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facebook question...

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I just got the new facebook, and it appears as though getting "Most Recent" news feed is impossible--even though one clicks on "Most Recent." What I get is old stuff. Top News doesn't bring it either--that just gives me more old stuff.


Has anyone figured this out? Am I missing something?

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Go on the left side under Friends and click on Status Updates. That will take you back to just those like FB used to. But it doesn't stay like that, so you have to click on Status Updates every time you get on. It seems to fix the missing post problem and clears up some of the extra stuff that nobody really wants to see.

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Go on the left side under Friends and click on Status Updates. That will take you back to just those like FB used to. But it doesn't stay like that, so you have to click on Status Updates every time you get on. It seems to fix the missing post problem and clears up some of the extra stuff that nobody really wants to see.


It doesn't for me. It's still 5 hours behind. (and I did that thing were you set your feed to 5000)


It's just wonky right now. I'm sure they'll fix it eventually.

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I can sympathize; mine has been doing this all week. My dd posted three status updates in one day, but only one ever posted to my wall. The other ones (four days later) are still not there. What happened to them?


So, I went onto my dh's fb acct. and checked his news feed. He, somehow, blessedly, still had the old format. All of dd's posts were on his feed. Why would they be on this and not on mine? She is in college and I need to have her statuses post to my feed!!


And, while going through his feed, I found a status that my sister had posted.....and it never, ever hit my feed. Which really makes me mad, because she lives in another state and fb is the easiest, fastest, cheapest way for us to keep up with each other. Arrgggg! I needed to know that information when she posted it, NOT two days later when looking on my husband's account!!


So today, there is nothing new since last night on there all day long.....then at 3:30 in the afternoon, I finally get some statuses posted 6 and 7 hours ago. sigh.


Honestly, if they don't get it figured out pretty soon, I'm probably going to deactivate my acct. Younger Dd is seriously thinking of doing it right now. She has had it with fb and all their changes, and she is only 17, LOL.

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I agree with all! I don't like it, but I'm guessing that I'll probably get used to it and eventually stop being so annoyed with it. But I do wish they'd stop changing things all the time. I really don't care who my friends' new friends are, or what they did on Farmville, or what groups they joined, or any of that. I used to check status updates, recent photos, links, and videos, and that was enough for me. The rest is just annoying.


I'm guessing that they'll probably work out to bug of it not being up to date, cause then no one would want it!

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How does one "refresh"?


You should have a Refresh button at the top of your browser (mine is an arrow going around in a circle), but you can also put the cursor in the URL window and hit the Enter key. That reloads the page to the most current version.

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