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Have you read TWTM?

Have you read TWTM in its entirety?  

  1. 1. Have you read TWTM in its entirety?

    • Yes, but only once
    • Yes, and I've reread sections
    • I've only read sections
    • No, I've never read it

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Which edition? :001_smile: Only the last two editions, I wasn't homeschooling 10 years ago, but if I had been I probably would have read that one too. Both of my editions are marked up, wrote on, bookmarked...I finally got some contact paper and did the dust jacket on the new one 'cuz it was starting to look ragged.

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Read and re-read my 2nd edition book - bought the 3rd edition as soon as it was available and have read through it several times. It's about time for another section re-read, though. It's the only homeschooling book that I've kept and definitely the only one I've read more than once. Something spoke to me when I read it the first time and it speaks to me again each and every time I read it. :001_smile:

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I own the first edition (signed by Jessie Wise) and the third edition. I have read both through at least once. I have reread sections multiple times. The funny thing is, I don't really follow it. With my younger children who are just beginning schoolwork, we are starting from the beginning with WTM. I think that is a lot easier than starting it with older dc (which never really worked for me).

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I've read it several times and read sections as needs/problems arise. I have a problem every spring wanting to try new things and re-reading helps remind me that I don't need EVERYTHING out there - that I really am on the right track.

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I read it cover-to-cover when I was first considering homeschooling and I have reread several section multiple times. I have put post-it note 'flags' on several sections that I refer to regularly and I keep it next to my recliner so I can grab it whenever I get a wild hair.

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Yes and I read sections again when I want a refresher or a little inspiration on certain days.


I also own all three editions and am very happy I have all of them! Now I just need to get my other two editions signed by Susan and Jessie. :tongue_smilie:

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often...continuously...about every 3 months i refer back to it for something. that and Teaching the Trivium are my favorite books for homeschooling, though I don't follow them to a tee. I mostly use them to help me give structure to what I am doing.

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