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Saying goodbye...again SNIFF!


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My dh has decided that we are not to follow any form of Classical schooling for our family. He says it is not lighting the fire of learning desire he wants our children to have. He feels (and I have 1 son who agrees with him) that it has and is killing our children's imaginations. I won't go into the rest.


So no more WTM. SNIFF!!!!!!


But I will still lurk!;)

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Wow, you must not have been reading any posts by Karen Anne lately, lol. In fact, she's been jostling things up around here so much, SWB has articles by her on her blog!! http://www.welltrainedmind.com/blog/


So if you want some interesting Friday night board reading, click on Karen Anne and go through and read all her posts. So far she's told us to ditch narrations in favor of creative writing, ditch writing in favor of hands-on, and ditch sequences in favor of side-winding trails. Oh, and ditch curriculum entirely. For science, we're supposed to get out of the box and do GEMS studies. (Google it and see, should resonate with your dh!)


And SWB put her on her blog, which means she's WTM-approved. :)


You know I'm being a bit tongue-in-cheek there, that obviously SWB does not endorse everything Karen says, but it is true she is putting up a series of articles by Karen to give balance to the typical view of how classical education has to be. Karen takes things way out of the box, so her posts might give you some ideas. :)

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My dh has decided that we are not to follow any form of Classical schooling for our family. He says it is not lighting the fire of learning desire he wants our children to have. He feels (and I have 1 son who agrees with him) that it has and is killing our children's imaginations. I won't go into the rest.


So no more WTM. SNIFF!!!!!!


But I will still lurk!;)


There are many, many on this board who don't homeschool classically, but still come here for support. Good luck on your journey.




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Guest Barb B

Well, I come to this board alot and don't classical homeschool. I may bring aspects of it into my school - but I don't classical homeschool. So keep coming. You can actually incorporate some classical ed. ideas into your homeschool. Also, one style doesn't fit every kid. I know classical homeschooling would have driven my oldest nuts! He learns better with a text book! Also, oral narating was never for him. He needs a pen and paper in order to think or review (not as much now but when he was younger for sure!). Keep up posting and coming here!





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Don't go! We don't follow WTM religiously or homeschool 100% classical. This board is so much more than that! We take from the classical method what works for our family and ditch the rest. I think even SWB would agree that Classical doesn't work for every family just like every curriculum doesn't work for every family!

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We don't do Latin. I've never memorized the pharoahs in order of reign. I do TOG rather than make it up myself.


I find the WTM boards a great resource for reviews and suggestions. Not all kids fit well in one kind of homeschooling box. So stay and don't lurk. Ask, answer, ponder, and stay in the community.

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A little post from Wade (Mr. Konos so-to-speak) from the Konos board. Hope this helps...


To the Men Out there.


Implement this immediately.




Wives Need Affirming


Jessica and I have become acutely aware of so many marriages in the

homeschool family that are less than satisfying to either partner. We have

identified several issues that tear at the very heart of wives and their

relationship with their husbands.


Wives are involved in the toughest job assignment in America. They realize

it is difficult and yet, they are willing to accept the challenge for the

sake of raising Godly children. What jerks the rug out from under them is

not the difficulty of the job itself. It is the lack of appreciation and

respect from the homeschooling fathers out there. Yes husbands, we are

blowing it big time. Our wives don't want a mink or a new couch, although

those things are nice. They want to be appreciated. Jessica uses the word

"AFFIRMED." I think she is right. Men, we don't like to give compliments

very much. We're like Vince Lombardi, the ol' Packer coach. Max McGee said

of the venerable coach once, "Vince threw compliments around like manhole



Another side of us, men, that is so sorely lacking, (not lacking but often

non-existent) is our unwillingness to say, "I am sorry." We might slap

ourselves on the back and force the sentence out of our unsuspecting mouths

occasionally, but we add so much justification to our apologies that, by the

time we get finished, our poor wives or children can't even remember that we



Men, I need you to start with me today with the following:


1) Affirming our wives: Here is the drill. Say to your wife, "Honey, I

love you and am so blessed that God brought you to me. I don't deserve you,

but I want you to know how much I appreciate you and the way you teach our

kids, the way you keep the house clean and the way you always have my

underwear in the drawer. You are amazing! You are the best wife and mother

on earth!" Optional if you really get inspired. "To make sure you know how

much I appreciate all the things that you do, I am going to fold all of the

laundry in the utility room and clean the bathrooms this weekend just to

give you a little break."


