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How often do you clean your bathrooms? What cleaners do you use?

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I admit, I don't clean my bathrooms until they clearly need it. My goal is to start cleaning them often enough that they STAY CLEAN, and I don't have to freak out if unexpected company shows up! I have 3 bathrooms and I really do not enjoy cleaning them, especially the bathroom off of our mudroom that is always filthy from muddy children going in and out!


Right now I use Comet in the toilet bowls most of the time, but every few weeks I have to use a harsher cleaner that dissolves the hard water stains. I use a vinegar/water mixture on the counters/sinks/mirrors. I sometimes clean the showers with vinegar/water mixture, but I end up using bleach for mildew sometimes, and The Works for the hard water stains sometimes. I don't like that I feel like I have to use something different all the time. I feel like it keeps me from having a consistent routine, KWIM?


Anyone care to share about your bathroom cleaning routine? :)

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When I am on top of it, I try to keep some clorox/lysol wipes in the bathroom and I have the kids clean the sink and help me keep track of their bathroom. The other one is mostly used by my husband so that one does not get cleaned as often because company never goes there. Then, I keep some Lysol toilet cleaner and I do that as needed.

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When I am on top of it, I try to keep some clorox/lysol wipes in the bathroom and I have the kids clean the sink and help me keep track of their bathroom. The other one is mostly used by my husband so that one does not get cleaned as often because company never goes there. Then, I keep some Lysol toilet cleaner and I do that as needed.


I'm thinking I need to get some of those wipes to keep in the bathroom too. Sometimes it just seems like so much trouble to go find a rag and a bottle of cleaner! :) Do the wipes irritate the children's hands? (So far I only let my dd clean the bathrooms with stuff like vinegar, nothing harsh).

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My kids love to wipe stuff down with the Lysol wipes. They have not complained about any skin irritation. I highly recommend letting them go with some wipes in the bathroom. It does help keep down the mess.


I also don't thoroughly clean the bathrooms as often as I should, but I do clean them more regularly than the other rooms. Next comes kitchen. Then the rest of the house.


I use a variety of cleaners. I bought the Clorox Toilet wands and showed my 5 year old how to use them. He thinks it's fun, so he'll periodically clean the toilets of his own accord.

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We only have one bathroom, so I have to clean it pretty regularly, at least once a week and more if I'm really on top of it. I use my tea tree oil cleaner for most things (sink, toilet, tub) and vinegar/water for the mirrors. Today I broke out the Magic Eraser for the tub but I hadn't done that in a month or two, so it was time.

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I use the toilet bowl cleaner that has clorox in it. I just put it in and leave it for about an hour and then all I have to do is wipe it down, no scrubbing. It is a miracle cleaner. I also use the disinfectant wipes to wipe everything down. I use the disposable scubbing bubbles pads for the tub and shower which are also incredibly easy and work well. I am not terribly green when it comes to bathroom cleaners but if it wasn't for the quick and easy cleaners the job wouldn't get done as much or as well as it does.

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I sometimes make up my own vinegar/water/lavender mix, but I like the way Method cleaners smell so much that I tend to spritz those on the counters in the two most used bathrooms almost daily. I also spray down the showers, so seldom have to worry with any mildew.


I try to use a natural product in the toilets, too, and use Bartender's Friend or Baking Soda when I need a scrubbing agent. I use a swiffer mop on the floors (and vacuum between for hair and dust).


I don't clean completely every day; just get the counters and pick up clutter, mostly. My older son is supposed to be cleaning their bathroom every weekend, too, but that's always iffy.....

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We only have one bathroom, so I have to clean it pretty regularly, at least once a week and more if I'm really on top of it. I use my tea tree oil cleaner for most things (sink, toilet, tub) and vinegar/water for the mirrors. Today I broke out the Magic Eraser for the tub but I hadn't done that in a month or two, so it was time.


Did you make the tea tree oil cleaner yourself? Can you share the recipe? I use tea tree oil in the laundry sometimes (for stinky towels, etc), so I already have some.

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I sometimes make up my own vinegar/water/lavender mix, but I like the way Method cleaners smell so much that I tend to spritz those on the counters in the two most used bathrooms almost daily. I also spray down the showers, so seldom have to worry with any mildew.




