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Do some women not have PMS?

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If I don't check the calendar, I have no clue it's coming.


I never expected that I would have PMS just because others did and always felt that my girlfriends who complained about it so much and used it as an excuse to stay home from school or lay around were exaggerating. LOL Now I have a dd who gets cramps, but she's not allowed to let it stop her from LIFE. She takes some pain reliever and proactively tackles her discomfort and then gets going. I do think that some of PMS for many women is psychosomatic because they've been told over and over that "Women get PMS. Period." Pun intended! :D

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Interesting question. When I googled premenstrual definition and symptoms, this was one of the things that popped up.




It says specifically: "More than 200 different symptoms have been associated with PMS, but the three most prominent symptoms are irritability, tension, and dysphoria (unhappiness).[1]



Most formal definitions require the presence of emotional symptoms as the chief complaint; the presence of exclusively physical symptoms associated with the menstrual cycle, such as bloating, abdominal cramps, constipation, swelling or tenderness in the breasts, cyclic acne, and joint or muscle pain, is not considered PMS.[4]



The part that I bolded really surprised me. Maybe it is a matter of medical definition vs. the common women's definition then!

I think it's a misconception that PMS is the cramps and such during the period. It's actually the symptoms before the period (hence, "premenstrual").

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I never experienced PMS symptoms until my 3rd child was born. Then I started getting headaches and migraines a few days before my "punctuation" (love that :001_smile: ). After my 4th child was born, I noticed much more irritability and mood changes before my punctuation. I also noticed bloating/ water retention which I had not experienced before. I have to make sure I get plenty of sleep, eat properly, and exercise (especially in the days before) or I can be unbearable to live with... *I* don't even like being around me.

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I was reading from a medical book earlier today (written by a male Dr.) who stated that 1/3 of women of child-bearing age have PMS. Really? That's all? That would mean that 2/3 of women don't have PMS at all? I've met women who have severe PMS, some with very mild PMS and more who fall in between but I've never met one without any. But then I suppose those women wouldn't be the ones complaining about it. . . What says the hive? Do some of you not have PMS?


I didn't have PMS at all when I was younger.

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I was raised to be tough (or at least act it) and to look down at others who complained. "no bones, no blood, no problem" was my dad's motto.


So, I would say that I have no pms but it may be that I just ignore it or try to tough it out without thinking about it b/c that is what I've been doing all my life. I go by the calendar. I know when I'm ovulating by the calendar & fluids but as for my cycle, calendar all the way.


It does bug me when women blame bad 'tudes on pms...sounds stereotypical but i know one in particular that does it a lot and I'm thinking "there is no way you are getting your period that often!!!:tongue_smilie:

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My Mother only had the mood swings and acne. She never had the excruciating pain, migraines, backaches, nausea, uncontrollable crying, or heavy bleeding, so she thought I was a big over dramatic faker who needed to get over herself. Now, 30 years later and 2 surgeries (it will be 3 after the 26th), I think she gets it. Some women have horrible PMS, punctuation:lol:, and after through no fault of their own. I got a two year breather of what it was like to be one of those women with no PMS and all I have to say is, I can't wait till after the 26th!



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I find it a little insulting that some think PMS is psychosomatic or a mere excuse. I didn't have PMS at all when I was younger, as I said before. As I hit 35 and my hormones started to change? It was a huge difference. My husband could tell you at which point in my cycle I'm more amorous, at which point I'm more cranky, etc. It's not just PMS, either. I tend to be really anxious and get upset easily on the day I ovulate. Even my sister know that if I call her all upset about something that I'm probably ovulating.

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Not sure if you meant me or not but I did mean that I thought that when I was younger. I'm not so ignorant now and do know it's a real condition that many woman have to deal with.


I didn't mean anyone specific, but your comment was totally in past tense. :) I was speaking more *in general*, not to anyone in the thread. I think there are a *lot* of people who think that way. And I think it's a teeny bit insulting but it's not a hill I'm going to die on or anything, kwim? :D

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I don't have anything bad, but I did warn my DD today that I will probably be snappy this week and she may gently remind to be nice if I start yelling:) The week before my period, I'm more likely to go from perfectly happy to yelling and crazy within 10 minutes, then back to normal and apologizing 10 minutes after that! And my face is more likely to break out during that week. This week;)

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I've hardly had any PMS since going to the chiropractor regularly. I expected it to help with the cramps, but didn't expect it to help with the moodiness! Most months I don't have PMS at all. Or maybe I'm just tetchy all the time so it doesn't seem any different :glare:



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Fascinating thread. I am so jealous of some of you! :)


I've always dealt with cramping, since teenage-hood. My well-meaning mother swore that would go away after childbirth (and it did for her). My cycle was always a bit wacky, so could never pinpoint any real emotional issues, and hey I was a teenager anyway.


Since marriage, and the onset of a severe panic disorder, it's become MUCH clearer that I've got some PMS or something going on... my symptoms definitely get worse the week before, both physical and emotional ones. And since my cycle is still a bit wacky, for a while it was dh who could tell when it was coming, because he could spot the mood changes. At least now I have some meds to help. Sigh. I do NOT look forward to menopause issues making it worse. (My poor mom, who suffered very little PMS, is going through a miserable menopause.)


As for cramps/childbirth ... my cramps are severe enough on the bad times that they really were like labor pains. My sister's were even worse, and hers turned out to be endometriosis. Her endo began in high school, but she could never get a doctor to take her seriously. She's better now, after three kids and a couple surgeries.

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It's just not tied to any particular time of the month. It can happen anytime!

She used to tell my brother and I that she and her siblings NEVER argued. I'm pretty sure she has selective memory. :lol:


I do tend to get pissy and, just like my dd, I don't realize it while it's going on. It's only the next week, when I'm mildly crampy that it dawns on me what a pain in the butt I was the week before.

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And rarely had any discomfort during my cycle -- maybe a little cramping once or twice a year. I used to complain that my cycles were SO irregular (dr thought maybe I didn't ovulate which was a worry before I married and had children), but, knowing what others experience, I quit complaining!


Having children seemed to help reset my cycle calendar. Interesting. I see many others experienced significant body/cycle changes after pregnancy . . .

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