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Here's my question (CC) . . .

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Is it all right for a Christian to get food stamps?


A friend of mine has the concern that, even though they qualify, would getting government assistance be a *mark* against Christianity/God, showing a lack of faith in God to provide for their needs?


She is torn over this decision and wonders what other people of faith think/believe, and is hesitant to ask her pastor for Biblical input. So I am asking the knowledgeable, thoughtful, unbiased, and anonymous Hive!


I don't want to start any political or religious debates - just what you think and why!:001_smile:


THANK YOU!:001_smile:

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I don't see this as a mark "against" Christianity. These programs are available to assist us when we are in dire need.

If God wants to provide for her and her family through other means - church or family members contributing, etc. He can and will and she may not need to use the program, however His provision could be the program itself as well. At least IMHO.

Edited by Liz CA
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I don't see this as a mark "against" Christianity. These programs are available to assist us when we are in dire need.

If God wants to provide for her and her family through other means - church family members contributing, etc. he can and will and she may not need to use the program, however his provision could be the program itself as well. At least IMHO.

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Okay, for the sake of full disclosure, I'm not a Christian. But I used to be, and I have read the bible cover to cover, and my mother is a Christian, and we talk about her beliefs quite a bit. And I just couldn't resist answering this one. :)


One thing that I think is true for all religions, regardless of how you see God, is that God expects you to do everything you can (within the bounds of morality) to take care of yourself and your family. Yes, it's good to have faith, and to believe that God will take care of you when you need help, but at the same time, I've seen too many people who use it as a way to avoid action. "Oh, I don't need to take my dd to the doctor, God will heal her." "I don't need to recycle, God wouldn't let anything bad happen to the Earth."


God also gave us brains, and expects us to use them.


If you need help, you need help. There's nothing wrong with that. God most likely isn't going to airdrop a box of food on your porch. There are programs out there to help people going through a tough time. A person not wanting to use them because they're waiting for God to help would be missing the forest for the trees, in my opinion.

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when my dh was laid off my mom encouraged us to get the WIC coupons. I didn't want to. I knew we would be given everything we needed but my mom kept pushing so I did. We paid the taxes for it right? Well we did have everything we needed thanks to the WIC coupons! Without that food we would have had many hungry days. It was exactly the extra we needed. We only used it for 3 months. I had coupons for longer but only used it when we needed it.


No, it's not a mark on your faith. It's another way for God to help you out. Just don't take advantage of it.

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There is nothing in the Bible forbidding us to accept help when we need it. There are tons of verses about helping the needy--if your friend is needy, she should definitely accept, and thank God for his loving provision for her.


I am a devoted Christian who pays her taxes--I am glad to know that my tax money can help those who truly need it.


I am also one whose family lived on food stamps for a time, and I was very, very poor through high school and college. I truly know how difficult it is.

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Has anyone printed this yet? wait wrong link!


Here-- this is from a mission sight, but I knew I had heard it before:




'There was a preacher who was standing in ankle deep water on his front porch during a flood. A boat came by and the man in the boat told the preacher to get into the boat and he would take him to safety. The preacher explained that he was waiting for God to save him.

As the water level approached the second floor of the house, through the window the preacher spotted another boat and the man in the boat told the preacher to get into the boat. Again the preacher explained that he was waiting on God to save him.

As the water rose to the level of the roof, the preacher, standing on the roof, spotted a helicopter. The pilot yelled to the preacher to grab hold of the ladder and climb aboard. The preacher explained that he was waiting on God to save him.

The helicopter left. The preacher drowned.

As the preacher entered the pearly gates, he saw Jesus and said, "Jesus, I was a good husband, a good father, faithful to the word and conservative in my teaching. Why did you not save me, but rather you let me drown?"

Jesus quietly responded, "Preacher, I sent two row boats and a helicopter. What more did you want?"



Edited by LibraryLover
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Has anyone printed this yet? wait wrong link!


Here-- this is from a mission sight, but I knew I had heard it before:




'There was a preacher who was standing in ankle deep water on his front porch during a flood. A boat came by and the man in the boat told the preacher to get into the boat and he would take him to safety. The preacher explained that he was waiting for God to save him.

As the water level approached the second floor of the house, through the window the preacher spotted another boat and the man in the boat told the preacher to get into the boat. Again the preacher explained that he was waiting on God to save him.

