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Coffee - what to buy my mom?

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My mom hasn't visited us in a long time, but she's coming this week. She wants to have coffee. She is distressed that we don't have a coffee maker. Short of buying a coffee maker just for this visit, what should I buy her?


Is instant ok? Are there some instant coffees that are better than others? Is there some other option in between instant and coffee maker brewed coffee?


I don't see the point of buying a coffee maker as we will never drink coffee when she's not here, and I'm not sure she'll ever visit again.

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If my mom was that distressed I'd be hitting up friends and seeing if they have a spare (ie some people have one for travel) that I could borrow or maybe picking one up at a thrift shop for a few bucks and then donating it back afterwards.


We don't drink coffee either but I keep one of those small coffee presses for my mom. It doesn't take up much space.

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Oh! no instant!


Buy an inexpensive French coffee press - you can get them for about $20 or less at places like World Market. Target has one online for $20 as well by Bodum.

You just put the ground coffee in it, pour boiling water over the grounds - let it sit for about 5-7 minutes, and then press slowly on the plunger. Great coffee! Don't skimp on the beans, though :)

Great for non-coffee drinkers to have when we-the-caffienated come to visit - very small for storage....



ETA: I just actually read the post above mine..... sorry! Somehow I completely missed your reference to a press! Duh....

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They best instant is Via from Starbucks, (try Columbia-medium). It doesn't taste like instant coffee at all. The Via instant coffee comes in packets and only makes one cup at a time so I second the suggestion to borrow a coffee maker if you can.


The 4 cup Mr. Coffee brand coffee makers are $20 at Target. Maybe you can buy one and keep in on hand for entertaining.

Edited by Ferdie
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If you go with instant, I second the instant from Starbucks. It is the closest thing to fresh brewed, really! Otherwise, a cheap 4-cup Mr. Coffee or similar drip-maker costs $10 or so at Walmart. It is small enough to store, and you'd have it for company, if you ever needed it.

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If you go with instant, I second the instant from Starbucks. It is the closest thing to fresh brewed, really! Otherwise, a cheap 4-cup Mr. Coffee or similar drip-maker costs $10 or so at Walmart. It is small enough to store, and you'd have it for company, if you ever needed it.


The little ones are so darned cheap that I've been considering getting one even though I have a wonderful Keurig at home. (I've run out of K-cups one too many times, and the refillable Keurig filter is a pita, imo.)

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Thanks for the ideas -- it just occurred to me that I might be able to "borrow" one from the church rummage sale for a week. I'll see if there's one up in that pile of junk.


Otherwise, that coffee press sounds interesting, although it's not as if we need more unused junk around the house (I was just reading the decluttering thread). I won't even use it for company as I'm allergic to coffee. For my mom, I have to make an exception, but I wouldn't for anyone else.

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I would ask what kind of coffee she normally drinks and buy that. Everyone gets used to their 'own' brand. Don't buy instant! Most coffee drinkers just don't trust instant. Borrow or buy a pot or the glass french press , $10.00 at IKEA. It will be worth it for her to start her day off right. :)

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I would ask what kind of coffee she normally drinks and buy that. Everyone gets used to their 'own' brand. ...

I second this advice. My husband and his mom are both coffee drinkers. Both enjoy their own coffee, but they drink entirely different roasts and don't like the other's.


The original poster might consider asking her mom to bring her own coffee maker and beans, if she's not travelling too far. I don't know if that would go over well or be considered inhospitable, but some coffee drinkers wouldn't have a problem doing that. On occassion, I've taken our cappaccino maker on vacations.

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I haven't tried Starbucks' VIA, but I agree - NO instant, especially if she's concerned about it.


I am drinking from my french press right now, and it is divine. I vote to get that (I also make tea in mine, if you drink tea...) or to borrow a coffee maker. I like coffee from the Whole Foods Market, but I think it's wise to ask what she likes, too.


Here's the french press I have and if you have a coupon, than that makes it even better. :)

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Maybe it is me, but I'd ask her to bring her coffee maker if it is that important to her. Barring that I'd arrange to take her to Wal-mart or Target on the day she arrives so she could purchase her appliance.


I couldn't imagine being a guest in someone's home and making the host buy an appliance and supplies that will never be used again.

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I would ask what kind of coffee she normally drinks and buy that. Everyone gets used to their 'own' brand. Don't buy instant! Most coffee drinkers just don't trust instant. Borrow or buy a pot or the glass french press , $10.00 at IKEA. It will be worth it for her to start her day off right. :)


My not-much-of-a-coffee-drinking Aunt uses a French Press like this to make fabulous loose-leaf tea. So maybe this is something that wouldn't just sit around.


FTR, I think that it wouldn't be unreasonable for your mom to bring her own coffee/supplies, especially since you're allergic. (When dh travels, he always brings his own coffee & paraphernalia. Not because of lack of coffee/makers in hotel rooms, but because he's so picky. ;) He's even been talking about getting a second Aeropress, so that I can have mine at home while he has one to take on trips with him.) If you want to do something nice for her, and have it not be a total waste, though, the French Press is probably your best bet. :)

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I bought my dad one of these. It is small enough to take anywhere, and you can make the perfect cup with them! My dh and I use them too. We both like different brands and strengths, so we can easily make our own perfect cups of coffee. You put your coffee in the bottom, insert the filter cover, pour hot water through and there you go.


Coffee is very personal, so do find out what she drinks and get that. I am a total addict so when someone makes a point of supplying me with what I like I am very touched. Coffee is my love language! :lol:

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Just wanted to say thank you for this thread! My dsd, soon to be 16, is the coffee drinker in my family. I have a small coffee pot in the cupboard that she uses when she's here, and of course I use have it for when we have company that would like coffee. But, we are planning a vacation for next weekend, and it just so happens that we will be going right by an Ikea! I can't wait to take her in and buy her a french press! I think she'll just love it...

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A coffee maker costs about 20 bucks. If I didn't drink coffee but a relative did who was coming to my house, I would buy a coffee maker, get some coffee and be a gracious host. I will expect my children to have coffee for me if I am staying at their house. Two of my kids drink coffee so I expect they will have it. The other one is cognizant of how to be a good hostess and would have a coffee maker if she was planning to entertain. This is your mother and I just think that is a common courtesy. Just like I make sure I have non sugar sweeteners for guests even though we only use sugar.

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