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If your dd, aged 12, really wanted bangs

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but had a really big cowlick on her hairline, slightly off to the center of her forehead, would you let her?


I had the same cowlick as a kid & I remember always having "sprouty" looking hair there.


This same dd is tomboyish and would not be interested in styling (a slight curling under with a big iron is what I had in mind) the bangs unless I forced her.


Oh, and she has very beautiful eyes that I'm afraid might be hidden by her glasses AND bangs.


Can you tell I'm opposed to the bangs?


She has a good attitude about it, even though I know she really wants them. What do y'all think?

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I would let her, and then she'll know for the future whether she likes them or not. It is a pain when they're growing out, but there are so many cute clips and all now that it shouldn't be too bad.


Maybe you can also try some different styles with her hair as it is now. Maybe the long hair is getting in her way with sports and all. Try a bun or different braids, or the butterfly or octopus type hair clips. She may just be wanting a change and would be happy with anything that gets the hair out of her eyes.

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I didn't like bangs for my daughter either but she wanted them so I let her get them. I figure she is the one who has to live with her hair and how she looks (and how that makes her feel) I don't. I had bangs at her age, albeit they were a bit more puffy...


Remember those puff ball bang girls had in the 80's? Yep that was me...:D


I digress.... :)

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I let my kids cut their hair however they want. A few months ago, older dd talked younger dd into bangs. I didn't think it was a good idea, because they decided on longer bangs which don't work well for gymnastics. I also thought younger dd would not like them, because they are too high maintenence. But they did it anyway, and I kept my mouth shut.


Younger dd didn't like them, they were a pain. But her hair grows fast and they can tuck behind her ear already.


I agree with the poster who said some things they have to learn on their own.

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Could you take her to a hair stylist and get that person's input?


I think you should allow her get them if she wants, but if you really think she will regret it, maybe having a stylist assess her face/hairline/etc. for whether bangs would be a good match for her. Then your daughter has a "professional's" opinion instead of just "mom's" opinion.

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It might not necessarily be that she wants bangs specifically - at this age, it's likely that she just wants a change in her look, and bangs seems like a great way to do it.


I'd take her to a stylist and have them talk over some ideas. And then, whatever she decides, I'd let her have done. She's old enough to make her own choices and her own mistakes with stuff like this. Not letting her make a choice (one that can be neither right or wrong such as a modesty concern) at age 12, especially in regards to something as personal & sensitive as appearance, could be damaging and over-controlling, IMHO.

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Update: The deed is done.


I didn't cut very thick ones, so the change is not so dramatic. She seems to like them, even with the big gap from the sprouty cowlick. :D


I think she just likes to be different. None of her friends have bangs.


Thanks, everyone, for the input!

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She LOVES them and it has caused her to spend a little more time on her hair. That is a good thing, because in the past, getting her to brush her hair was like pulling teeth!


I think they're cute, and not nearly as bad as I had envisioned, but I still prefer the no-bangs look.



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