Do you spray the showers with the Method cleaner, or with your own mix? I've always been tempted by the shower sprays (so that the shower would stay clean all the time), but after my sister tried one of them out she broke out in hives, so I decided not to! I didn't know if a more natural alternative would work as well as what she tried (I don't remember which brand it was).

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Check out the Flylady website - if you follow her methods, your bathrooms will always been clean without much extra time! Do you have a bottle of shampoo that you hate under your sink? Clean your toilets thoroughly with regular cleanser one time, then dump that shampoo into the jar that your toilet brush sits in. First thing in the morning after you pee, every mornng, give the potty a quickie scrub. I'm talking 3 revolutions under the rim. You're done! Do it every day, and you will never have to think about setting aside time to scrub your toilet again!


For the sink, I have a box of wipes sitting on my counter, and I just wipe down quickly every morning after getting ready. Takes 10 seconds, including the faucets! :)


DH uses the shower - he has one of those daily-push-a-button-to-spray-cleanser things. I use the tub - a quick daily scrub around the water level with my washcloth as I get out, and then after the water is all out, I have a plastic cup that I give the whole thing a quick rinse.


I try to make a point once a week to really clean the sink, shower, tub, floors, mirror, etc., but if it doesn't get done, well, it's good enough! :)

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Lysol toilet goo in the toilets. Chlorox wipes for the outsides of the toilets. Softscrub in the sinks and tubs. Tilex in the shower. Nothing but water on the counters and water on the mirrors.


I clean not often enough. That's all I'm going to say about that.

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Check out the Flylady website - if you follow her methods, your bathrooms will always been clean without much extra time! Do you have a bottle of shampoo that you hate under your sink? Clean your toilets thoroughly with regular cleanser one time, then dump that shampoo into the jar that your toilet brush sits in. First thing in the morning after you pee, every mornng, give the potty a quickie scrub. I'm talking 3 revolutions under the rim. You're done! Do it every day, and you will never have to think about setting aside time to scrub your toilet again!


For the sink, I have a box of wipes sitting on my counter, and I just wipe down quickly every morning after getting ready. Takes 10 seconds, including the faucets! :)


DH uses the shower - he has one of those daily-push-a-button-to-spray-cleanser things. I use the tub - a quick daily scrub around the water level with my washcloth as I get out, and then after the water is all out, I have a plastic cup that I give the whole thing a quick rinse.


I try to make a point once a week to really clean the sink, shower, tub, floors, mirror, etc., but if it doesn't get done, well, it's good enough! :)


I actually just re-joined Flylady earlier today. I used to get her emails years ago but never quite got up to speed with the whole thing. I figured I could use a little help with my routines! I'm proud to say that my kitchen sink is shiny. There are dirty dishes sitting on the counter next to it, but the sink is pretty! :)


My problem with cleaning the toilet bowl daily is that I do not keep the toilet brush in the bathroom. I keep it with the other cleaning supplies in a tub up on the shelf above the washer and dryer. I cringe when I think about the possibility of my toddler grabbing the toilet brush and playing with it! So, when it's time to clean the bathrooms, I grab the tub of supplies and go around to all of the bathrooms. I wish I could bring myself to keep toilet brushes in each bathroom, because I know that would make quick cleaning so much more convenient. I'm paranoid though!

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My biggest cleaning strategy is to ban the two boys from the downstairs half/guest bath. Upstairs is a different story! Sorry to say they also could use more frequent attention. By the time I get there, it is definitely time to pull out the Clorox something. And where does all that hair come from? OK - I've shared too much now.

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I give the bathroom a good thorough cleaning once a week. I usually use baking soda and vinegar. The walls get wiped down, the tub, the floor gets swept and mopped, the potty chair wiped down on the outside, shower scrubbed, sink cleaned, rug washed.


Then there's small spot cleaning. For some reason the kids always seem to get fingerprints and toothpaste on the mirror, which drives me insane. I use homemade glass cleaner on that about 3 times a week. (alcohol, water and vinegar).