2) Apologizing when we foul up: (You might have to teach your oldest child

to rap you smartly between the shoulder blades if you cannot get the words

to come out on their own). "Dear, I am so sorry that I have wounded you

regarding ____________. I promise to be more sensitive in the future and

just want you to know that I love you and would never do anything to hurt or

disappoint you. I apologize." (At his point, we will want to add

something. Don't. Stop it right there. Any other words will, as Chuck

Swindoll says, "Become a giant eraser, erasing all words in front of the

comma." Don't ruin what took so much effort to get out!)


3) Pray with and for our wives. They need much prayer cover and they need

to know that they have a proud warrior protecting them and their children

from the evil one. Remember this, the better job our wives do at

homeschooling, the more Satan wants to put a stop to our homeschooling. He

has failed at stopping this movement which is of the Spirit of God through

the courts or through the legislatures, so now, he is attempting to disrupt

and discourage the mothers from inside the family. Men, we must pray and we

must read and implement Psalm 78: 1-12, which commands us to, "Teach the

wonders and works of God to the next generation." We need to teach the

Bible to our children, gentlemen.


4) Implement your new resolve. I am going home with a song in my heart and

affirmation on my lips. I am not going to be dissuaded if Jessica is a

little disbelieving of my sincerity. After all, I have been showing her my

true self for the last 30 years! But, with God's help, I will be steadfast

in my affection and resolute to implement the new me in my marriage

relationship. If you already have all of these things down, praise Jesus!

There are a few good men out there. Sadly, most of us should undergo

radical heart surgery.


Don't leave me alone. Let's have a giant team effort. Sunday night, I will

need to hear from every person who reads this. Hopefully, the men will

write but ladies, I would like to hear from you, especially if your guy has

started this day on a new path. If he refuses, please let us know so we can

pray that our Heavenly Father changes your children's earthly father.


God's first institution is the family. Let Him help us improve and

strengthen our bonds of marriage beginning now!


Bless you wives and bless you husbands. Now let me hear from you.


Wade Hulcy





I must add this: Since Jessica's accident almost a year ago, she has not

been able to do all of the things she used to do. She has depended on me for

baths and hair curling and opening jars. (She can do those things on her

own now, but two things changed in our relationship during her

incapacitation. 1) I was willing to serve her in any way she needed, and

2) she was genuinely grateful for even the smallest things I did for her.

Now that she can do for herself, I don't have to do all things for her BUT-

I have maintained the servanthood attitude and she has continued to be

grateful instead of demanding. Put another way, we are doing the same

things we did pre-accident, but my attitude is so much better and she is

waaaay more grateful than before. As a result, we ENJOY being together and

working together more. Sure makes a happier home for all!

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There's a whole bunch of people homeschooling classically, or at least classicallyish in quite different ways. It's not as though there is only one way to do classical. You might just find that the compromise between what you want and what your kids and hubby want is just a different type of classicallyish to what you've been doing. Just don't use the word "classical" in your conversations with them ;)



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My dh has decided that we are not to follow any form of Classical schooling for our family. He says it is not lighting the fire of learning desire he wants our children to have. He feels (and I have 1 son who agrees with him) that it has and is killing our children's imaginations. I won't go into the rest.


So no more WTM. SNIFF!!!!!!


