years on church business in Iowa...I get to email him on Mondays and he calls on Mother's Day and Christmas. I still go into his room and sit on his bed and breathe. His room still smells like him.


I miss my dd who is. never. home. She works many hours and has church and friends and dance and piano duties.


It is so hard going from your whole life revolving around family stuff to being back to figuring out what to do with myself. I have done a lot of praying about what next, what do I do with my time that is a meaningful as what I have been doing the last 23 years.


Gratefully we have a caboose who still needs some raising, but the other night he held back just a little when I hugged him good-night and I realized he is growing up and the days of toys and trips to the park and all of us going places together are over. It is a new phase and a hard adjustment. I am looking forward to grandchildren :001_smile:


My kids are 5 and 8 and this made me cry. Well, they're also at science camp from 8-3 every day this week. I went and checked on my 5-year-old at lunch today. She's never been to an all day program and I was worried it would be too much for her or she'd be bored. But she was having a blast and they couldn't care less that I was leaving.


Now, I'm lonely. But it is so nice to put something away, and it actually STAYS THERE! And, I haven't spoken a word at home all day.

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I miss my 17yo dd who is away at ... an honors program for high school students at Taylor University. I'm so glad she has the opportunity to do this, and I know she is having a wonderful time, but I do miss her. Surprised me a little actually, but this is making me realize she will only be home for one more year before she is off to college for real.


My two oldest boys, 16yo and 14yo, just left with dh this morning for a great adventure in the UP. I do not miss the boys yet, but I think that is because I have been wanting them to be more involved outside our home for quite some time and I am just delighted that they are getting to have this adventure together.


Still have my youngest two with me this week.


Life is so full with five children and I'm always up for a break from the kids, but just really missing my dd.

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I miss my oldest, who is away fishing.

And I miss my middle one, but his ship due in soon and I will get to see him soon. I nearly cried in the grocery store last night when it occurred to me I could buy him his favourite chocolate bar and hand it to him. Youngest was away for the weekend, having a blast in the woods, so I had no children. I miss mine terribly, especially since most of them are grown up and there is no going back to the riding in the grocery cart stage.


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Ds just got home last night from a weekend rafting trip with the youth group. He wanted to go so badly, but he gets homesick very easily (especially at night!) so he was texting me a lot. Sniff, sniff. I missed him too!

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dd (15) left Satuday for a mission trip to Arizona, ds (12) left yesterday for a week at church camp, and DH leaves tomorrow for his annual guys trip. I miss them all, and DH hasn't even left. I got a little teary in the car earlier when I realized I didn't have DS there to play the slug bug game with me. It's just no fun seeing a "green slug bug convertible" when he's not there!

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Oh, dang, I feel just so totally un-mommy right now. All my boys are GONE! And I'm really, really enjoying myself! One is doing an internship in Texas, 2 are at Boy Scout Camp (I'll go down on Thursday), and 1 should be boarding a plane to Rome in a couple of hours for a trip with Hillsdale College. I'm enjoying my house staying clean, the laundry is done, cooking for 2 is TOTALLY different (easy), and the silence is so...Golden! I don't have the heart to even turn on the radio.


Don't get me wrong...my boys are fantastic! Maybe I'm enjoying myself because I know it's a short term empty nest.

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I miss my girl who has been across the country for 3 weeks, and will be for 3 more weeks. She's gone to visit my mom on the farm. Their 2,400lb Percheron had her colt and my dd got to be there for it. She's having the time of her life, but yes, we miss her like crazy.




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OH - I almost started a similiar thread last night when I was unable to sleep at 1:30 am. My 9 yo dd is away for the first time at overnight camp. We dropped her off yesterday afternoon and she was all smiles and "see ya!" :glare: I on the other hand cried last night because while she has been away from me for a week, I was able to SPEAK with her. I don't like not hearing from her.


Fortunately, I just found out that the camp posts photos each day and I caught a glimpse of my daughter singing & dancing at campfire. It was exactly what this mama needed.

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I miss my 21 year old who is pet sitting until Wednesday, my 20 year old who is living & working 2.5 hours away this summer and my 17 and 15 year olds who are at CAP encampment for 10 days. Feeels so weird having them all gone at once.

Edited by Quiver0f10
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Guest Virginia Dawn

My 16yo is away at encampment. He's never been gone for more than 3 days. This is day 3, I'm getting nervous. Six more days to go.

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My oldest has been going to overnight camps since he was 7.


It's never been traumatic for either one of us (and it still isn't for him :cool:)

but maybe because he's 16 and gone for 10 days, and he's going on two more trips this summer, and the Toy Story 3 threads have me reminiscing of his toddler days while reminding me of how FAST time goes by...whaaa! I'm a mess :svengo:.


....And...he just texted me and told me he has an ingrown toenail and it hurts :sad:


I'm supposed to go through this 5 more times? (see siggy)


Sigh...remind me we're raising them so we can let them go...


Sophia, I am going through this emotional "turmoil" right now. My 19 yo moved out a few weeks ago. I have seen him 3 times. My 14 yo left yesterday for a week to Boy Scout Summer Camp. DH and I took 6 year old to see Toy Story 3 last night and I bawled my eyes out!! The years do go by too fast.

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I am looking forward to grandchildren :001_smile:


I miss my ds who is gone off to college! However, I still have babies at home so I am doing pretty well most days. Some days are harder than others. :crying:


I do hope to have grandchildren before my last baby leaves the nest! Maybe that will make it a bit easier.

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I'm just glad I'm not the only one who waxes nostalgic when I see something that reminds me of my dc's early years. When my oldest, ER (will turn 20yo in a couple of weeks :001_huh:) first went away to college, I could NOT go to the library on Tuesday afternoons because that's always been storytime day, and it reminded me too much of those special days that had passed all too quickly. It took me MONTHS to get to the point that I could go to the library on Tuesdays without crying!

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My dd,16, is going on a mission trip to Peru in a few weeks. I'm trying not to borrow trouble and worry and miss her before she even leaves. lol How did my mother ever let me leave at almost 17 for a year to be an exchange student?

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