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How long does your 12 year old do school?  

  1. 1. How long does your 12 year old do school?

    • 0-2 hours
    • 3-4 hours
    • 5-6 hours
    • More than 6 hours

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My 12 yo can finish school in about 4 hours, but that does not include piano practice. He also reads a lot in the evening, and he's often using that time to read ahead in his history or literature books. I checked 3-4 hours because those are the hours he's "doing school" and accountable for his time. He loves piano and practices 2+ hours/day.

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I checked 5-6 hours. Some days we're in a groove and do 6.5, others we're lucky to get 2 done. Also, I take advantage of lots of cracks during the day to 'school' such as listening to books on cd in the car, doing a history lesson during our night time reading or watching an educational dvd in the evening.



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How long does your 12 year old spend doing school per day?


Well...honestly? My 12 year old boy had a spike of efficiency in the middle of this year after his hormones quit surging. (And age certainly has less to do with this than whenever it is that the hormones hit.)


When hormones are surging (just before and during the big growth & "development" spurt - you will know it when it happens ;)), my heart-to-heart advice is to be a nice momma and let some of your well-laid plans fall to the way-side. It's like the brain has turned to mush.


Then, be prepared once that surge has subsided to find things to fill in the cracks - extra reading, for example, because suddenly all the things that used to take 8 or 9 hours to finish will be done by 1pm.


Of course, this is a boy. I don't know about girls...yet!

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I had to answer 1-2 hrs. but I would guess it's at least 2, but not 3. Well, when she had her homeschool classes, adding in her homework to the stuff we did at home it took her about that long on average.


Our day will likely pick up once we get our new materials. It will be interesting to see how much it changes though. She's going to be doing more history and writing than she previously has. We'll see! I have a feeling our curriculum list is shorter than other people's lists. Maybe I should go back and look at those 'what is your x grader' doing?

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How long does your 12 year old spend doing school per day?


Honest? From morning till night.


My oldest is a dawdler, she stops to make comments or give teaching hints while I am working with her siblings (yep that goes over well), must pet any cat that comes within a 10' radius of her, and follows bunny trails of any sort (mental, physical) like the best of trackers. I have had her time how long it actually takes her to do each item of her hs, and those times are reasonable. What isn't reasonable is the time she spends messing around in-between each subject.


BTW the first day she got her Nintendo DS and I told her she had to have all her school done before she could plan she had EVERYTHING done before lunch (for almost a whole week). Now that it is not a new toy anymore she is back to still taking hs up to bed with her at night to finish, then she plays her DS from 9:30-10:00 or earlier if she actually gets all her hs done earlier.


Drives me nuts, but at the same time I am like her.



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Ds#2 takes 3-4 hours. About one hour of that is direct teaching (spelling, Latin, etc.) & the rest is mostly independent work with me around if needed. When dd & ds#1 were HS/ing fulltime our days were 5-6 hours as I tried to do science / history as a family. For some reason this ended up making our days much longer as someone always made our together time delayed. Ds#2 does literature reading, violin practice, hockey, gardening, sailing, scouts, etc. in his own time. The 3-4 hours daily is just bookwork & science labs.



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Thanks everyone! This has really helped the attitude of my 12 year old today. Before I posted this she said, "No one does school for 4 hours!" She wants to move up to 7th grade, but at the same time only wants to spend 10 minutes doing math. It just doesn't work that way!

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I voted 3-4 because when dd focuses, that's what it takes. She's been doing much better lately despite hormones, but we'll see what happens when she hits 13 or 14. Of course, by then her workload will be such that 3-4 won't be enough time.

:iagree: Mine, too! But that doesn't count read-aloud time


My oldest is a dawdler, she stops to make comments or give teaching hints while I am working with her siblings (yep that goes over well), Heather

When she's motivated, it takes about 4 hours. When she's not, it takes all day. Sadly, when she decides to "help" me teach her siblings:001_huh:, it takes them longer, too!:glare:


Dd just turned 13.

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My dd who is 12 CAN get done in 4-5 hours when she stays on task. The norm (due to dwaddling:glare:) is about 6-61/2 hours so I put 5-6 hours.
One day, we counted how long school could take, compared to how long it did (for my 14yo) and we figured he wasted 5.5 hours of his day....couldn't say doing what.....but 5.5 hours! We start at 7am and he didn't finish until 7pm that day!


Thanks everyone! This has really helped the attitude of my 12 year old today. Before I posted this she said, "No one does school for 4 hours!" She wants to move up to 7th grade, but at the same time only wants to spend 10 minutes doing math. It just doesn't work that way!
No, it doesn't, at least not here....even my 2nd grader spends 20min on math each day.


I voted in the highest slot b/c that's what our day runs, but that does include meals, snacks, PE, chores....I consider 7am--4 the "work" day, then, if they're finished :glare:, the middle schoolers are free.


4 hours is our grammar stage day.

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I put 3-4 because when my 12 yo really puts his mind to it he can finish in that amount of time. On the downside, he almost never does because he wastes so. much. time. We've been talking about this as next year I am upping the expectations and he will move into the 5-6 hour category.

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