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Sick Kidlet

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Wolf and I ran Princess into the ER at 2am. She had a temp of 105.9. And that's after Tylenol.


The hospital gave her Motrin. Did nothing. Gave her Tylenol. Nada. Then gave her both at the same time, which finally brought her temp down. Chest xray and urine test later (oh, that was delightful**) and they tell me she has a 'viral pattern' in her chest, so no pneumonia thankfully...but absolutely no answer as to WHY she's running such a bad fever.


She's running a fever still...I was told if she still has a fever on Wed, she needs blood tests.


The staff was all amazed at how cooperative she was. I told them it was an indication of how sick she was, that there was absolutely no fight in her.


So, its a matter of keeping her dosed up, hydrated, and waiting.

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Wolf and I ran Princess into the ER at 2am. She had a temp of 105.9. And that's after Tylenol.


The hospital gave her Motrin. Did nothing. Gave her Tylenol. Nada. Then gave her both at the same time, which finally brought her temp down. Chest xray and urine test later (oh, that was delightful**) and they tell me she has a 'viral pattern' in her chest, so no pneumonia thankfully...but absolutely no answer as to WHY she's running such a bad fever.


She's running a fever still...I was told if she still has a fever on Wed, she needs blood tests.


The staff was all amazed at how cooperative she was. I told them it was an indication of how sick she was, that there was absolutely no fight in her.


So, its a matter of keeping her dosed up, hydrated, and waiting.


Oh, my! Thoughts and prayers! Ice pops, Italian ice, and the like are good to keep her hydrated. And, when it is viral, ime, the tylenol/motrin combo works well.


Please let us know how she is doing.:grouphug:

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We're still dosing her...as soon as it wears off, the fever comes roaring back. Its never completely gone, but gone enough that she's acting ok, if that makes sense.


I just wish we knew why. A virus, without any symptoms but a scary sky high fever?

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There are some bad viruses out there lately - some with high temperatures esp. in kids. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:



Yup, and it runs its course and you don't necessarily find out what it was. Two of my five would run high temps that would only come down with the tylenol/motrin combo. Hang in there!:grouphug::grouphug:

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Yes, dd had this pattern several times when she was 4 or 5 years old. She'd run a super high fever, I'd give her Ibuprofen/Motrin, she'd be perky, then she'd spike a fever again when the meds wore off, ...


My pediatrician was worried the first time, but then she said that since this had happened several times and dd was fine, that it was just dd's reaction. Even I managed to chill out after several bouts of this.


I hope Princess feels better soon.

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My d.s. ran fevers of 106.3!! Ack!!! We'd run him to the ER and nothing would show up. It was horrible. Well, he's now 14 and this winter, when we all had H1N1, his fever was the one that was up over 105! Some kids just run high fevers. Sometimes they mean nothing. I pray this is the case for princess!!


Why didn't they take blood while you were there???

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My DD had something that sounds like that last fall. They said at the time it was a virus running around. I want to say it lasted 3 days, but she wasn't back to normal in behavior for about a week. Maybe she's just the first around you guys to get it...


Hope she feels better soon.

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It's scary when they run that high. Our doc said if the fever responds to the motrin or tylenol then it's OK for a few days. Both of my kiddos have randomly run high fevers with unknown viruses. Are you alternating tylenol and motrin?


Hope you all have a peaceful evening.

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:grouphug: That has been going around here. I told my SIL how my DD had a high fever for 3 days and no other symptoms. She said that is what is going around the public school right now. Most kids only get the high fever and lethargy, although some developed a cough after the fever. Hang in there, I bet she'll be back to her old self in a couple days.

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That's terrifying! I hope she's feeling much better! (How is this working with your MIL there?)


I've got some sort of virus with a fever and no other real symptoms. I mean, achiness and lethargy and headache, but that seems to be more of an artifact of the fever. But then, mine is in the 100.5-102.5 range, not that scary stratosphere temp! Poor baby!

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