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WWYD?!? Coyote under my dd's car!

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Call animal control?



Find a shotgun and have a really good aim?

:iagree:I've got one, but my aim is bad, I'd end up hitting anything OTHER than the coyote.


Just wondering where your dd has to go to... this would make an interesting alternative to "Sorry I'm late, my car wouldn't start." :lol:

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CLEARLY I'm ignorant about coyotes, so forgive me if this is a dumb question.


But if you were to make a loud noise, say, hang your head out the door or window and shout 'HEY! GET OUTTA HERE, YOU SILLY COYOTE!', would it not scare the thing away?




(Again, I have no experience with coyotes. Obviously.)

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Thanks y'all....


This guy wouldn't budge! We honked and started the car and talked to him and all sorts of things. We kinda figured he might be really hurt or giving birth (obviously a "her" if that were the case) or dying or something. He just stared at us.


My daughter was in her car and the 3 of us are standing 6 ft away staring, talking to the coyote, hollering to dd, etc. It was crazy.


Anyway, finally, we told dd to back up REALLY slowly (the coyote's head was in front of the front tire so we thought it safe for him). My daughter got scared hearing the cracking sound the rocks made under her car. How can you tell the difference in the sound of rock and bone?


Finally, Mr. Coyote ran off (we have 300 acres behind us so he probably lives back there). Wonder what he was doing up here?


Sometimes they come up and snatch a kitten or dig in trash, but we don't have any cats or trash reachable for him. And I would think it's pretty cold lying on the rocks in the drive. Hmmmm


If he still hadn't moved, we would have had to call the sherriff's office I guess.


Oh, and as a teen, I had REALLY good aim. I don't know if that is something you lose. I've lost a lot of other related things like balance and coordination so I don't think I'd try shooting. Of course, we don't have a gun anyway (pacifists who don't hunt so no reason).


Anyway, kinda interesting. His eyes were gorgeous!

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LOL, what an adventure! We have a bunch of them here. Yesterday there was one wandering around my yard in broad daylight. It's more common to see them at dawn or dusk but they get cocky sometimes.


I've never had one choose to stay that close & the only times I've heard of it was when they try to lure prey to them. Small dogs will sometimes run over to say HI! and then become coyote lunch. We've also had some raccoons turn up + for rabies in the city in the last few years so anytime an animal is acting strangely, I'd worry about rabies.


BTW, we have a wildlife office which responds to calls about bears, cougars, etc......

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Sometimes--rarely, but every once in awhile--I'm so glad we live in the suburbs :svengo:


I just have to know though...how did she get INTO the car? Did she go and get in while the coyote was under it???? :scared: I mean, I know they're generally more afraid of us than we are of them, but I don't think I could bring myself to do that!

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We had one who liked to hang out in our backyard. I called animal control. They told me that, unless he was sick, they couldn't do anything about it - it is a native species and he was not in the house. A healthy coyote is next to impossible to catch. A sick one is another story, plus the risk of rabies.


They told me to make a lot of noise - pots and pans, etc. If that didn't work, we should make a "noise bomb." Fill a soda can half full with coins and tape it shut with duct tape. Toss the bomb so that it lands about a foot or two from the coyote but between you and the animal. It is usually enough to get them moving. When we did this, our friendly neighborhood Wile E Coyote didn't see our yard as quite so friendly:).

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She's a little freaked out about that part. LOL


She walked in front of her car (and remember, this guy is under the car but in front of the front tire!). She got in. He coyote moved and my SON noticed him cuz the movement scared him! So my daughter was already in the car by the time she found out about the coyote!


Margarete, I have since thought "we should have taken a pic!" cuz he was SO beautiful! He really had the prettiest eyes ever.


I went out to put my scooter battery back in my car a few minutes ago. My lab went with me. She kept sniffing around dd's car. I guess there is still smell on the car and rocks.


It makes me a little scared to send my schnauzer out. And even the lab. What if he comes back?


We have an armadillo friend who scares me too. He dug a HUGE home under my hubby's old car. We sold the car last week and now I'm worried about him too.


So much nature.


You know what my FAVE part this "spring" (I'm trying to encourage spring and not more snow!) has been? The roadrunners. I saw two yesterday. The first one was pretty big but the second was pretty small. I just get a kick out of them. And the bunnies are coming out. I wish they could be friendly.


But really, the coyote needs to keep his distance.

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Sometimes--rarely, but every once in awhile--I'm so glad we live in the suburbs :svengo:


You know what the funny part is? I DO live in the suburbs :lol:

I'm only a few blocks away from a major shopping mall and our elevated transit rail.


And yeah, the morning paper says the bears are waking up early this year due to the mellow temps and garbage can restrictions (how early they can be put out etc.) might be kicking in earlier as a result.


Vancouver has tons of coyotes, raccoons, skunks (including the pesky one which I've seen more than a dozen times in a week when I'm out walking dogs; NO, we do not want to go see the skunk I holler while I'm being dragged by 210 lbs of dogs screaming YES, YES, let's see the skunk!), bears, and every once in a while (thankfully) the odd cougar. THOSE scare me.

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She's a little freaked out about that part. LOL


She walked in front of her car (and remember, this guy is under the car but in front of the front tire!). She got in. He coyote moved and my SON noticed him cuz the movement scared him! So my daughter was already in the car by the time she found out about the coyote!


Oh. My. Word. I can't even imagine! Thank goodness she was able to get around him. How could she have ever gotten out of that car?!!!



You know what the funny part is? I DO live in the suburbs :lol:

I'm only a few blocks away from a major shopping mall and our elevated transit rail.


And yeah, the morning paper says the bears are waking up early this year due to the mellow temps and garbage can restrictions (how early they can be put out etc.) might be kicking in earlier as a result.


Vancouver has tons of coyotes, raccoons, skunks (including the pesky one which I've seen more than a dozen times in a week when I'm out walking dogs; NO, we do not want to go see the skunk I holler while I'm being dragged by 210 lbs of dogs screaming YES, YES, let's see the skunk!), bears, and every once in a while (thankfully) the odd cougar. THOSE scare me.


Holy moly. We don't live in that kind of suburb. The most exciting thing I've ever seen here was a fox, once in 7 years. We have bunnies in our yard, squirrels galore because of the oak trees, and until recently (knock on wood) mice in our attic. My biggest complaint is that it's starting to get very "Leiningen versus the Ants" around here. A moat of fire is beginning to sound very appealing. Now that I think about it though, I think I'd take the bears and coyotes over our robo-ants. (We cannot shake these ants no matter what we do :( )

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I grew up in an area that had coyotes. They used to hang out in our side yard at night and make all kinds of noise.


We just left them alone. If they got in our way, we just waited them out. Coyotes live in this world with us, and (imo) we don't really have a right to say "You're in my space, so I think I'll shoot you." In most cases, humans have moved into their space.


Really, it amazes me to see how quickly people chime in with "shoot it!" when an animal does something that inconveniences a human. To me, it's arrogant.



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