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FB vs. WTB forums - I find FB so intellectually boring when I've been here!

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Am I alone? Maybe it is my friends on FB but it is the most twaddle stuff ever:tongue_smilie: I find myself going there less and less each week but I always feel like I am learning something new on the WTB forum. I really don't care who is going to bed, went out to eat or other goofy things.


I love coming here where I feel there are intelligent conversations going on - though I don't always agree with one side or the other. That is exactly what tickles my mind. So, not to sound arrogant, but Thank You for decent conversation here at the forum:D!!


I can't help but think, "What would Charlotte Mason say about FB?"

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I can't help but think, "What would Charlotte Mason say about FB?"


LOL!! :tongue_smilie:


I haven't logged into FB in about 1.5 years. I really should go delete my account (although I hear that can be quite difficult). The constant minutiae became tiring. So no, you're not alone!!

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Facebook is my playground. I almost never get serious on it. You know the frivolous threads that pop up here? That's just for playing, which is what facebook handles for me.


I do get interesting articles that would never be allowed to be posted here, and often with less arguing, due to the limits of the the social group of the poster and ability to choose whom you associate. Sometimes that's bad when it doesn't allow for counter thinking, but sometimes it's good when you can get into some issues where you want to simply share with like-minded individuals, rather than teach pigs to sing. That has its place, but it can be wearying.

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My experience (and this is just my experience) is that FB is all about the painfully uninteresting details of people's lives (mine included), gossip, flame wars, and games I hope I would have outgrown in middle school.


Over the past year, I've watched two local homeschool groups get ripped to shreds over FB gossip. It started with one person who couldn't let things go when someone disagreed with her, but she kept bringing it up over and over until she'd worked herself into a rage, at which point she decided the other mom was completely unreasonable and began a full-out effort to let everyone know how she felt. Nasty stuff got posted on FB, which started a whispering campaign, which resulted in sides being taken -- and ultimately two well-established groups were thrown into disarray. A few families even put their kids back into school. It's a complete mess.


At this point, I pretend like my FB account doesn't exist. I read way more than I talk here, but I'm so grateful for the intelligent conversation.

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I find that FB's format isn't really conducive to deep debate. I don't usually bring up politics or religion or deep issues there. It's much more just for fun, sharing pictures, and playing. (I hide all the games!)


No? Maybe it's the people I hang out with then...




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Some of it is twaddle, but pictures of my friend's granddaughter in California, a quick prayer request from my cousin in Ohio or a comment from one of my daughters make FB worthwhile for me!


This is why I use it too. I keep in contact with all my cousins (and there are LOTS of them!) and siblings. I know when there's an issue going on in their lives. I like knowing when they've had a great night out. I know that when my cousin and her dh announced that the dh had cancer that I could give her a call and get the deeper, more meaningful conversation. Without FB, I wouldn't have known until much later.


I love it!! I love sharing pictures. I love sharing (maybe once/week) some details about my life.

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I really enjoy FB. It's very easy for me to get sucked in on forums and spend WAY too much time there, but with FB, I just check status updates briefly throughout the day. I'm a very relational person, and reading people's updates gives me a little peek into their mindset at any given moment, as well as the chance to interact in a much more economical & efficient way than calling, snail mailing or even e-mailing. (We've moved 13 times and I have friends all over the country, so keeping up with all of them would really be a challenge otherwise!) I also love how people who all know me (but don't know each other) often wind up interacting through comments on status updates.


I don't play all the games and frankly can't figure out how many folks have the time to play so much! :D (Of course, I'm spending time too, just interacting instead of playing.)


People who like to gossip in real life can find a way to be hurtful with or without FB (though using social media apps certainly make it more public!) So for that, I'd blame the people, not the application! :p

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I find that it is my way of keeping up with people without the tedious task of having to email or call them. I get to see their pics, know where they went on vacation, etc. I could care less about their Mafia Wars or their stupid farmville garden, but they probably don't care about my latest book review either. We get to be ourselves...and keep in touch w/o spending too much time. How else can you keep up with 200 people you know and somewhat like? I think CM would have rather Facebooked with some of her PNEU people than having had to really 'deal' with them! She could have put her ideas about Wordsworth up on her status and let them go on about whatever :)

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agree with the majority here. FB is mostly just a place to keep with folks in a surface kind of way. I love seeing the pics of my friends kids and like that I can see it all at one place. I don't worry about privacy anymore, I've spent a significant part of my career as an investigator, and I can tell you that privacy is dead, really.