As the water rose to the level of the roof, the preacher, standing on the roof, spotted a helicopter. The pilot yelled to the preacher to grab hold of the ladder and climb aboard. The preacher explained that he was waiting on God to save him.

The helicopter left. The preacher drowned.

As the preacher entered the pearly gates, he saw Jesus and said, "Jesus, I was a good husband, a good father, faithful to the word and conservative in my teaching. Why did you not save me, but rather you let me drown?"

Jesus quietly responded, "Preacher, I sent two row boats and a helicopter. What more did you want?"




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Is it all right for a Christian to get food stamps?


A friend of mine has the concern that, even though they qualify, would getting government assistance be a *mark* against Christianity/God, showing a lack of faith in God to provide for their needs?



Um, what if God is 'providing' by having her live someplace where she is eligible for food stamps? There is nothing wrong with accepting help if you need it. In fact, being a gracious recipient helps others (in this case, indirectly) to do their charitable duty. And I seriously doubt that the relevant government employee would have enough time on her/his hands to waste it making unjustified assumptions about Christianity.

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I think it's a personal decision. If churches were doing what they were supposed to then there would be no need, but alas, we are not.

We have not taken WIC or Food Stamps because we don't need it. Honestly. If it came down to feeding my kids though you better believe we would.

My mom has been pressuring me to sign up for it, but I think if we don't need it we should not sign up for it. My family is fat and happy. LOL

Dh has been out of a job for almost a year, but God has always provided. I believe that God will provide.. that might be through food stamps though.

Dh and I have always tried to reach deep into our pockets and help out families we know need the help.

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Thank you for being open to hearing what we really think.


I see no obstacle to a Christian receiving food stamps. A genuine Christian will not dissemble about his actual financial situation, or do anything else dishonest to "bilk the system".


We are instructed "not to put God to the test". I would understand this directive to include that we are not supposed to "tell" God what is, and what is not, acceptable for Him to provide as aid when we are in need of something. (Very arrogant of the human being, such behaviour is !) If one prays sincerely for help, I do believe that God will provide an answer. Christ will not suggest that someone grab a gun and hold up a "quik mart" in order to obtain food. Christ very well may, though, offer food stamps as an option.


A parish should, if at all possible, assist a family with food aid. Common sense suggests that a Christian parish should, also, assist a family with obtaining aid from the charities and programs (even government-sponsored programs) which are designed for the purpose. Churches sometimes share a portion of their revenues with such programs in the first place.


I never have applied for food stamps. Once, however, a few years ago, we were in serious financial straits. Close friends, who run a food pantry from the church for which the husband is the priest, showed up on our doorstep with three boxes of food from their food pantry. I sat down and cried because of the love shown us by fellow Christians who were following our Lord's commandments.

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Has anyone printed this yet? wait wrong link!


Here-- this is from a mission sight, but I knew I had heard it before:



'There was a preacher who was standing in ankle deep water on his front porch during a flood. A boat came by and the man in the boat told the preacher to get into the boat and he would take him to safety. The preacher explained that he was waiting for God to save him.

As the water level approached the second floor of the house, through the window the preacher spotted another boat and the man in the boat told the preacher to get into the boat. Again the preacher explained that he was waiting on God to save him.

As the water rose to the level of the roof, the preacher, standing on the roof, spotted a helicopter. The pilot yelled to the preacher to grab hold of the ladder and climb aboard. The preacher explained that he was waiting on God to save him.

The helicopter left. The preacher drowned.

As the preacher entered the pearly gates, he saw Jesus and said, "Jesus, I was a good husband, a good father, faithful to the word and conservative in my teaching. Why did you not save me, but rather you let me drown?"

Jesus quietly responded, "Preacher, I sent two row boats and a helicopter. What more did you want?"


This is one of dh's favorite anecdotes. I was just telling it last week. :001_smile: I know waaaay too many people waiting on the miracle when God already sent the ordinary.

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I think it's a personal decision. If churches were doing what they were supposed to then there would be no need, but alas, we are not.



I don't think it is as easy as saying that. In many churches people are not tithing as they should and the church doesn't have the money. I think a lot of times people in the church are not voicing the fact that they are in trouble. I also agree there is blame that lies within the church. We do all of these overseas missions but sometimes forget what we can do at home.


I agree with another poster who said to look at sin issues in your life that may be contributing to the problem. Also look at what can be cut out of the budget first. If both of these have been done and there is no option then I think govt. assistance is fine.

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