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Pooping gummi bears

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I awoke unreasonable early to the dulcet tones of my second son (the Tank) puking. My older son (Captain Science) then informed me that his puking little brother had opened the brand new "childproof" bottle of gummi vitamins and eaten quite a few.


When questioned, the Tank said he'd eaten "only four or five or six." A count of the bottle showed he'd eaten 12. I called poison control, concerned about the high dosage of vitamin A (the vitamins are iron-free, thank goodness) and was assured that he'd be fine -- but to be prepared, because he might "pass" partially digested or undigested gummi bears, since he'd swallowed them whole.


Oh. Joy.


My kid is going to be pooping gummi bears. :glare:


Someone tell me they had a colorful morning, too, so I feel less inept as a mother?

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I would reassure you but I'm too busy laughing!:lol::lol:


I am reminded of the time I changed my neice's diaper only to find the most beautiful pink and purple marbled poop. My SIL figured she must have made a meal of some construction paper. :)


The same gummi bear eating kid ate holiday tissue paper his first Christmas and pooped glitter. It was...festive.:D

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My 3 yo son was able to get a bottle of gummi bear vitamins open too! He didn't eat any but I was really concerned about the defect in the top. It really was a substandard "childproof" top. I sent an email to the company but never heard back. So for all the other moms with gummi bear vitamins, don't trust the lid or switch brands!

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My 3 yo son was able to get a bottle of gummi bear vitamins open too! He didn't eat any but I was really concerned about the defect in the top. It really was a substandard "childproof" top. I sent an email to the company but never heard back. So for all the other moms with gummi bear vitamins, don't trust the lid or switch brands!


Were they the Lil' Critters Gummi Vites sold at Costco?

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Just last week my 4 year old opened the "childproof" bottle of gummy vites. Yes, they are the Lil Critter ones, only I got them at Target.


Only, to be fair, the bottle was almost empty, and was only sitting out on the counter because I couldn't fit it in the cupboard since the new bottle was in there. I was in the kitchen with him and watched him to see if he could open it. First try, nope, second try, yup. So then I said, "Only two" to which I got an exasperated reply of, "I know, I know!"

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I don't know, but this is my all time favorite title for a thread!!






Well, I don't get to participate in the CC threads, so I figured a nice PG ("pooping gummies") thread would help bridge that gap.

Edited by smrtmama
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Well, you're totally missing out on instructions on how to make gummi bear candies look like they're pooping. I'm pretty sure someone could base an entire unit study around that!

I have Tazzie. I've seen that, first hand.


Oh, the things I've seen 'poop'.


From near to far, from here to there, pooping things are every where.


(Glad your ds is going to be ok!)

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A related story. . . . . .


We buy the same vitamins from Costco - when we went to visit my parents at Thanksgiving, I packed a bunch of those gummy vitamins in a plastic baggie, and left them in the kitchen (out of reach of kid)s.


My dad thought they were candy, and snacked on about 20 of them!


He was fine, but it was pretty funny. My bad for putting them in a baggie!

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Were they the Lil' Critters Gummi Vites sold at Costco?


I did research on these vitamins a few years ago and found that they were contaminated with lead. The manufacturer had been notified and replied that they knew but it was within acceptable levels and refused to make any changes. I verified through several sources and I believe that there was even a thread here about it. They may have corrected the issue since then but I wouldn't trust a company that knowingly produced and distributed a children food product that had lead in it. If you are using this product, you may want to do some research on it. The lid problem may be the least of your concerns.

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I had a beloved child eat about 1/2 lb of uncooked bacon once! My Dr. said she would be fine physically, but wondered outloud about her mental state! :001_huh: I think she was around 2 or 3 at the time. She took the bacon out of the fridge and ate it in her room.


Another one of my children snacked on tide powder detergent. Poison control said he would be fine, but would most likely fill up quite a few diapers--which he did!


At least your child chose to eat something that looked like candy!:tongue_smilie:

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My dd5 used to taken care of by my MIL at my husbands and her goldsmithing shop. This was when she was between 1-2 years old and I was working full time. She was wandering around the shop and got into a storage case and ate diamond chips. So the next day my dd pooped diamonds. It's a good thing they weren't the big expensive ones.:tongue_smilie:

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LOL, I've spent several hours in the ER with my two youngest high on an overdose of cold medication and coaxing them to drink charcoal. Youngest gagged on the charcoal and vomitted once. I had this medicine out of reach too. They just decided to go exploring. My kids LOVE taking medicine, they KNOW it's not candy. They haven't tried to get into anything since then though, charcoal is just NOT appealing- the texture is horrible, the color is horrible, it does NOT taste good. It does make for great pics though. Picture a 4yo and a 6yo sitting in a hospital bed with black mustaches and goatees, and black teeth and black tongues sticking out of their mouths with very forlorn expressions. :D

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