But I will still lurk!;)

So... what will you be doing instead?:bigear:
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You don't need to go! I'm another only partial Classical homeschooler, and I'm not going anywhere... I NEED this board! :D We use Charlotte Mason methods a lot alongside recommendations from WTM. It's what works best for my son, and it fits my educational philosophy. There's plenty of room for you still! :)

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OP, I have no idea how things really went down in your house, but from your wording it seems like what your husband actually decided was to give your sons an example of a husband stomping all over his wife. You may want to give them an example of the consequences of that action - a hurt and angry wife who requires an apology for the disrespectful treatment and a different approach to such matter in the future. If you two have serious schooling disagreements, the appropriate venue for hashing them out is in private.





That said, there are so many great options out there for schooling. Don't feel like you can't provide a rigorous and thorough education just because you can't make a whole bunch of notebooks! And obviously, don't feel like you don't belong HERE. If you care about giving your kids an exceptional education, then you belong here.

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Guest Cindie2dds
There are many, many on this board who don't homeschool classically, but still come here for support. Good luck on your journey.





This is me, too. :D

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I am new, but I think Smithie has a point. Do you feel OK with unilateral decisions by your DH, and do you feel OK with those decisions being made in front of the children? I ask this as someone whose husband is spiritual and temporal head of the household. We discuss big stuff in private and then implement together, but I'd feel sad and dismissed if he proclaimed something in front of DS. I might have misread your OP, so set me straight if need be.


And I'm glad there's a place for the unorthodox home schooler here:001_smile:.

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Dear training 5,


I am interest in what your DH proposes if he feels classical home schooling does not "light the fire of learning" for your family.


I also do not think there is only one way to classically home school. WTM gives one example of how it can be done, offering many curriculum choices. Obvious if one spends any time here on these boards, not everyone follows WTM as though it were a prescription for classical home school success.


I do not know about Karen Ann, but it sounds as though she is advocating unschooling for a her dysgraphic child. I am sure there is more here I just haven't read it yet.


Lurking will still give you ideas.

Best of luck,


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There are many, many on this board who don't homeschool classically, but still come here for support. Good luck on your journey.






I fall in that category. We use HOD, CLE, R&S, and lots of hands on and living books. We haven't taught latin and don't plan on it, and I refuse to memorize bunches of facts with no connection to anything we are studying. However, according to my post count, I blab here quite often anyway. :) Stick around!!

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I fall in that category. We use HOD, CLE, R&S, and lots of hands on and living books. We haven't taught latin and don't plan on it, and I refuse to memorize bunches of facts with no connection to anything we are studying. However, according to my post count, I blab here quite often anyway. :) Stick around!!


This is me too. We use many different things. I DO have TWTM books, and I DO browse through them and gain ideas and help. But I also browse through the messages here and gain ideas and help from them too! This is a great place to be for MANY people coming from MANY different backgrounds and schooling in MANY different ways!


SWB does NOT cut you off if you are NOT using only her methods, thankfully! I appreciate her starting this and allowing it to flow with the different ideas, approaches and methods! I wouldn't leave, I'd just look here in different directions for different things, but still absorb the knowledge and help that come from the women and men on this board!


Best wishes to you!

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Does the rule "no spouse bashing" apply only to one's own spouse?


To be truthful, I could see myself saying something very similar to the OP and not appreciating the comments on my marriage or husband.


I'm just saying. (Someone once said that adding that would allow one to get away with what that one said. :tongue_smilie:)

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Hmm...maybe a bit more clarification on my OP was warrented. That and for me not to post so late/early at night/morning.:glare:


I think I will skip any comments on my marriage except to say my dh is the sweetest, most supporative, most perfect for me man alive on earth. And, as we met through an online singles site with him in Scotland and me here in Texas, I can most assuredly say that.;)


My son made his comment independant of my conversation with my dh.


I guess I 'do' classical too dry, too 'school-at-home'. I can't seem to loosen up on my own so we are giving Oak Meadow a try. I am also tired of feeling like my youngers get shooshed out of the way too much. Yes, yes, multilevel teaching...I can't seem to grasp that one well.


I have no intention of leaving the board or the fab OM SG. My intent was to indicate that I won't be sifting through piles of posts on this curric. or that, even as much fun as it is.


I guess it really was a post better left unwritten.


So ya'll aren't rid of me yet! :tongue_smilie:

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