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Yes, that's what I use it for as well. As a military wife with family scattered everywhere, and with good friends from previous assignments also scattered everywhere, FB helps me keep up. Obviously I would still keep up with my family, but there are many people with whom we have become close during various assignments. Without FB, we would only exchange Christmas cards. And there was always the risk of us both moving again at the same time and losing contact! I don't use it for deep conversations, but I do love just feeling like I'm still a part of these friends' lives. I guess I just have really great friends! : ) And when we find out we're going to stationed together again--well, that feeling just is the best ever!

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FB is great for connecting with old friends. I loved it during my high school reunion. It's fun now, during the NHL Playoff, to see all of my friends/family back home posting about the FLyers. I have people to cheer on the FLyers with me via Facebook!

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How do you block the games? Is that for seeing their results from playing as status updates too? That would be great.


Maybe I do need some WTM friends for links and such. If you want to add me as a friend - it is Kristi Johnsen. Told you it might be my friends!


I do enjoy seeing some pics but I use mine mainly to monitor my ds's activitiy there. I have a couple of homeschool moms on there from my local area who play games on FB all day long - hours at a time. I always wonder how they have time and what it portrays to other "friends on FB" who know they homeschool. I don't want to judge them but I wouldn't know if it wasn't so public.


I often post links to things I read here on FB and get interesting comments on how people liked them.

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My experience (and this is just my experience) is that FB is all about the painfully uninteresting details of people's lives (mine included), gossip, flame wars, and games I hope I would have outgrown in middle school.


Over the past year, I've watched two local homeschool groups get ripped to shreds over FB gossip. It started with one person who couldn't let things go when someone disagreed with her, but she kept bringing it up over and over until she'd worked herself into a rage, at which point she decided the other mom was completely unreasonable and began a full-out effort to let everyone know how she felt. Nasty stuff got posted on FB, which started a whispering campaign, which resulted in sides being taken -- and ultimately two well-established groups were thrown into disarray. A few families even put their kids back into school. It's a complete mess.


At this point, I pretend like my FB account doesn't exist. I read way more than I talk here, but I'm so grateful for the intelligent conversation.

That same thing has happened here in my group. Apparently Woman A said something about Woman B on the Facebook. There was a cat fight (physical hitting) in a local restaurant when Woman A and Woman B encountered each other at said restaurant. :001_huh:



This is why I use it too. I keep in contact with all my cousins (and there are LOTS of them!) and siblings. I know when there's an issue going on in their lives. I like knowing when they've had a great night out. I know that when my cousin and her dh announced that the dh had cancer that I could give her a call and get the deeper, more meaningful conversation. Without FB, I wouldn't have known until much later.


I love it!! I love sharing pictures. I love sharing (maybe once/week) some details about my life.

Wow. This is my opinion so it isn't worth much, but I find that just a bit sad.


I think that things like the Facebook and other electronic social sites are going to be the death of entertaining and just plain visiting. Why should one have a dinner party for old friend or for old friends to meet new ones when they have the Facebook that they can talk on. I hear a lot of how it is too much work to do that or even how it is too much work to call your friend and see how her day is going. So-and-so posted on the Facebook that must mean that So-and-so is having a good day.:confused:

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I almost never go to FB anymore. I spend to much time here to justify it! Nearly everything that I read on FB is gossip and I just don't need that in my life. I don't play the games and many of the lost friends and family that have discovered me on FB were lost for a reason! I did enjoy FB when my grandmother had an account. She is the one who insisted I join FB so we could more easily keep in touch.

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I've had some really thoughtful exchanges on FB. I have a bunch of friends who like to discuss curretn events, documentaries, movies or books etc. A lot of my friends are local hsers and we've had some good exchanges with excellent links offered.


I also chit chat, and I love to see baby updates, or pics of my friends doing interesting things and going to interesting places. My college roommate is working on a book of photography (lives and travels throughout SE Asia) and she posts some amazing work.


I don't have a 100's of friends, but the friends I do have on FB, I enjoy. I also enjoy conversations about FB itself. It's quite interesting to hear people's thoughts about it. How do we use (if we do) this sort of technology? How do we make peace (or not) with changing communication tools? etc etc.

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