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Is It Okay That I Love...Glee?

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Every time I watch this show, dh leaves the room within the first 15 minutes, claiming I'm a big dork, lol. I think he just wishes someone in his own childhood would have told him it was it was okay to like musicals. ;)


But I love it!

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Every time I watch this show, dh leaves the room within the first 15 minutes, claiming I'm a big dork, lol. I think he just wishes someone in his own childhood would have told him it was it was okay to like musicals. ;)


But I love it!


OMG we never miss it in this house!!!!! AND have all the music on our iPods! Seriously--- it's made '80's music cool again!


Mr. Schuester is so cute, and Jane Lynch makes me laugh till it hurts. The kids are talented, and the parody is so funny. Brittany the blond cheerleader cracks me up too.


Tuesday night is DVR night--- Deadliest Catch and Glee!



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My current facebook status: Laura.... is not afraid to admit love for The Safety Dance.


I love, love, love Glee. My husband tells me I'm crazy, but he watches with me. Umm Hmm :glare:


I've never owned a television program on dvd before, but I did purchase the first volume of season 1. I can't help it... Glee makes me happy. There, now you all know I'm a Gleek.

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I love Glee!


Tuesday night is dvr night here. We dvr both Glee and Deadliest Catch and then watch them together.


His and hers favorite shows;) Earlier in our marriage we would have been on separate tvs each watching alone. Now we both enjoy each others' favorite together.


I really look forward to Tuesday date nights. Dh is out of town tonight and I've missed him.

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My current facebook status: Laura.... is not afraid to admit love for The Safety Dance.




Neither is this Laura, lol! Can you see me dancing around my living room?:


We can dance if we want to

We can leave your friends behind

'Cause your friends don't dance and if they don't dance

Well they're no friends of mine

I say, we can go where we want to

A place where they will never find

And we can act like we come from out of this world

Leave the real one far behind

And we can dance



This is where dh walked out.

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I did competitive show choir in HS, so for me it's like a freaky blast from my past.:001_huh::lol:


As far out there as some of the show is, there are so many little details that make me chuckle b/c only someone who has been in a show choir can know how true to life it really IS. The choreographer high on his 15min of fame...I think HAD to be inspired by someone I know. LOL


fwiw - my show choir was "cool" and "elite" and I never had a slushy thrown at me. :auto:

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I have had red-cheeked conversations with another homeschooling mama b/c I had "Put A Ring On It" on the radio while I did the dishes...before that horrendous dance video with the 7 year olds came out. I just love Kurt. And his dad.


But Sue Sylvester...oh. my. The evil, the Adidas track suits, the endless hair gel slams. She is iconic. I already thought Jane Lynch was fantastic, but this clinches it. I would just love to meet her.


Grooveshark was a fantastic tip! I can't believe I can have gleek...um, I mean glee radio!

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I did competitive show choir in HS, so for me it's like a freaky blast from my past.:001_huh::lol:


As far out there as some of the show is, there are so many little details that make me chuckle b/c only someone who has been in a show choir can know how true to life it really IS. The choreographer high on his 15min of fame...I think HAD to be inspired by someone I know. LOL


fwiw - my show choir was "cool" and "elite" and I never had a slushy thrown at me. :auto:


I was in a competitive vocal jazz ensamble all my high school years. I was so stunned during the pilot of Glee because it was nearly exactly what had happened at our high school. I had to wiki Glee, to find out who was the writer...I was that. sure. it was someone who was familiar with our school.


It wasn't, but it's made me wonder how common the scenario is:


*singer is miffed solo is given to another>>>>


*singer accuses teacher of inapproprate contact>>>>


*teacher gets put on probation>>>>


*teacher has mental health breakdown (my teacher committed suicide)>>>>


*choir gets new teacher who must prove himself


There were so many similarities it was eery.

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And how fantastic was the Idina Menzel/Rachel duet???!!! Interesting twist.

Didn't see that coming at all, but now I don't know how I could have missed it.


Castle is another great show. But Tuesdays are our fav because we get Glee, Biggest Loser, American Idol and Parenthood.


What on earth will I do this summer??:glare:

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