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Something like gymnastics for older kids?

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My dd11 is interested in taking a gymnastics class next year. From the information I could find in my area, she's missed the boat age-wise. There are a few drop-in or recreational programs which the parent must participate in, but that's not quite what she wants. She wants a class, and I don't want the competitions. :glare: So is anyone aware of another sporty class-type thing that is similar? It's hard to google "something-like-gymnastics" :lol: without a name for the sport. Please help! Thank you!

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Fencing? My dd is starting this summer.

We also have a trampoline place here that does gymnastics and trampoline classes. They even have a homeschool class that is combined ages 4-16. So maybe look a bit wider than gymnastics. My dd took it from when she was 3-6 but then realized that they by the time they entered K they had already pulled out the kids they thought could be competitive. She lost interest after that. The Fencing schools here don't even start until age 9.

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A lot of dance studios may offer Acro or Tumbling classes which are gymnastics without the apparatus (other than mats). As long as its not a competition studio, they should have recreation classes.


Edited to add: I've never heard of a parent having to participate in a class for an 11 year old. Usually that stops at 3 years old.

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How about karate? Like gymnastics it requires balance and flexibility. I find it to be a great workout and it is helping me develop better muscle tone. As a female, I love knowing self defense. As opposed to gymnastics where you need to start really, really young and maybe you'll get good enough to compete, in karate, with commitment to attending classes and practice, a black belt is obtainable for anyone starting at any age.

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My dd11 is interested in taking a gymnastics class next year. From the information I could find in my area, she's missed the boat age-wise. There are a few drop-in or recreational programs which the parent must participate in, but that's not quite what she wants. She wants a class, and I don't want the competitions. :glare: So is anyone aware of another sporty class-type thing that is similar? It's hard to google "something-like-gymnastics" :lol: without a name for the sport. Please help! Thank you!


Diving? Swimming? Snowboarding?


Back to gymnastics... How flexible are the age requirements at the gyms you've talked to? At the gym my DD goes to the beginner's class has kids from as young as 6 (her) to as old as 12. Most are in the 8/9 yo range. Could your DD suck it up and train with the youngers until she's ready for the next step up? It probably wouldn't take her all that long. The intermediate and advanced classes around here have almost exclusively older girls (8-12 years old).


Dance might be fun for her, although you may run into some of the same problems as with gymnastics. Most dancers around here start at around 5/6 and there aren't as many opportunities for older beginners.


Good luck :)

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The Little Gym goes through age 12 for the beginner classes. Tumbling in my town starts at 9 at the serious gymnastic schools that offer both team and rec classes. I didn't know that until I was looking for a non-competive fun gymnastics class for dd this summer.


ETA: Another option might be a cheerleading team or class. They'll cover tumbling and dance.

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How about karate? Like gymnastics it requires balance and flexibility. I find it to be a great workout and it is helping me develop better muscle tone. As a female, I love knowing self defense. As opposed to gymnastics where you need to start really, really young and maybe you'll get good enough to compete, in karate, with commitment to attending classes and practice, a black belt is obtainable for anyone starting at any age.



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How about karate? Like gymnastics it requires balance and flexibility. I find it to be a great workout and it is helping me develop better muscle tone. As a female, I love knowing self defense. As opposed to gymnastics where you need to start really, really young and maybe you'll get good enough to compete, in karate, with commitment to attending classes and practice, a black belt is obtainable for anyone starting at any age.


:iagree: martial arts would be right up there if she found the right dojo for her and the whole family could do it together as well.

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Re-check your park and rec. Ours has class for beginners from ages 7-12. Dd is doing one on Saturdays this summer. It's 55 minutes for 10 sessions, for $116, I believe. Classes are intentionally kept to about 10 or so. Last time we took it, she had a blast.

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My DDs Allstar cheer gym also has a "rec" team. They practice once a week and take one tumble class a week and do only 2 local competitions a year. It is a good fit for kids and parents that don't want the time or financial committment of the allstar teams. You could call any of the cheer gyms in your area and ask about this type of program. Our gym calls it All Star Lite.

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Thank you all for the awesome ideas! I have found a trampoline class that she's interested in! YAY! You guys rock! We'll look into a karate class too, as there is a studio very close to us. I wish there were more, some of these ideas are GREAT! Again, thank you for giving me some ideas and direction as to what to google! :D

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When my dd was 11, she took an awesome circus class. In had thngs like tumbling, trapeze, the floating hoop, and flips (she almost learned how to do an aerial cartweheel, lol). See if there's one near you. I bet she'd love that.



If you have something like that, it's great. Both my kids take classes at the local "circus school". It's non-competitive, has lots of options for all ages, and it can double as a performance art for us. Lots of major metro areas have options like this now. My son is doing a trampoline class right now, and my 5 year old, if you can believe it, just started a trapeze class.

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Hmm, how do you figure she can't do gymnastics because of her age? We have a girl in my daughters gymnastic class that signed up not that long ago and she is 15. She is tall and skinny. Does seem to stop her from learning gymnastics any.


As for competition, well you have that with any sport. It doesn't mean that she has to compete in gymnastics if you sign her up. We have plenty of girls in gymnastics that sign up to just learn it , to get exercise and not to compete.

The only other two sports I can think of are cheerleading and karate that tie in and are similar to gymnastics. My younger three take gymnastics and all four of my girls take karate (even my 3yr old). It seems to really help them with their gymnastics class.


My older two swim on the swim team. Competition is optional. We have plenty of kids that just do the meets but don't go to invitational competitions. Sometimes competition is a good thing. I've noticed that once my daughters started to participate in competitive swim that it made them work harder at what they did. Which is not a bad thing at all. Before that I think they felt they were just doing it to do it.

I know all sports offer parents to allow their children to compete but its not something that they HAVE to do. Even with Cheerleading and Karate there are competitive events. Parents can chose to have their children participate or not doesn't mean they can't continue to take the classes.

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