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Sherlock Homes Movie

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Can I just say, "Meh"? For all the hoopla surrounding the movie, I found it boring to be honest. By the time it was over, I was glad, since I'd given up caring about any of the characters. I didn't even find the plot interesting, figured that out immediately.


I told Wolf no more Robert Downey Jr movies, other than Iron Man. At least Iron Man had humour and a tonne of action.

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Is it at least worth renting SH? Haven't seen it.


I was not bored at all. I went with my 13 yo dd. We both liked the action and suspense. I thought it was witty. I did figure out the plot a little earlier than Sherlock, also, but it did not dampen my enthusiasm for the film. Definitely worth renting.



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We did rent it, even paid the extra $3 for HD. I wouldn't rent it again...in fact, we have it for 24 hrs, and neither of us are interested in watching it again.


I was just so looking forward to it, and was really disappointed. Perhaps if I hadn't heard such hype, I would have liked it, I dunno. I was just expecting more from a 'Sherlock Holmes' movie than what I got, if that makes sense. Figuring out the plot, without any surprises left me bored. I kept hoping for a twist or something.

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I could have done without the plot extravaganza, but I really liked the relationship between Holmes and Watson. This movie made Watson more than just a sidekick for the first time; he was fully characterized and an interesting guy in his own right, capable of holding his own and even on occasion manipulating Holmes.


Holmes himself I also liked better than in previous BBC-type productions, which to my mind were way too effete -- they showed exclusively the armchair detective rather than the man portrayed in the books, who is a cocaine addict, physically and mentally restless, prone to fits of lethargy and melancholy, a fighter as well as a thinker.


Irene Adler did NOT strike me as a believably equal opponent for Holmes, though.

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I could have done without the plot extravaganza, but I really liked the relationship between Holmes and Watson. This movie made Watson more than just a sidekick for the first time; he was fully characterized and an interesting guy in his own right, capable of holding his own and even on occasion manipulating Holmes.

:iagree: Although Watson often missed the point, he was not the buffoon that he's been portrayed as in most movies.


Holmes himself I also liked better than in previous BBC-type productions, which to my mind were way too effete -- they showed exclusively the armchair detective rather than the man portrayed in the books, who is a cocaine addict, physically and mentally restless, prone to fits of lethargy and melancholy, a fighter as well as a thinker.

:iagree: I'm just starting to read the series--again--and Holmes's physical strength and skills are two of the things that Watson lists when he's first trying to figure out Holmes. Robert Downey Jr. was definitely closer to the way Doyle described him.


Irene Adler did NOT strike me as a believably equal opponent for Holmes, though.



I'll probably buy this one.

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I like Guy Ritchie's type of movie making, so that was fun. Mostly, I loved the music. We bought the soundtrack ASAP when it came out...but I only listen to two tracks on the CD, as it's just a whole lot of recycled theme. My girls love to dance to it and call it "Crescendo Music."

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WE LOVED the movie!! We even watched it twice. My oldest boy said the movie really portrayed Holmes as in the book. However Watson wasn't portrayed very well. However they said it seemed more like a modern style of Holmes vs. what it was in the book.


We loved the movie anyway.


Very well worth buying in my opinion!!


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I actually went into the movie not expecting much... I didn't like the previews at all. I only went because it was the least-objectionable looking thing playing that night.


I actually really liked it! I find sometimes a lot's about expectations... if a movie is really hyped and I don't think it's "all that", I find I like it a lot less than if I go in expecting "meh" and am pleasantly entertained. :tongue_smilie:

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Love it. Bought it. Didn't like the bridge fighting scene much.


Mark Strong (from Emma & Body of Lies) was awesome too. He can play a good guy & a bad guy equally well.


I do like that Sherlock was much more like the man in the BOOK. Not some super nerd with a big magnifying glass and checked hat.


Next movie to buy: Burton's Alice in Wonderland.

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Guest Katia

My 17yo dd is a true Sherlockian. She has the Complete Sherlock Holmes and has read it over and over and over.....plus she's watched all the tv shows and read everything she can about him. Just for background.


She loved the movie. Said it was the best portrayal of Holmes that she has seen. Watson was good, but not exactly right. But much better than usually portrayed. We bought it and have watched it twice already and that was after going to the theatre twice to see it.


Now Irene Adler.........that was sad. It was so obvious that she lacked equal intelligence; one even had to wonder if there was any intelligence at all......just sayin'.......

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