The toilet gets hit with the bowl brush probably once a day. The boys have some annoying habits. :glare: And the seat gets wiped daily too.


The sink might get cleaned several times a week if the kids leave toothpaste in it. I make them go in and clean up their mess.

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We clean the bathroom thoroughly once a week and a quick wipedown one other time usually. I really like Green Works products: natural glass and surface cleaner for the mirror and sink area and the Green Works bathroom cleaner for the tub/shower and the sink if it's really bad. GW toilet bowl cleaner.


Side note: I really love the surface cleaner! (The clear one, not the all-purpose cleaner in green or orange.) We have gross flat paint in our home (rental) that gets filthy and this stuff does wonders on the walls! It took off parakeet poo in no time (sorry, ew) but not the paint, and as long as I don't wipe too firmly, it does as good or better than the magic eraser.

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Side note: I really love the surface cleaner! (The clear one, not the all-purpose cleaner in green or orange.) We have gross flat paint in our home (rental) that gets filthy and this stuff does wonders on the walls! It took off parakeet poo in no time (sorry, ew) but not the paint, and as long as I don't wipe too firmly, it does as good or better than the magic eraser.


Ooh, that's good to know. Our walls could use a good cleaning, especially in the kitchen! (What I really want is to PAINT, but dh isn't ready for that project yet!)

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Method has out a daily shower spray, too. I sometimes use it, or I just use the same general cleaner I use on the counters to spray the shower (because I like those scents better than the shower spray, LOL).....


I spray with either. I don't have any of my own vinegar mix made up right now. I have a bunch of essential oils and I'm getting ready to experiment with those mixed with vinegar and water to see how they smell. Last year, I just steeped my own lavender in the bottles - but some of the leaves broke off and stopped up my spray after a while, so I need to modify. I save the used Method bottles to make my own mix. The longer it steeps, the less like vinegar and more like lavender it smells. This makes me hopeful that I can get a more instant product by just using the essential oils.


I also put about 40 drops of essential oil into a bottle of demineralized water and shake it up to make a daily spray I can spritz throughout the upstairs of my house. This helps keep the air more moist in winter, when we have gas heat on and it has been a boon to our skin this past year. I like lemongrass best, but orange blossom is also good......


I don't think Method will break you out!

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I use Amway products to clean the bathroom: Bowl Cleaner, spray cleaner, glass cleaner, everything.


I wipe down counters as needed, and clean the toilet weekly (more if needed, but weekly seems to work). Maybe I should clean that more often, but no one has died yet, lol.

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Guest mrsjamiesouth

I use Method Products. I scrub down all the bathrooms (3) on Monday. Then, we Flylady also and I do the swish and swipe every single morning. I use the Chlorox wipes for this. I just swipe down the toilet and sink (not in that order :D)

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I dont like using strong chemicals. I will use a strong bleach based chemical about 2 or 3 times a year in the shower.

The rest of the time, I have a good scrubbing cloth and sponge, and an old toothbrush, in my shower. I wipe and scrub here and there as the whim takes me, fairly regularly. It stops the build up. It's a Flylady thing.

For the toilet, I scrub it with a toilet brush about once or twice a week, and splash about a cup of white vinegar after flushing, and let it sit till the next person uses it. I wipe down the toilet about once a week, and the basin every 2 or 3 days, with an orange oil based spray cleaner- smells nice, pretty environmentally friendly.

It was Flylady that got me onto how to keep my bathrooms clean. A little regularly stops the need to spend an hour scrubbing every few months. It takes 20 seconds to wipe the sink, or brush the toilet- they dont actualyl have to get dirty before you clean them. It takes a half a minute every now and then to wipe and toothbrush the grout in the shower, while I am in there escaping the world.

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I keep supplies in each bathroom. I have a handle that you snap a toilet cleaner onto each time you use it--the handle hangs on the side of the potty. I know it's bad for the environment, but I can't stand toilet brushes. Maybe it'd be good for you, OP, since there's nothing for your toddler to handle that's yucky. I don't use it every week, tho--I pour bleach down the toilet from time to time and don't need to scrub very often. I used to keep childproof latches on the vanity doors--do you have a vanity in the bathroom that you could latch?

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