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I hate scripted programs... please help me find something better :)


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Ok... so I am IN LOVE with the AAS, FLL and RightStart programs. I just love the materials and the great foundation they both give... but I am just NOT a scripted-material teacher. I dread doing these with my daughter and many days I find myself just not doing them just so I don't have to follow the "script" (shhh... don't tell my dh!)


I really need to find something that would be a better fit, but I really don't want to give up the quality of these programs. My daughter keeps telling me that she wants workbooks/worksheets instead and agrees that these are not working for her. I hate to give them up, but I just need to find something that we will not feel tempted to skip each day.


Please help me find something for my 2nd grader. She started off a very visual/tactile learner, but she seems to be shifting and less interested in manipulatives as she used to be.


In addition to finding something more independent and less teacher-intensive (as I am now needing to give more attention to younger siblings) this is what I need:


In math, I need to be able to accelerate or review on my own terms. I need to know the scope and sequence and I prefer for it not to be spiral or random.


In spelling, I need it to be rules-based and a good foundation, as she is a struggling speller (not natural like her brother) and a bit behind her 2nd grade peers.


In grammar, I need it to be something she can work on more independently (not totally, though, just after a lesson).

Edited by babysparkler
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Singapore for math.

Not sure what to suggest for spelling. We use How to Spell but there are other workbook spelling programs too.


Thanks, that was one I was planning on checking out since I hear so much about it around the hive.


mathonthelevel.com will definitely help keep things on your own terms.


Thanks, I'll check it out.

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I am so not a scripted lesson person either. I've tried and tried and they make me nutty!


Math Mammoth for math. It's set up very similar to Singapore but much easier to teach, IMO. It's also on special through the Homeschool Buyer's Co-op so you could get it for a really great price. It's set up to be much, much more independent than Singapore as well, IMO.




Phonics Road level 1 for spelling, phonics, grammar. We just switched to this to remediate my oldest DD who is a struggler speller, my 2nd grade DS who is a struggling reader and my K'er. It's completely integrated LA, so no need to supplement with anything. It is O-G based spelling, so the same as AAS, but not scripted and it moves much faster than AAS. Someone has said that it covers levels 1-3 of AAS. She teaches you how to teach the program on the DVD, but it doesn't take long to figure out the program and it's easy to use the fast-forward on the DVD. We are really enjoying it around here!




If you do a search for Phonics Road, you will find a lot of recent threads regarding it!

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My daughter keeps telling me that she wants workbooks/worksheets instead and agrees that these are not working for her...She started off a very visual/tactile learner, but she seems to be shifting and less interested in manipulatives as she used to be...something more independent and less teacher-intensive (as I am now needing to give more attention to younger siblings)...In math, I need to be able to accelerate or review on my own terms.


These are exactly the reasons why I just switched my DD from RS to Singapore. She placed into 3A after completing C. Depending on where your DD is in C, she'll probably place into 2A or 2B.


I recommend getting the Intensive Practice book if you're looking to increase the challenge level for a bright kid. Some folks use the IP book in lieu of the workbook, others in addition to it. It all depends on how quickly your child grasps concepts.

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I don't like scripted and but I like the programs you listed except for that. This is what I use:


Math--Singapore Math with Rod and Staff for more review


Spelling--Spell to Write and Read but we spend a week on each list and I created worksheets to go with them based on the enrichments and rules and phonograms and such.


Grammar--can't help you there. I use Ruth Heller's grammar picture books and have my dd notebook the concepts and then we are working through the grammar exercises in Oak Meadow. There are some neat Montessori stuff out there for this and I have links at my blog if you want to go that route.



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I have used RS since the beginning of our homeschooling time. At the beginning, I needed the script but as time went on (as did the children,) I realized that I didn't need it all written out for me. I did better on my own. So I would read the lessons ahead of time and get a feel for how they were teaching the concepts and then I did it on my own. For my ds (9) he doesn't need the manipulatives so I teach the lessons sans man. while we are doing the worksheets. For my youngest, I don't use the guide as it is written at all. I jump around in the order that I think works for her.


If you like this program so much, it can be taught without following the script. I have never used AAS so I don't know about that one, but I think FLL can be used without following the script as well.

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Another vote for Math Mammoth for math. Very easy to understand, completely open and go.


We're starting with this free workbook-based grammar program from McGraw-Hill. I think it will work well for my workbook loving 7 yo.


We're using Spelling Workout for spelling. My daughter likes the approach a great deal. It's fairly inexpensive, so it might be worth a shot to try out one level.

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Math Mammoth for math. It's set up very similar to Singapore but much easier to teach, IMO. It's also on special through the Homeschool Buyer's Co-op so you could get it for a really great price. It's set up to be much, much more independent than Singapore as well, IMO.


Math Mammoth teaches math "the Singapore way," with an emphasis on conceptual understanding and mental math, but it's designed specifically for homeschoolers and is so much easier to use. To get the full benefit of Singapore, you need to read the HIG to see how to teach the concept, teach the lesson using the textbook, switch to the workbook for the student to work the problems, then back to the textbook, back to the workbook, etc.


Math Mammoth is all-in-one ~ no separate teacher's manual/textbook/workbook. It's written directly to the student, it's totally open-&-go, and you can do either a lesson/day, or just do a page/day in the lower grades. It's inexpensive (especially with the deal on HSBC this month), reusable for multiple kids, and incredibly easy to use.



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Definitely check out Singapore for math...your needs sound similar to ours. I needed to be able to skip portions and spiral programs just don't work well for that.


I do use AAS, but I don't always follow the script. Usually, I review with him, look to see what the new teaching is and go over that part, then just give him the new list. If he spells the right the first time, we're done.


Good luck!

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Maybe you should use FLL since you like it. Take a few minutes to read the lesson before you begin and then explain everything in your own way. We love FLL because it is thorough and gentle. We also appreciate the short lessons.


I no nothing about right start math, but I can recommend Horizons Math.


Take another look at AAS since you like the idea of it. Maybe it can be adapted for use without the script, too.


Good luck!

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We use:


Math U See with the manipulatives....mastery program.


Spell to Write and Read...includes grammar until about 3rd grade with plenty of Enrichments. Definitely not scripted, but there is a learning curve at first, and a bit teacher intensive until you get the hang of it. Then you can custom all the lessons to your interest/speed/ability for that day/week. My kids love it and I am not panicking. The Yahoo Group and her BHI website was extremely instrumental in my choosing this program.


I personally have trouble in a "box"/scripted-type programs.


Enjoy the journey!

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I have a hard time with scripted programs because they don't sound like me. However, I use and love two of the programs you mentioned. I just don't follow the script. I quickly read ahead and then put it in my own words.


:iagree: That's what I was going to suggest. That way too you don't have to get all new stuff. We use all three of those, and while I stick pretty close to the guides in all three, I don't usually read them word-for-word, and sometimes I totally rework the lesson. All the stuff is still there, but with other things added in or in a different order.

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With the exception of FLL, we eschew scripted programs, and the only one we used FLL for was my ds; my dd's would not have liked it or done well with it. Plus, we only did 1 & 2.


Singapore Math has been a bit hit here. For grammar, my dd's did Easy grammar for a few grades and then we switched to Rod & Staff. We also have grammar songs CDs we added to Easy Grammar. I should add that had Growing with Grammar been around, we would probably have opted for that over Easy Grammar. Ds moved to Easy Grammar after FLL 2. My dc work mostly independently, although ds didn't do much on his own in grades 1 & 2.

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