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Depends on what day of the week it is.


M-F:turn off alarm clock, wake up ds15, brush teeth/take out retainer, coffee for me, make breakfast for ds15, pack his lunch, get dd3 up/make her breakfast/get her dressed and ready to go in time to drive ds15 to school. This all occurs in 30-40 minutes.


Sat: Cuddle with dd3 who just woke me up by crawling into bed with me. Teeth, coffee, make breakfast for dd3.


Sun: Sleep, wake up, go back to sleep....zzzzzzz Dh takes care of the kids on the weekends.

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Lie in bed calculating and analyzing how badly the day will go if I stay in bed for another 30 minutes.




Yeah, me too.


My calculations always show things ending very very badly, so I make my husband get up to start coffee while I stay in bed for 10 more minutes. (Because morning without coffee also tends to end badly.)



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You win for being the only one who mentioned making a fire. Why do you make a fire?


It's our main source of heat through the winter. Several years ago we got a wood stove and it has saved us so much money. We were spending around $500 a month on oil to heat our house. And that was when oil was a bit cheaper!! We get our wood mostly free (except for the time it takes to haul it and chop it.)



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It's our main source of heat through the winter. Several years ago we got a wood stove and it has saved us so much money. We were spending around $500 a month on oil to heat our house. And that was when oil was a bit cheaper!! We get our wood mostly free (except for the time it takes to haul it and chop it.)




You definately don't live in my neck of the woods where it's about time for AC.

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