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Who is grossed out by this?

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I don't worry about this kind of thing. I obviously think basic hand washing is important, but my sister who has her doctorate in microbiology convinced me to stop using all the anti-bacterial stuff.


A lot of studies are now suggesting that so many more kids are getting asthma because we are over cleaning. Here is a quick article: http://www.cnn.com/2006/HEALTH/conditions/04/05/cohen.allergies/index.html but there are many other similar things.

:iagree:I'm with you on this one. I don't think the anti-bacterial soaps, and all the sanitizers we use are really doing us a disservice.

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Wash the hands and we're good.


In our SS classes, every kid gets sanitizer as they sit down for snack and the adults wash hands well before serving food.


I'm just pleased my dc get fruits & pretzels for snack instead of cookies. LOL

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Doesn't bother me at all. Hands are hands. People have been using them for millions of years. It's important to wash hands, but I don't think teachers need to start wearing gloves or using implements to serve everything!


(I was just thinking too, that I almost always use my hands to serve snacks...at co-op, at home, etc.)


I mean...they're part of our bodies. I'm not too scared of germs to begin with, and I think our society is becoming too conscious of every little germ out there and starting to be a little too careful in general.

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Are you serious? Do you serve your kids food with tongs, or gloves or something? Kids *need* dirt and germs to be healthy. Kids who are raised in an insufficiently germy environment end up with weak immune systems and prone to asthma and allergies.

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I volunteered in the church nursery (ages 18mo - 3yrs.) on Sunday in a room with no sink. I couldn't leave the room if I was by myself. I guess I could have brought hand sanitizer, but I honestly don't like dousing myself with alcohol all the time. Is that safe for my body?


I wonder if we are getting a bit OCD as a society? Yes, there are things we can (and should) do to prevent disease, but are we going over the line? Just thinking aloud.

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Are you serious? Do you serve your kids food with tongs, or gloves or something? Kids *need* dirt and germs to be healthy. Kids who are raised in an insufficiently germy environment end up with weak immune systems and prone to asthma and allergies.


That must be why my kids are so dang healthy!! We have a perfectly germy home. :lol:


ETA: As to the OP, I am definitely not grossed out. Not much grosses me out.

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Nope, this doesn't gross me out in the least. I work in a Mom's Morning Out classroom at a local church, and serve snack to the toddlers. I certainly wash my hands before handling their food. However, I do think that people have become far too compulsive with the use of antibacterial soap and hand sanitizer. I'm just not someone who carries around the sanitizer or who goes spraying the Lysol all of the time. I believe we need exposure in order to build up our immune system. I think that this hyper-alertness to all things antibacterial actually works against us, like several other posters have said. Just my .02.

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:iagree:I'm with you on this one. I don't think the anti-bacterial soaps, and all the sanitizers we use are really doing us a disservice.


I agree!!

I learned from this board years ago - triclosan is toxic.

And why kill all the natural good bacteria on your skin and then touch a doorknob and put all the bad stuff back on your hands - but now you don't have the natural good bacteria on there to deal with the bad.

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I volunteered in the church nursery (ages 18mo - 3yrs.) on Sunday in a room with no sink. I couldn't leave the room if I was by myself. I guess I could have brought hand sanitizer, but I honestly don't like dousing myself with alcohol all the time. Is that safe for my body?


I wonder if we are getting a bit OCD as a society? Yes, there are things we can (and should) do to prevent disease, but are we going over the line? Just thinking aloud.


How many diapers did you change?

Or are the mothers/fathers called back to do that?

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When you consider that the food industry is allowed by law to have a certain percent of roach parts and rat feces and hair in the food they manufacture - someone's (hopefully) recently washed hands don't bother me at all!!! (I am more afraid of what we don't see).


We should all be grossed out by big business food manufacturing processes - but alas! all it has done for me is let me be less grossed out about people germs!!!! Once I realized that I had been eating roaches with every chocolate bar and rat hair and droppings in every loaf of bread for my entire life.....I just realized there's no hope and gave in to it. If you can't beat them, join 'em!!!!


I tell all the "germ freak" kids this in hopes that they will realize we swim in a sea of germs and the only thing we can do is keep ourselves healthy enough to deal with it. I do require hand washing before eating but not for bacterial or viral reasons. I am grossed out by parasites and lead.


My good friend's mother (now in her 70's) told me years ago that when she was a kid her uncle used to work in a jelly making plant (I think it was Smucker's) and some of the nasty men would spit hockers in the jelly vats. Her uncle wouldn't allow his family to eat jelly!!!


Also - I know FOR A FACT - that they do not recover every body part that a worker loses in the manufacturing of our food. So, as disgusting as is it, I am sure we have all been exposed to more than we care to imagine.


My dad worked at a meat packing plant during the summer in college. He never allowed us to eat hot dogs unless they were Hebrew National.


After reading "The Jungle" by Upton Sinclair, I decided any child I had would never eat processed meat, period.


You should have seen his face the first time he saw a can of "processed meat food product" - he thought I'd been making it up all of those years!


So no, not grossed out by cheese-its being passed out.




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My dad worked at a meat packing plant during the summer in college. He never allowed us to eat hot dogs unless they were Hebrew National.


After reading "The Jungle" by Upton Sinclair, I decided any child I had would never eat processed meat, period.


You should have seen his face the first time he saw a can of "processed meat food product" - he thought I'd been making it up all of those years!


So no, not grossed out by cheese-its being passed out.





Another book to my list........

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My granddaughter is on her way to being VERY healthy. :lol:


Thank you for posting that.

A while back I had the most bizzare craving for a salty booger.

I told my friends about it and said that there was probably some crazy reason that my body wanted a booger. I guess my body was craving a dose of that old fashioned immunity stimulus. Maybe I need to listen to my body.

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My granddaughter is on her way to being VERY healthy. :lol:


:lol::lol::lol::lol: My son too! hehe And the doctor just had to be Austrian too! I read that whole article imagining the voice of Sigmund Freud in my head telling us that we must all pick our noses. :lol::lol:

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Not even the slightest bit. But then I am of the camp that we are all just a little too sanitizer, germ-free crazy these days, and that is actually harming our children. We focus on preventing problems from the other side - good sleep habits, exercise, and (mostly) healthy food - and so far that is working well for us.


ETA: I would be assuming that the teacher washes her hands after using the restroom. That is the one problem area I would agree with.

Edited by angela in ohio
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Who is grossed out by teachers in little kids' classes who dole out portions of snack food to all the kids using their hands? ex: grapes from bowl, crackers from a box, unwrapping a juice box straw and fingering almost every inch of it before inserting it in the box.


Well...I'll join in and say, YES...I grosses me out.




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