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Oh my

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I haven't done that since I was pregnant with my first, 17 years ago. And for me, it was their Lemon Pastry Cremes - yumm!! I would stop at the grocery store on the way home from work...couldn't resist buying from those cute girls scouts out front...and then by the time I got home, the whole box was gone.


At least the boxes keep getting smaller...console yourself with that thought. I mean, it was only a couple of ounces, right? ;)

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I just ate an entire box of Thin Mints. I didn't even realize until I reached for one more and there were no more. :blush:


Since you are having this problem, I heartily advise you not to buy Edy's GS Thin Mint Cookie Ice Cream.


Your problem will be doubled or tripled. Trust me.



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I hear ya'!!! I've eaten a LOT of Oreos. A LOT. In one sitting. They are my weakness.


I've given them up totally. I have no control and cannot be held responsible for my actions after eating only one.


Jennifer, I was just talking to someone at church who laughingly said she thinks communion wafers in heaven will be Oreos.:lol::lol:

Yes, I know that's borderline blasphemy, but it sure made me laugh!

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I hear ya'!!! I've eaten a LOT of Oreos. A LOT. In one sitting. They are my weakness.


I've given them up totally. I have no control and cannot be held responsible for my actions after eating only one.


That's me. Which is why I haven't had an Oreo since *thinks really hard*....well darn, I can't remember. I don't think I've had one this entire pregnancy and I got pregnant in July. I can't remember any further back than that. I know it's been a LONG time.

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