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S/O: How about 1st "I Love You"s? I have a much better story for that.

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The first time my hubby told me he loved me he immediately said, "I sorry. I didn't mean that. Well, I meant it, I just didn't mean to say it."


What do you say to that? I decided to let him stew for awhile, figure out what he really felt and meant. Plus I needed time to consider the matter myself. The implications for us were more serious than most.


Anyhow, a few days later, I told him that I loved him too and he busted out crying. He told me later than he almost ran off down the street and never came back.


Once we had decided that we were both in fact in love and intended to stay together, we broke the news to his family and dealt with the consequneces. It was a very messy affair that almost tore his family apart. Luckily, we had some support and bridges have been mended and we are still together 20 years later. It only took his family a few years to decide that we had made the right choice. Even my children from my first marriage believe we did the right thing even though it makes their lives terribly complicated.


My family was pretty accepting from the beginning but the consequences were less severe for them. My dear mother bless her heart, always supported just about any crazy thing I wanted to do. When I wanted to get married at a young age the first time around she agreed to it, when I called and said I am having a home birth she was there by my side, when I said I would breastfeed she said good for you and when I said I would homeschool she was all on board with that as well. I don't know that she ever questioned my ability to do anything I set my mind to and as long as I was happy she was there to support me.


So what's your story? :bigear:

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My dh actually asked me to marry him before he ever said "I love you." It was two weeks after we met and it was over the phone. I asked him that meant that he loved me and he said yes. It took me a few more days to agree to all that! :) We've been married 14 years now.

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DH and I were 14 (I think I had just turned 15, maybe?) and had been dating for about 2 months when he told me he loved me... Here is our "story": He had come home from a family vacation early b/c his grandmother (who he adored) suddenly passed away, so we didn't expect to see each other for another couple of weeks. He called me for a "spur of the moment date" in the middle of the day. His parents came to pick me up (we weren't driving yet:lol:) and dropped us off at an icecream/lunch place so that he could tell me the sad news in person. I had only met her once, but I began to cry just knowing what she meant to him. That was the moment we both knew "for sure" how much we meant to each other and we exchanged "I Love You's" over a plate of barely eaten cheese-fries. The word "cheese-fries" has become synonymous with "I Love You." Seven years later we FINALLY got married. :001_smile:

Edited by babysparkler
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Dh and I were co-workers and had secretly started dating. (It was a very gossipy office and we didn't want to be the topic du jour.) After we'd been dating for a couple of months, I was sitting at my desk idly fiddling with a thick rubber band when I had an idea: I stretched it out really far and wrapped it around a cardboard tube, then I wrote "I love you" on it in tiny letters with a finepoint pen. When it wasn't stretched out, it just looked like it had lots of tiny lines on it like a bar code. I gave it to DH and told him it was an extra special rubber band and not to lose it. A few days later he decided to use it for something, and when it was stretched out he saw "I love you" and came running into my office all choked up and whispered "Me too! You know... the stretchy thing... the rubber band. Me too!" :D


We kept our relationship a complete secret for a year, then walked into the office one Monday wearing wedding bands and everyone flipped out. :lol:



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We had been dating for about 3 or 4 weeks (but known each other for much longer) and we were spending every moment together. I always worked Saturdays but not Mondays, and on this particular Monday my dh didn't have class because of a holiday. On Saturday night we went to a roller-rink, which we never did again because my husband is horrible on skates, and then went to a late movie. At 2 a.m., when he was about to drop me off, we decided that because it was such a long weekend we should do something fun, so we decided to drive to Las Vegas. So I went and got a few blankets and we drove. It was on the drive that we talked a lot and really started to move in the direction of getting married and it was somewhere in the middle of nowhere that he told me he loved me. We got to Las Vegas, drove down the strip, got bored about an hour after arriving, and drove back home. We got home Monday afternoon after sleeping at rest stops in the car. It was so fun and definitely a good memory.

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We had been dating for 2 weeks. He was 18, and I was 15. We were just hanging out in my room, when he looked at me and said "I love you". I had the greatest response in the world "That's nice":001_huh::lol: Poor guy. I was just completely caught off guard. About a week later I finally told him that I loved him too. He still gives me a hard time about that 18 years later.

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We had been dating for 2 weeks. He was 18, and I was 15. We were just hanging out in my room, when he looked at me and said "I love you". I had the greatest response in the world "That's nice":001_huh::lol: Poor guy. I was just completely caught off guard. About a week later I finally told him that I loved him too. He still gives me a hard time about that 18 years later.


For us, it was about a month of dating. I was 16, he was 18. We lived in Monterey, CA, and were at the beach, so a perfectly romantic setting. He says, "I love you." I say, "You can't." (thinking we're too young, you don't know what you want yet, etc.) He pauses for a minute or two, then responds, "No, they're my feelings. You don't have to love me, but I love you. Deal with it." :lol:

Here it is, over 20 years later, and we're still going strong.


(I'm leaving out the proposal, because when he attempted the down-on-one-knee, he had to preface it by, "Will you shut up, I'm trying to propose to you. )

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Ours was after a wicked fight. We had just started going out and he did something awful. I told him, "Look. We can have two kinds of relationships. One-we can have fun. Two-we can make this work forever. I'm okay with either one, just tell me now which one you want." He said, "Well, I love you. So I'll go for the second one." We've been together 17 years.

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Ours was after a wicked fight. We had just started going out and he did something awful. I told him, "Look. We can have two kinds of relationships. One-we can have fun. Two-we can make this work forever. I'm okay with either one, just tell me now which one you want." He said, "Well, I love you. So I'll go for the second one." We've been together 17 years.


Sometimes you just have to set the ground rules first. :tongue_smilie:

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We were both 20 and had been dating a couple of weeks. I was dropping him off at his ship late one night when he looked at me and said, "I love you."


I didn't know what to say, so I said, "Thank you." :D


He still teases me about that.

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